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Dear Editor,

Racism is very evil and must not be tolerated  in any shape or form by the PPP or the PNC. Both parties are guilty of practising racial and political discrimination in government, in varying degrees, some may argue. But who is more discriminatory than the other does not get us anywhere. The essential thing is to recognise that it does exist and to stamp it out completely.

Both parties will say that they have members from the different race groups in leading positions in their respective parties, but does that make them non-racial? The fact is that neither of the two race-based parties have been able to cross the racial divide. It tells us a lot about their structures, policies, programmes, internal democracy and political and international outlook.

The reactionary elements in the PNC, like the PPP,  would not like us to remind them of their discrimination. Oh, no.  It would appear to some in the PNC that it is an anti-racist party, although that is far from the truth. Mr Hamilton Green has a lot to answer for, and unless he leads this process of reconciliation the nation will not be healed. The ordinary Indian Guyanese must be able to see the PNC as a truly multiracial movement for change.

Mr David Granger has stalled the process of building a very broad-based alliance, given his role of Chairman of APNU. He has failed the nation dismally by his sterile leadership and his inability to establish a formidable relationship with the AFC. He has been very arrogant to members and supporters of the APNU, bringing his ex-soldier attitude into his political life.  He should take a leaf out of the book of Eddie Collins, a former chief-of-staff of the Guyanese army, who displays a perfect people’s personality.

Mr Granger has been too secretive in dealing with matters to do with the public. We must call on him to be democratically accountable, as we do with President Ramotar; neither of them has delivered anything substantial to the nation.

With respect to constitutional reform, all the parties in Guyana say that there is urgent need for constitutional and electoral reforms – really? I just don’t believe them. I do not like political parties, left, right or centre. The structure of parties always leads to one form of dictatorship or another, depending on which one is in power.

We need to work towards what you call peoplesβ€˜ power, which is very much hated by these power hungry politicians in Guyana.

We need to establish a very broad-based movement, where ordinary people can have a meaningful say in the running of  things on the ground, and not be directed by overgrown political bureaucrats who just want to get their hands in the public coffers.

David Granger of the PNC-APNU and Khemraj Ramjattan of the AFC have done absolutely nothing to amend our constitution created by Forbes Burnham. Why? Because all of them hope that each of them will get a turn to rule under the minority government structure that prevails at the moment.

They talk a lot of nonsense about not wanting a Westminster-style government, meaning a British-type of government. Are they so ignorant that they do not know that Guyana does not have a democracy? On which planet do they live? The British are able to form a coalition government; constitutionally we cannot do that all due to the current PNC constitution which the PNC and PPP do not want to change.

The matter is very simple: The combined opposition need to bring a motion in the National Assembly calling for a referendum.  When the motion is passed, they will have the upper hand to campaign for it nationally and internationally.

If the President then refuses to sign a Bill, he and the PPP will be totally exposed for continuing this petty dictatorial rule. Given the low morale of the Guyanese people, they will not like the end result, which will be one of further destruction of the PPP, as we know it.
Guyanese must see these people for who they are. They do not represent us and we must continue to expose them everywhere, using every forum.

A revolutionary situation arises out of a struggle for reforms in the interest of the majority of ordinary people.

Yours faithfully,
Jinnah Rahman

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reactionary elements in the PNC, like the PPP,  would not like us to remind them of their discrimination.


How has the PPP discriminated against Guyanese who are not East Indians?



Thats not a question we need to address. The heart of the matter is that we have a system of government wholly unsuited to the needs of a multiethnic society.


We need peace. And peace comes from justice and a just settlement.


If we fail to offer the Blacks a just settlement while we still have a nominal majority then I fear we will be similarly ignored someday when Indians become a minority.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reactionary elements in the PNC, like the PPP,  would not like us to remind them of their discrimination.


How has the PPP discriminated against Guyanese who are not East Indians?



Thats not a question we need to address. The heart of the matter is that we have a system of government wholly unsuited to the needs of a multiethnic society.


We need peace. And peace comes from justice and a just settlement.


If we fail to offer the Blacks a just settlement while we still have a nominal majority then I fear we will be similarly ignored someday when Indians become a minority.

This is definitely a good way of thinking about the problems. There has to be cooperation. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reactionary elements in the PNC, like the PPP,  would not like us to remind them of their discrimination.


How has the PPP discriminated against Guyanese who are not East Indians?



Thats not a question we need to address. 

That's because the AFC's tactic is to insinuate that discrimination is taking place, not to document it.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Balgobin, It is time for the PPP to go after young, progressive PNC members NOW. And slowly add them to the POOL of Ministers and Dept Heads.

This is Sound advice Nehru Bhai.



All in the mix.  Why don't you all try Christopher Jones and Sharma Solomon and Jaipaul Sharma.


We knew it all along that the PNC = PPP.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Balgobin, It is time for the PPP to go after young, progressive PNC members NOW. And slowly add them to the POOL of Ministers and Dept Heads.

This is Sound advice Nehru Bhai.



All in the mix.  Why don't you all try Christopher Jones and Sharma Solomon and Jaipaul Sharma.


We knew it all along that the PNC = PPP.

Sharma Solomon is NOT fit for any Office. He lied to the Linden Comm of Inquiry.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

We knew it all along that the PNC = PPP. I am so glad you put thatin Black and White. Like I said many, many, many times before, YOU, TK AND THE KFC DONT CARE RAT'S ASS ABOUT THE POOR AND SUFFERING GUYANESE. ROBBER BARRONS AND SNAKEOIL SALESMEN HAVE ONE GOAL IN MIND: THE ENRICHMENT OF THEMSELVES.



Nah, you wrong. There are still some chatri left on the Guyanese clan.


Not everyone is a Kaikeyi and Manthara.



Kaikeyi and Manthara -- Kaikeyi is King Dasaratha's second wife, the mother of Bharata. Manthara is her evil, conniving attendant. When Manthara learns that the throne is to be given to Rama, she plants the seeds of jealousy in Kaikeyi's mind and convinces her to use the two boons granted her by the King to force him to instead place Bharata on the throne and exile Rama to the forest for 14 years.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The reactionary elements in the PNC, like the PPP,  would not like us to remind them of their discrimination.


How has the PPP discriminated against Guyanese who are not East Indians?


Think about every thing that you accuse the PNC of in its dealings with Indians and the PPP has done the same thing to Africans.


Please do not bleat about the half starved black civil servants.  They do as their Indian bosses command and Indians do not want those jobs.  Just look at the airport.  All those in leadership positions are Indian.  And this is repeated almost every where.


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