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Gold earnings shine for Guyana’s economy

March 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



Gold last year continued its run as being Guyana’s biggest earner.

-    country records 4.8% growth in 2012, VAT rakes in $58.6B

Guyana’s economy recorded a 4.8% growth rate last year with government projecting an ambitious 5.3% for 2013.
During his budget presentation Monday in the National Assembly, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh did not surprise with disclosures that gold remained king of the country’s economy.
A rush to the interior amidst high world prices for gold has seen government smiling all the way to the bank.
It will be the seventh consecutive year that Guyana is recording positive growth rates and comes at a time when government would want to badly prove its critics wrong.
Last year, a combined opposition, buoyed by its one-seat majority, slashed almost $20B from the national budget. The cuts targeted Office of the President, the Government Information Agency (GINA) and National Communications Network (NCN). The matter had gone to court and government, much to the displeasure of the opposition, interpreted the ruling to restore the monies that were taken away by the opposition parties.
There have been attempts at talks during the preparation of the budget for the ministries, state agencies and regional administrations, but both government and the opposition have been blaming each other for a lack of progress.
Under the $208.8B budget for 2013, themed “Overcoming Challenges Together, Accelerating Gains For Guyana”, government made it clear that Guyana is poised to capitalize on a number of transformative projects, despite the challenging global crisis.
“Looking ahead to 2013 and beyond, our Government’s policy agenda continues to be aimed at building a Guyana that is truly a land of opportunity and prosperity for all, and we will remain undaunted and unfazed in our quest to realise this vision.”
Last year, the sugar industry contracted 7.8%, after delivering total production of 218,070 tonnes. Singh blamed this on industrial relations disruptions and inclement weather patterns.
Rice, meanwhile, recorded another year of outstanding performance, with total production growing by 5% to 422,057 tonnes, the highest tonnage produced in any one year in the industry’s entire history.
“Livestock production increased by 14.4 percent, driven primarily by heightened demand, especially in mining communities. The fisheries industry grew by 15.5 percent with an expanded trawling fleet in operation. The forestry industry recorded a 4.3 percent decline with total production of 369,645 cubic metres.”
It was the strong showing of the gold mining and quarrying industry that saw a 14.8% growth over 2011. “Declared gold production of 438,645 ounces was the highest recorded in the entire history of the gold industry excluding Omai production, and was 20.8 percent higher than 2011.”
The bauxite industry recorded growth in value added of 12.5 percent, with production of 2,213,972 tonnes.
However, “production of diamond and stone recorded declines of 22.2 percent and 10.8 percent respectively, while sand production recorded a 76.5 percent increase which, when taken together, resulted in the other mining subsector recording a decline of 14.6 percent.”
Gold export raked in US$716.9 million, a 38.7 percent increase over 2011, with the industry benefitting from a 6% favourable price movement and a 30.8% increase in export volume.
Sugar took in US$132.1M which increased by 15.1 percent, despite the lowest production.
According to Minister Singh, rice export grew by 13.3% to US$196.2M, underlying which were a 9.4 percent increase in volume and a 3.5 percent increase in prices.
Last year, total imports increased by 11.7% to US$2B.
Overseas-based Guyanese sending home monies to their families also helped boost remittances to US$419.2 remitted.
“The Bank of Guyana ended the year with total external reserves of US$862.2 million, the highest end of year position ever in our country’s history, and equivalent to four months of imports.”
Fisheries also saw a 15.5% increase in production, but forestry earning declined amidst tighter monitoring.
Last year, tax revenue collections, which represented 91.5 percent of total current revenue collections, amounted to $118.3 billion, a 6.2 percent increase over 2011.
“Value Added Tax (VAT) and excise tax collections increased by 7.2 percent to $56.8 billion with increased VAT collections from imports and domestic supplies, and increased excise tax collected on all categories of taxable goods except fuel.” (Leonard Gildarie)

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Guyana braces for fallout as gold prices slide

April 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


- authorities to meet miners, other stakeholders tomorrow

By Leonard Gildarie

A critical meeting is set for tomorrow between Government and miners to assess the fallouts from a worrisome drop in gold prices on the world market.
Prices had fallen to US$1,477.60 per ounce of raw gold, yesterday. It had reached a high of over US$1,900 as nervous investors in face of the global financial downturn, banked on the metal.

