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There are constantly many arguments made over gold, in the media and other places. Some for, some against. Some claim that it will go to 10K per ounce some claim it will go back below 500.00


Throughout history gold has been money, that has not changed except for the fact that today it is not accepted everywhere as legal tender neither can you can you go to the bank and demand any percentage of your money in gold. Today fiat money it is measured in gold and not vice versa. Gold is the measure of value for everything.


Gold’s value throughout most of history has remained constant. Here is an example of how it works; from the 1900 to today 20 ounces of gold will buy you at least a half decent ecomony car for most of those years –  e.g. a Toyota Corolla type or better. Today it can buy a bit more but this could revert back to the mean. If one were to go back 5000 yrs, it is said that an ounce of gold could buy you a half decent Toga, today an ounce of gold can still buy you a half decent suit. While the value of the toga cannot really be verified 5000 years ago, if you were to go back to the advent of the suit you will see that the ounce of gold principle holds true.


In the end, everything is measured by gold over time and for most of that time the value is consistent and always reverts back to its historical mean value.


As an investor is gold the best investment? Not necessarily; the best thing would be a diversified portfolio. However, in time of crisis the best investment may be farm land – at least you can grow something to eat. At the end of the day, invest based on solid data not hearsay.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Do you really under the meaning and use of the word espousing?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Actually there are messages in what I posted but I do not think you got it – reread without any preconceptions. It would be very naive for me or you to say we know how the other has done without knowing each other in regards to your “ketch sense” reference.


While I am not rich I have done ok in my investments, of which gold is a big part, to the point that I am debt free and worth seven figures, so do not assume you know anyone. In the end while it is nice to have some material, it still cannot guarantee your happiness. If all one thinks they need in life to be happy is a lot of money then it is a very hollow existence.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Bai PK, one month you tell us to buy gold. The next month you tell us it is not a good investment.

Just as well I didn't listen to you in the first place.

I think the key in anything is to be dynamic and diversify.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Actually there are messages in what I posted but I do not think you got it – reread without any preconceptions. It would be very naive for me or you to say we know how the other has done without knowing each other in regards to your “ketch sense” reference.


While I am not rich I have done ok in my investments, of which gold is a big part, to the point that I am debt free and worth seven figures, so do not assume you know anyone. In the end while it is nice to have some material, it still cannot guarantee your happiness. If all one thinks they need in life to be happy is a lot of money then it is a very hollow existence.

A very philosophical outlook considering how your were extolling the virtues of gold in the past over other forms of investments. Hopefully you are reducing your position graciously out of gold before it hits rock bottom and your wealth is reduced to double digits. Be smart, don't let pride cloud your judgement.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Do you really under the meaning and use of the word espousing?

It is a word with different meanings, I don't claim to be a wordsmith like d2 but it is a phrase that is commonly used

Being part of a movement to bring the “human element” back to the workplace and espousing the virtues of social collaboration to the Enterprise.

espousing  present participle of es·pouse(Verb)

  1. Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life).
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Do you really under the meaning and use of the word espousing?

It is a word with different meanings, I don't claim to be a wordsmith like d2 but it is a phrase that is commonly used

Being part of a movement to bring the “human element” back to the workplace and espousing the virtues of social collaboration to the Enterprise.

espousing  present participle of es·pouse(Verb)

  1. Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life).

. . . and, therefore, u were using it incorrectly!


run along now

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Do you really under the meaning and use of the word espousing?

It is a word with different meanings, I don't claim to be a wordsmith like d2 but it is a phrase that is commonly used

Being part of a movement to bring the “human element” back to the workplace and espousing the virtues of social collaboration to the Enterprise.

espousing  present participle of es·pouse(Verb)

  1. Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life).

. . . and, therefore, u were using it incorrectly!


run along now

No tk alter ego, replace the word espousing with supporting or adopting in my sentence and the meaning is pretty much the same. Not because you are a PHD means that you can speak down to the rest of us. hahhahaha

Politricks, you were a few years back supporting/adopting the virtues of gold


ahmmm druggie . . . here's the 'full measure' of your illiteracy:


"Politricks, you were a few years back espousing [i.e., supporting/adopting] the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments."


nice try . . . har de har har har har!

Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm druggie . . . here's the 'full measure' of your illiteracy:


"Politricks, you were a few years back espousing [i.e., supporting/adopting] the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments."


nice try . . . har de har har har har!

Ok mr phd, you win, I never claimed to be an expert in the English language. However in the common sense department you fail miserably as evidenced by your stubborn support of the AFC/PNC bandits. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Politricks, you were a few years back espousing the virtues of gold in favor of housing and stocks as investments. Today it look like you ketch sense. ahaha

Gold is rarely an investment, just a good hedge.  Price was driven up due to macro-economic sentiments and monetary policy, e. g. QE, etc and demand out of India.


For an individual, rather than Gold, why not invest in Oil/Gas, platinum, silver and diamonds all of which are consumed in industrial activity.


The problem with gold, diamonds, platinum etc.  At the end of the day you have to find another person willing to give you dollars for that metal.  When gold was 200 dollars an ounce. I could not find anyone to buy my gold.  When platinum was 800 dollars an ounce I could not find any dealer who was willing to buy my platinum,  It was as if I was selling them poison.  They would end the conversation on the phone in 2 to 3 minutes. Now silver is a different issue. It is an industrial metal also that the earth is running out of.  They will always be a need for silver.


baseman you got to get with the times buddy. They can now easily make industrial diamonds in the labs.  Plus Russia recently found an astroid that crashed there that have millions of industrial diamonds. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

baseman you got to get with the times buddy. They can now easily make industrial diamonds in the labs.  Plus Russia recently found an astroid that crashed there that have millions of industrial diamonds. 

Banna, do your research.  It could be done technically, but still much more costly than natural.  Now you throw the Russian astroid nonsense.  I don't think they even dug it out of the lake as yet and the recovered fragment does not indicate that.


I think though, industrial grade will decline as laser and other technologies replace the need.  Gold on that other hand have little industrial use except in high-end micro circuitry with is miniscule in demand.


Originally Posted by Prashad:

When this come on the market Baseman it would be something

Ok, you talking about the 35 mil year old astroid.  I thought you meant the one which recently impacted.  That is a lot of diamonds to make every woman on this planet very happy.


I heard about this astroid find about a year ago. It was a Soviet cold war secret. The Russians never showed anyone the diamonds.  Most likely they are not gem quality but may be industrial diamonds.  Companies like Harry Winston, Anglo American/De Beers will never allow the Russians to put all those diamonds on the market and bring down the price.  They may probably buy those diamonds up from the Russians and keep them off of the market.

Originally Posted by Wally:

 Companies like Harry Winston, Anglo American/De Beers will never allow the Russians to put all those diamonds on the market and bring down the price. 

The Russians are quite smart with their resources. They won't allow anyone to mess up their markets. The Europeans have been trying that with the gas bought from Russia but so far it is the Russians who are laughing.


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