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Former Member

However, that is not to say it will go up soon. It was below par value since the 80’s and did not go over it until around 2011; it took twenty years for gold to hit par value and go over. It may very well do the same thing again, it is difficult to tell. However, it will hit its par value and go over at some point again and if one has the money and time to wait then Gold is a good investment and a great insurance policy for a financial portfolio.

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The main commercial impetus for gold is the nation of India.  Beyond that, the other major impetus is a hedge (frequently used by central banks) against devaluation because as Wally said, it never goes to zero.


Furthermore, as Wally inferred, wealthy investors (like Wally) and portfolio managers dip in when they believe it's oversold and presents a capital gain opportunity.


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