Gold miners

Guyana especially would be jittery over the price drop which in all indications will continue its slide in the days to come.
Gold has become the country’s biggest foreign exchange earner, eclipsing the performance of the mainstay products sugar and rice.
The gold fields have steadily been attracting workers from the forestry, construction and even the sugar sector as the lure of the shiny metal and high paying jobs proved too much. Local banks have been all too happy to lend millions of dollars to buy equipment and to fund operations. Excavators, which could cost up to $40M each, have been selling like crazy.
More than US$100M has been invested each year for the past three years or so, Government has said. Last year, gold production reached a record breaking high of 438,645 ounces, in the absence of large scale producer Omai Gold. The commodity earned US$737M.
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment yesterday, it has been following the downward movement of the price of gold which recorded its lowest in the last 21 months on Friday afternoon.
“This is the lowest level of prices for gold since July 2011.”
According to the Ministry, cuts in 2013 gold average price forecasts by Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs triggered technical selling. Earlier this week, Deutsche Bank lowered its average gold price forecast for 2013 by 11.8 percent to US 1,637 dollars an ounce, while Goldman Sachs slashed its gold price forecast for 2013 from US 1,610 dollars an ounce to US 1,545 dollars.
In addition, the U.S. economic data released Friday dampened gold.
According to the Ministry, its Minister, Robert Persaud, will be leading a team to the special meeting tomorrow. The meeting will involve all licenced gold dealers and members of the gold sub-sector “to discuss the various issues and impacts of the volatility in gold prices on the local economy”.
New reports are now indicating that the gold price bubble seems to have burst.
Prices came under pressure, following heavy selling by institutional investors, amid fears central banks would act on the lines of the European Union, which had said Cyprus needed to sell gold reserves to raise about euro 400 million to meet its financing needs.
According to World Gold Council’s latest data, Cyprus holds only 13.9 tonnes of gold (62.4 per cent of its total reserves). Now, there are concerns that other struggling countries such as Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain may be pushed to do the same.
Together, these countries hold about 3,230 tonnes of gold, worth about euro 125 billion.
Gold prices saw about a decade of Bull Run – from 2001 to September 2011 – when prices rose to a high of $1,900/oz, resulting in returns of about 700 per cent. From that peak, prices have fallen about 22 per cent.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look how this pedophile praying for gold prices to fall so Guyana can fail.

On what account are you calling the man filthy names? Address the very important topic above and quit being an ass.


If gold is halved in price this year and it accounted for 4% of Gy growth it means that almost all of the predicted growth for the next year will be significantly lower and that is hell to pay for our borrowing.


Again, as TK noted, that prediction was extremely optimistic and given reality is bitch slapping the PPP here you need to ask what are the ramifications for them in a possible snap elections?

PNC Indians like Mitwah would love to see gold prices drop further so that they can further assist their PNC brothers and sisters in trying to bring down the PPP government. What is bad for Guyana is good for PNC Indians.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
PNC Indians like Mitwah would love to see gold prices drop further so that they can further assist their PNC brothers and sisters in trying to bring down the PPP government. What is bad for Guyana is good for PNC Indians.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look how this pedophile praying for gold prices to fall so Guyana can fail.

On what account are you calling the man filthy names? Address the very important topic above and quit being an ass.


If gold is halved in price this year and it accounted for 4% of Gy growth it means that almost all of the predicted growth for the next year will be significantly lower and that is hell to pay for our borrowing.


Again, as TK noted, that prediction was extremely optimistic and given reality is bitch slapping the PPP here you need to ask what are the ramifications for them in a possible snap elections?

