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The no confidence vote can only serve to make the country more democratic. 

As it stands...the two main parties, PNC and PPP will continue to dominate racial politics in Guyana. The glimmer of hope is that neither party command the support to win 51% of the vote.

Guyana needs a Third Party, small as it might be, to place the 2 dominant parties in check, whichever one emerges with the largest plurality of votes next year. 

Sadly, the AFC leaders were too drunk with power and they could not fulfill their stated intentions...they were more interested in going after the PPP. 

I am hoping the opportunity arises for the Amerindian party to fill this gap and play this role.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

They will suffer the same fate of the UF and KFC if they join with the PNC.

PNC is limping to its grave. Parties will be reluctant to join them in 2019. Moses and Ramjattan have no their choice but to morph into PNC. The Amerindians hold the key to power. The PPP needs them on their side. 

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

They will suffer the same fate of the UF and KFC if they join with the PNC.

I doubt an Amerindian Party will suffer the same faith as the AFC.

People will have more faith in an Amerindian party since it will be seen as legitimately representing Amerindian interests will be a new entity in Guyana...and they can easily make the convincing argument that neither the PPP or PNC represent their interests.

Any arrangement such a party make with the winner of the plurality, whether its the PNC or PPP, should respect their right to vote against the PNC or PPP in the interest of the nation....the Amerindian Party can in effect become an effective watchdog of the government and prevent the kind of excesses we have seen with the PNC or the PPP.

I also feel that this "coalition" or understanding before the election (though the Constitution prevents coalition after the election) will assure the losing party supporters (PNC or PPP) that their interests will be protected in this type of new alliance.

One thing for sure....Guyana will not benefit from continued racial divisions....

yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

Hey hey hey...ayoo really scare de third party eh? Ayoo want complete domination foh rape de aile money? 45% not good foh ayoo? 45% mean ayoo cyant give ayoo mattie pua cousion pickney wuk and contract? 

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

They will suffer the same fate of the UF and KFC if they join with the PNC.

I doubt an Amerindian Party will suffer the same faith as the AFC.

People will have more faith in an Amerindian party since it will be seen as legitimately representing Amerindian interests will be a new entity in Guyana...and they can easily make the convincing argument that neither the PPP or PNC represent their interests.

Any arrangement such a party make with the winner of the plurality, whether its the PNC or PPP, should respect their right to vote against the PNC or PPP in the interest of the nation....the Amerindian Party can in effect become an effective watchdog of the government and prevent the kind of excesses we have seen with the PNC or the PPP.

I also feel that this "coalition" or understanding before the election (though the Constitution prevents coalition after the election) will assure the losing party supporters (PNC or PPP) that their interests will be protected in this type of new alliance.

One thing for sure....Guyana will not benefit from continued racial divisions....

The reason for hate. Tell this to Vulga Lawrence who wants to hire PNC folks who look like her..

Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

Hey hey hey...ayoo really scare de third party eh? Ayoo want complete domination foh rape de aile money? 45% not good foh ayoo? 45% mean ayoo cyant give ayoo mattie pua cousion pickney wuk and contract? 

Looks like Salapenta man and Ronan were/was summoned back to Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

Hey hey hey...ayoo really scare de third party eh? Ayoo want complete domination foh rape de aile money? 45% not good foh ayoo? 45% mean ayoo cyant give ayoo mattie pua cousion pickney wuk and contract? 

Looks like Salapenta man and Ronan were/was summoned back to Guyana.

Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

Really!!!  What did we see happen yesterday??

However, I agree, coalition after election would also be effective!

Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

Hey hey hey...ayoo really scare de third party eh? Ayoo want complete domination foh rape de aile money? 45% not good foh ayoo? 45% mean ayoo cyant give ayoo mattie pua cousion pickney wuk and contract? 

It's interesting to hear people say 3rd party brings nothing after what we saw yesterday.  Remember also, it was the 3trd party which brought down the PPP and forced early election inn 2015!  I guess that's the part some don't like.  But bring down the PNC, great!!

Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

Thats not a solution Mars....think about that statement you are making....

If the PPP is excluded, it means most Indos will still not see the govt as representing their interests...

yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

As of now I dont think that Guyanese care one bit about what politicians do.  They will enjoy Xmas and then figure out how to generate a life afterwards. 

28 years of the PNC, 23 of the PPP and now 3 of APNU/AFC and Guyana still falls at the bottom of every statistic in the English speaking Caribbean, forcing many to flee to elsewhere in the Caribbean.

There is also no time for a third party. An Amerindian party was already formed. Where is it today?

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Thats not a solution Mars....think about that statement you are making....

If the PPP is excluded, it means most Indos will still not see the govt as representing their interests...

