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What this PPP government is doing is creating the conditions for race disturbance in the major cities.  Of course, these people try to rigg an election.  This is because of two reasons. 1. West African Blacks of Guyana have racial unity 2. West African blacks of Guyana consider themselves racially superior to the inferior coolies. This PPP government should move on.  Focus on Job creation and establishing good relations with the PNC because the PNC could have come down harder than they did on the PPP when they were in power

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@seignet posted:

I agree. This is an on going issue. The last time, Granger did not make the effort for unity and he had such a glorious opportunity to do it.

The PPP on the other hand, who profess to know better should act in that manner.

Let Progress be abound, there could be chance for tolerance.

PPP is doing it. You cannot ignore crimes and lawlessness. They arrested Jagdeo after PNC got in. What is wrong with prosecuting lawbreakers? Are the political leader who commit crimes immune from prosecution?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

PPP is doing it. You cannot ignore crimes and lawlessness. They arrested Jagdeo after PNC got in. What is wrong with prosecuting lawbreakers? Are the political leader who commit crimes immune from prosecution?

Prashad falling for the bait because he read some posters here making threats like "it is not going to end well". Those threats are inconsequential to the progress that Guyana is going to experience through the leadership of the PPP/C administration so Prashad should get on board and not be influenced by the ones threatening violence and mayhem.

The PPP/C mercilessly demolished the PNC even when the PNC was still in power earlier this year so to think that the PNC will do any better now that they pretty much have no power is grossly fool-hearty. But those who wish to be are free to be. Prashad must decide if he will allow himself to be intimidated but the cabal of hate and violence. Siggy is already drunk from all the Kool-Aid he drank. Hopefully Prashad hasn't gotten there too.


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