Who did I call names? Where are you when I am harassed on a daily basis? I would appreciate it if you speak out against those that have been harassing me for years and stop supporting pedophiles.


I know you are another who pray for gold to drop for land preservation reasons. However the Amerindians will suffer more, right now many make a good living working in the gold fields.


Gold will not sustain a low price as there are other factors driving up the price other than it being a safe haven. The prosperity of people in different parts of the world have driven prices due to spending on jewellery. Also gold is being used in electronics.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
PNC Indians like Mitwah would love to see gold prices drop further so that they can further assist their PNC brothers and sisters in trying to bring down the PPP government. What is bad for Guyana is good for PNC Indians.

You are rapidly beating DG as the most inane poster on the site. Please be mindful and ease up on the stupid race baiting and address the reality that something is happening external to our political persuasion that will heavily impact our economic and  political realities.


Growth will  be impacted significantly. We already had an overly optimistic assessment if of it so there is little margin to play around with. It will hamper our ability to sustain our extensive borrowing habits to finance non revenue producing assets ( potential earnings being remote as to call them non producing). It therefore  becomes  an increasingly difficult sell for the PPP  to label their strategy as "progress and development" and easier to see with it really is, slight of hand enrichment schemes.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look how this pedophile praying for gold prices to fall so Guyana can fail.

On what account are you calling the man filthy names? Address the very important topic above and quit being an ass.


If gold is halved in price this year and it accounted for 4% of Gy growth it means that almost all of the predicted growth for the next year will be significantly lower and that is hell to pay for our borrowing.


Again, as TK noted, that prediction was extremely optimistic and given reality is bitch slapping the PPP here you need to ask what are the ramifications for them in a possible snap elections?

Who did I call names? Where are you when I am harassed on a daily basis? I would appreciate it if you speak out against those that have been harassing me for years and stop supporting pedophiles.


I know you are another who pray for gold to drop for land preservation reasons. However the Amerindians will suffer more, right now many make a good living working in the gold fields.


Gold will not sustain a low price as there are other factors driving up the price other than it being a safe haven. The prosperity of people in different parts of the world have driven prices due to spending on jewellery. Also gold is being used in electronics.

Amerindians suffer regardless of the price of gold. They do not benefit directly to the extent that they can build wealth. It is the brokers and dredge owners who profit and these are mainly outsiders. Note when the streams are polluted and the eco system devastated these outsiders will no longer have to live with the consequence. Lots of new materials are coming on stream to replace precious metals as efficient conductors. The Price of gold, silver and platinum was one of the reasons that spurred growth in research in these areas.


More than US$100M has been invested each year for the past three years or so, Government has said. Last year, gold production reached a record breaking high of 438,645 ounces, in the absence of large scale producer Omai Gold. The commodity earned US$737M.
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment yesterday, it has been following the downward movement of the price of gold which recorded its lowest in the last 21 months on Friday afternoon.
“This is the lowest level of prices for gold since July 2011.”
According to the Ministry, cuts in 2013 gold average price forecasts by Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs triggered technical selling. Earlier this week, Deutsche Bank lowered its average gold price forecast for 2013 by 11.8 percent to US 1,637 dollars an ounce, while Goldman Sachs slashed its gold price forecast for 2013 from US 1,610 dollars an ounce to US 1,545 dollars.
In addition, the U.S. economic data released Friday dampened gold.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look how this pedophile praying for gold prices to fall so Guyana can fail.

The govt itself reveals hwo dependent Guyana is on gold prices and remittances, neither within their control, and both collectively earning about $1 Billion.  Of course these earnings are also responsible for most of the growth of retail and construction.


Suriname is also doing well for similar reasons.  So what has any of this to do with new programs to stimulate the economy, or to reduce its dependence on high commodity prices and strong levels of remittances.


Note what Suriname is doing to try to increase its value added from commodities.


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