And if the PPP wins blacks will see a gov't which excluded them for 23 years doing this again.  Jagdeo is mentioning names of the same anti black people who were there excluding them before.  A tiger doesnt change his stripes, or a leopard his spots.

I wish that people will learn that unless they discuss both groups in one sentence they aren't talking solution.

Plus why is it always what Indians want? If I didn't post on GNI some might think that there were no blacks living in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

 Remember also, it was the 3trd party which brought down the PPP and forced early election inn 2015!  I guess that's the part some don't like.  But bring down the PNC, great!!

So instead of Harmon making oil money its Jagdeo. Yippee but what does that mean for average Guyanese? I just dont see this as the beginning of a new day. Just a resumption of the "23" years.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

The no confidence vote can only serve to make the country more democratic. 


How? One party rubbing their hands in anticipation of oil money and the other a coalition of two parties now angry that this will be blocked from this.

Not sure where the rest of Guyana fits into all of this.

No, to stop the main party from abusing its mandate and the people.  The PNC always screw up.  They have some good ideas, but their racist souls always fouls up!

Alyuh forget, you do need Indians and other races to win.  Then you have your Voldas ranting racist politics, and alyuh circle the wagons and defend and support her.  Well, one coolie man seh enuff is enuff and it's over!

Learn for the future.  Heed the advise of Charrandas, eradicate the racists in your ranks!

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

Hey hey hey...ayoo really scare de third party eh? Ayoo want complete domination foh rape de aile money? 45% not good foh ayoo? 45% mean ayoo cyant give ayoo mattie pua cousion pickney wuk and contract? 

It's interesting to hear people say 3rd party brings nothing after what we saw yesterday.  Remember also, it was the 3trd party which brought down the PPP and forced early election inn 2015!  I guess that's the part some don't like.  But bring down the PNC, great!! are smart enough to understand what I am saying because you have written about this elsewhere....

When you get off your chauvanistic winner take all attitude after the victory celebration and hangover from last night, you should remember that the PPP is very good at WINNING elections and at playing OPPOSITION. They have a terrible record of governing and staying in power...its either their terms of office are forced to be cut short (Janet Jagan, Ramotar) or that their supporters are always at the brunt of brutality (whether its as electoral violence, escaped prisoner violence ,etc). So if you think the PPP will win in 3 months and will be able to GOVERN you should think again....its a minority party, and your PPP leaders must adjust accordingly to act as a minority party.

But of course, you and the PPP live in a dreamland expecting that the PNC will fold up and the PPP will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix. 

That being said, despite the dismal experience with coalition, the PPP will have to find a way to play accommodation rather than winner take all politics. This means the politics of alliance should be in the cards.   This is why a third party, even an Amerindian Party, which holds the balance of power can weather the storm and provide some level of stability. An Amerindian Party should establish with both the PPP and PNC such an opposed to the AFC which made it clear that the PPP was the devil. 

Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

No, to stop the main party from abusing its mandate and the people. 

Interesting that 4 years ago we had a successful NC when the other party was accused of abusing its mandate.

Please describe what steps has the PPP taken to prove that it isnt the party that it was in 2011 and 2015 when the majority of the population rejected it.

Like I said tweedle dee and tweedle dum.  Jagdeo getting his oil money and Harmon vexed that he isnt going to get this.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

Hey hey hey...ayoo really scare de third party eh? Ayoo want complete domination foh rape de aile money? 45% not good foh ayoo? 45% mean ayoo cyant give ayoo mattie pua cousion pickney wuk and contract? 

It's interesting to hear people say 3rd party brings nothing after what we saw yesterday.  Remember also, it was the 3trd party which brought down the PPP and forced early election inn 2015!  I guess that's the part some don't like.  But bring down the PNC, great!! are smart enough to understand what I am saying because you have written about this elsewhere....

When you get off your chauvanistic winner take all attitude after the victory celebration and hangover from last night, you should remember that the PPP is very good at WINNING elections and at playing OPPOSITION. They have a terrible record of governing and staying in power...its either their terms of office are forced to be cut short (Janet Jagan, Ramotar) or that their supporters are always at the brunt of brutality (whether its as electoral violence, escaped prisoner violence ,etc). So if you think the PPP will win in 3 months and will be able to GOVERN you should think again....its a minority party, and your PPP leaders must adjust accordingly to act as a minority party.

But of course, you and the PPP live in a dreamland expecting that the PNC will fold up and the PPP will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix. 

That being said, despite the dismal experience with coalition, the PPP will have to find a way to play accommodation rather than winner take all politics. This means the politics of alliance should be in the cards.   This is why a third party, even an Amerindian Party, which holds the balance of power can weather the storm and provide some level of stability. An Amerindian Party should establish with both the PPP and PNC such an opposed to the AFC which made it clear that the PPP was the devil. 

