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Former Member

Hi Folks

Just want to say that I'll be moving on from GNI. A huge thank you to Amral. He is an incredible guy, I've really enjoyed my time on here for so many years. I'll miss this place, and it will be hard at first to stay away, but there are other things to do.

I have learned an incredible lot from D2! He is a good guy.

I feel for those who yearn for fairness in Guyana. AN election has never affected me like this one, and I could only imagine what supporters of the opposition must be going thru.

I hope you all continue the good fight, we can't give up for fairness in Guyana.

Maybe I'll start a forum...who knows

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Ksazma, commentary on D2- from reading him for 25 years. And I do read many post of interest. Is nothing personal on him, it is his commentary.

I had to ask my Nigerian Pastor to pray a rebuked prayer when he D2 said I was baby steps away from being dead. Nasty fella.

His curse was rebuked. Imagine, the wisdom you find in him. You curse Trump too.


When I first came here, he and I had some conflicts. He used his vocabulary to explain things that most people would never understand. He supported black and I Indians. It happened that I asked him if his wife is black. That opened a can of worms. He challenged me about my wife. I asked him to post a picture of him and his wife and I'll do the same for myself. That was the end of his bitching with me.



We will stay with you until June, and are prepared to move with you to a new forum.  Django has lost his trust and credibility during his short stint as Moderator, I know you already have a contractual agreement with DJ, but on the other hand we are not sheep to follow ignorance.

Ray, I am your favorite racist, I still see good in you, you of late reveal your true self, always be strong to your belief when good is on your side.

 The sun will shine tomorrow, Guyana will see the light, we all mourn the death of democracy.


While Ray indeed has his ways for addressing issues on the forum, he is always fair with his decisions.

We all spend time on GNI while simultaneously have many other things to do in our personal life.

As time goes by, especially from now to June/July 2020, decisions will be made by numerous, if not, by all members.


For some of the posters ,who seem to have a problem with Django due to we aren't on the same side of the fence ,what can i do ? i really don't know what's the problem, one of the hardest to solve, perhaps some one can shed some light.

I have stated will not be a MODERATOR of the forum ,what else are there for Django to do ?

Someday GNI will die ,no one can take it over ,i have had some talks with Amral how to keep it alive.

Last edited by Django

LOL. More departures?

I wonder if folks would have still left if there was a different party assuming office? How coincidental!

Anyway Django, I have spread the news to my friends and relatives about this forum. As Guyana becomes more well-known and developed, there will certainly be a need for a forum for locals, foreigners and expats  to ask questions and contribute. There is so much to be done. I myself will be making a trip back to establish a few business initiatives.

I anticipate great success for this platform and as previously stated, would be willing to contribute to its ongoing maintenance and remodeling if need be.

Here is to many more years of GNI success with or without old established members.



It is very difficult for any reasonable person to support any medium that portrays itself as impratial or in the interest of Guyana when said administration is managing partially, be it for one side or the other. 

I may also leave if Jango, or Sean for that matter, becomes admin on owner of the site.

IMO both are functioning illiterates and would only dumb down the sites.

If i semi-retire I may ping Ray to partner on a forum that will provide impartial service but one that we can also monitize.

Last edited by Former Member


It is very difficult for any reasonable person to support any medium that portrays itself as impratial or in the interest of Guyana when said administration is managing partially, be it for one side or the other. 

I may also leave if Jango, or Sean for that matter, becomes admin on owner of the site.

IMO both are functioning illiterates and would only dumb down the sites.

If i semi-retire I may ping Ray to partner on a forum that will provide impartial service but one that we can also monitize.


Seems to have strong words for a NEWBIE ,nuff fowlcock like you crows.


Someone stated that Rochelle is bk. Django, if that is so, I wouldn't count on her helping you grow this site as she had no influence in helping to keep Nuff site alive. At some times it was only her and Nuff posting there before it died. 

Btw Rochelle, I had mentioned several months ago that I will leave after the elections and I still intend to. Don't worry, you wouldn't see me reappear as a newbie as how bk may have returned as Rochelle.


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