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The 2015 General and Regional Elections in Guyana have come and gone. The smoke has cleared, and the dust has finally settled. The Guyanese people have spoken and they have decided to embrace change. Their will cannot be ignored, no matter which group of cowards fails to graciously accept defeat, and no matter how many dossiers are filed. A new hope for a better, united Guyana is now our reality.
I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate and commend President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and all of the hard-working APNU+AFC Coalition proponents. They have succeeded where many others have failed, in bringing a much-needed change to the way that politics has for all too long been decided, along racial lines. They have proved that Guyanese can and will do what is best for their nation without standing racially divided, but rather, by standing united as one. The importance of this change cannot be overstated, for it is the basis upon which our nation now finally has the truest opportunity to grow and prosper – united, as one.
The true beauty of democracy is that regardless of who the people elected yesterday, citizens have the right and can exercise it to effectuate change today. That is what happened in these elections and that is what will inevitably happen each and every time the regular, hard-working people feel that their government is not living up to what it promised and not taking into due consideration the interests of each and every one of its citizens. There was no tainted result as some would have you believe. This was the result of Guyanese coming together as one, demanding and bringing about change through their own will, based on their overall perception of the PPP/C as not acting in furtherance of the ultimate benefit of our nation.
We must now all lend our unfettered support to President Granger’s administration and ensure that we faithfully cooperate with his government in executing its duties for the betterment of all Guyanese, irrespective of race or ethnicity. Now is not the time to be stubborn, vengeful or to act in any manner which would impede Mr Granger and his government from steering us on the proper course. Democracy has led us to this point and the will of the people should not be ignored based on sentiments of race, ethnicity, political affiliation, etc.
Thank you President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo for giving us a fresh start.

Yours faithfully,
Cheddi B Jagan II

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