Read again before you run off on your endless rant!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

As of now I dont think that Guyanese care one bit about what politicians do.  They will enjoy Xmas and then figure out how to generate a life afterwards. 

28 years of the PNC, 23 of the PPP and now 3 of APNU/AFC and Guyana still falls at the bottom of every statistic in the English speaking Caribbean, forcing many to flee to elsewhere in the Caribbean.

There is also no time for a third party. An Amerindian party was already formed. Where is it today?

You might be surprised to see what 3 months can produce...this might be a good opportunity for the Amerindian Party.....I dont think the Amerindian Party has been launched as yet....we forget that they dont have to become a national party...they just need to control the swing vote in Parliament by winning a few seats.....

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyanese do not have an appetite for a third party after what the AFC power hungry clowns did to them. The only potential party emerging is an Amerindian Party. 

As of now I dont think that Guyanese care one bit about what politicians do.  They will enjoy Xmas and then figure out how to generate a life afterwards. 

28 years of the PNC, 23 of the PPP and now 3 of APNU/AFC and Guyana still falls at the bottom of every statistic in the English speaking Caribbean, forcing many to flee to elsewhere in the Caribbean.

There is also no time for a third party. An Amerindian party was already formed. Where is it today?

You might be surprised to see what 3 months can produce...this might be a good opportunity for the Amerindian Party.....I dont think the Amerindian Party has been launched as yet....we forget that they dont have to become a national party...they just need to control the swing vote in Parliament by winning a few seats.....

The Amerindian party was aiming for early in the year. It is a hard task to formalize the party structure and also launch a campaign in 3 months. We will see. 

Stormborn posted:
Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

PNC is a Goliath? I am going to assume you didn't see the debate yesterday.

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:

That being said, despite the dismal experience with coalition, the PPP will have to find a way to play accommodation rather than winner take all politics. 

Even when the PPP only had 49% they screamed "mandate" and refused to talk to the opposition.

So no they will not change and this is evident by the fact that as Jagdeo seeks to select his candidate he isnt looking at some one who maybe might reduce the anxieties of the black/mixed vote upon seeing the PPP back, maybe angry and full of vengeance.

Jagdeo thinks that he can select the "ahbe pan tap" crowd, take pictures with a few black tokens, who no one knows, and then all is solved.  People like baseman will condescendingly tell blacks to accept their second class status, thank Indians for coming to Guyana to save them and just keep quiet and know their place.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

No, to stop the main party from abusing its mandate and the people. 

Interesting that 4 years ago we had a successful NC when the other party was accused of abusing its mandate.

Please describe what steps has the PPP taken to prove that it isnt the party that it was in 2011 and 2015 when the majority of the population rejected it.

Like I said tweedle dee and tweedle dum.  Jagdeo getting his oil money and Harmon vexed that he isnt going to get this.

It's hard for anyone to assess if they are or not the same party pre-2015.  Only time will tell.  I cannot vouch for that except hoping they had time to reflect on their mistakes.

But for sure, after 23 years in the back bench, the old PNC was back in full swing within the APNU!  That has been proven!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

PNC is a Goliath? I am going to assume you didn't see the debate yesterday.

They do command at least 40-45% of the vote. I suspect that one cannot dismiss a party of this strength even if their MPs were too arrogant to prepare, not knowing that someone in their midst had already accepted his pieces of silver.  Even though they were warned that this was going to happen.  Some folks even have the number and it is a healthy sum.

Baseman posted:

It's hard for anyone to assess if they are or not the same party pre-2015. 

How hard is this. We are only hearing Jagdeo running his mouth, already chatting about his old PPP cronies who will guarantee that he will get his oil money.

Seems that all is back. Just now we will hear about the Phantoms and then all the pieces will be back in place.

Baseman posted:

But for sure, after 23 years in the back bench, the old PNC was back in full swing within the APNU!  That has been proven!

Really! You all yesterday were screaming that by now GT would in in ruins and Indians would have been huddling in fear in Suriname like those Muslims in Myanmar.

What happened?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

PNC is a Goliath? I am going to assume you didn't see the debate yesterday.

In terms of expression of power the PNC is as powerful as the PPP. I did look at the debate and listened to the bilge being forwarded by both sides. Guyana is the worse for these parties and for the likes of the kleptocrat Jagdeo. 

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

But for sure, after 23 years in the back bench, the old PNC was back in full swing within the APNU!  That has been proven!

Really! You all yesterday were screaming that by now GT would in in ruins and Indians would have been huddling in fear in Suriname like those Muslims in Myanmar.

What happened?

True true, I have to give it to you there.  This does bode well for Guyana as the Indian base (especially GT) will view this threat less and less and will tolerate less nonsense from the PPP also.

