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God, help us all!

The Alliance For Change (AFC) says they want the National Communications Network (NCN) to be reconstituted to function “just like the BBC”. But do they mean they want to have elderly television hosts sexually abuse young boys and girls for years and then have management cover the whole scandal up?

Early in 2013, four years after he died at age 84, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse of teens and young people were lodged against one of the BBC’s most famous and long-standing TV and radio presenters, Jimmy Savile. The scandal rocked the British Isles, as Savile was a popular entertainer, radio disc jockey, charity representative, and TV personality from the 1960s up until his death in 2009.


Speaking at a press conference yesterday Minister of Local Government Ganga Persaud said the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) was not meeting its obligations in governance. To highlight his point the Minister said it earned nearly $3 billion in 2012 from the collection of rates and taxes, yet little has been done in terms of rehabilitation and upkeep of the city which continues to overflow with garbage.


God, save us from Hamilton Greene who once campaigned for the Good & Green for Georgetown. He turn a beautiful city into a garbage dump and blame the government.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Regarding the local elections, it was revealed today that the PNC/AFC are using stalling tactics to keep their man Green in power as they continue to rehash items that were already resolved. 

Greene is sitting on his ass, making money and doing nothing. That's the PNC style of doing business. BGurd, You are right on target in regards to local election.

Originally Posted by Prince:

 But do they mean they want to have elderly television hosts sexually abuse young boys and girls for years and then have management cover the whole scandal up?


This is a relevant question for the PPP considering the reputation they earned from party stalwarts such as Kwame, Pandit Reep and Dr Beri Beri. 


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