I have to say, the reaction of the PNC base was admirable given many of our expectations.

I give you this point!!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

PNC is a Goliath? I am going to assume you didn't see the debate yesterday.

They do command at least 40-45% of the vote. I suspect that one cannot dismiss a party of this strength even if their MPs were too arrogant to prepare, not knowing that someone in their midst had already accepted his pieces of silver.  Even though they were warned that this was going to happen.  Some folks even have the number and it is a healthy sum.

If you split the 20% mixed vote and give them half the Amerind vote they are on par tit the PPP.  The problem here is the uncertainty of the electorate. Even in times of heightened alertness 30 percent stay home and that is about the same amount in Indian and African communities. During the last local government elections a gargantuan 60 percent avoided the polls. One can excuse about half of that as merely to disinterest in local polls. It still means something is amiss in terms of enthusiasm for both parties.

Stormborn posted:
Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

Duh is de main powah of the third party now. Is de only way to discipline Bharrat and he gang.  

Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Mars posted:

A third party does not have much power unless the constitution is changed. The only choice they have is to form a coalition with APNU to match the PPP support base which is larger due to race based voting in Guyana. 

two votes is all that is necessary to veto anything in parliament or topple the government as today. A third party, aptly constituted can be the strongest force to hold these two Goliaths in check

PNC is a Goliath? I am going to assume you didn't see the debate yesterday.

They do command at least 40-45% of the vote. I suspect that one cannot dismiss a party of this strength even if their MPs were too arrogant to prepare, not knowing that someone in their midst had already accepted his pieces of silver.  Even though they were warned that this was going to happen.  Some folks even have the number and it is a healthy sum.

If you split the 20% mixed vote and give them half the Amerind vote they are on par tit the PPP.  The problem here is the uncertainty of the electorate. Even in times of heightened alertness 30 percent stay home and that is about the same amount in Indian and African communities. During the last local government elections a gargantuan 60 percent avoided the polls. One can excuse about half of that as merely to disinterest in local polls. It still means something is amiss in terms of enthusiasm for both parties.

Turn out goin to be high. Blackman see de no confidence as coolie trying foh tek away dem aile money. De no confidence will bring massive African turnout. Jagdoe will turn out he coolies and Greenige will turn out he blackman. Hey hey hey...Schuman and de new coastal party could be de wild cyard here. 

Baseman posted:
True true, I have to give it to you there.  This does bode well for Guyana as the Indian base (especially GT) will view this threat less and less and will tolerate less nonsense from the PPP also.

I have to say, the reaction of the PNC base was admirable given many of our expectations.

I give you this point!!

Compare Granger with Ramotar.  The latter prorogued parliament to prevent a vote. Granger let it go forward with a slight delay.

And most blacks are watching to see how Jagdeo behaves and who he selects. It looks like one of two big crooks, Irfaan, or Anil. Not Anthony who I dont think that non PPP voters detest or the young Ramson who is at least willing to entertain talk of the need for inclusion, even if he does so from an exclusively Indian perspective. At least he is educable.  Not Anil nor Jagdeo.


Labba posted:

Turn out goin to be high. Blackman see de no confidence as coolie trying foh tek away dem aile money. De no confidence will bring massive African turnout. Jagdoe will turn out he coolies and Greenige will turn out he blackman. Hey hey hey...Schuman and de new coastal party could be de wild cyard here. 

And you think that tribal voting is good? So when the second largest tribe attribute their loss because the largest tribe is blocking them what happens?  How about if people try to avoid this scenario altogether.

But no "we tek back to country from blackman and me nah care who is de presidents once is a 'coolie' like me".  If Indians heard blacks with the same crap I wonder how will they feel?  Dont think that it cannot happen, because as we speak there are those on the ground attempting to do exactly that.

Baseman posted:

True true, I have to give it to you there.  This does bode well for Guyana as the Indian base (especially GT) will view this threat less and less and will tolerate less nonsense from the PPP also.

I have to say, the reaction of the PNC base was admirable given many of our expectations.

I give you this point!!

So when black people start drumming "Coolie tek way black man government and me gun ensure dat a next black man rule Guyana" how will they act?

I will suggest to you that Indians ought to be loud in ensuring that Jagdeo's ethnically based Machiavellian plot is addressed in such a manner that people dont fear being ethnically excluded as a result of this. And no Jagdeo kissing black women (while they struggle to escape his grasp).

What is done is done. Rather than forcing the Coalition to allow discussions around a revised constitution, which vests less power in the President, strengthens local gov't and reduces the "winner take all" with the zero sum tribal war that this implies, Jagdeo does a power grab.

So we are back to our tribal war AKA Guyanese elections.

Last edited by Former Member

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