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Former Member

Good decision not to revoke radio licences — Pollard

March 15, 2016,

Senior Counsel Brynmor PollardSenior Counsel Brynmor Pollard

AMIDST a fierce debate over the allocation of radio licences, Senior Counsel Brynmor Pollard has said he favours the government’s approach of granting more radio licences rather than revoking those that were handed out contentiously by former President Bharrat Jagdeo back in 2011.Several persons have been pressing the administration, since its coming to office, to revoke the granting by Jagdeo of radio licences mainly to his friends and to cronies of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). But last week, during the commissioning of a satellite uplink at the National Communications Network, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo stated that government was not keen on revoking the radio licences that Jagdeo had granted ahead of the establishment of a Broadcasting Authority.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

“We could correct that, not by shutting down those who had been wrongly given licences, but by opening the airwaves and allowing the fresh air to touch our broadcasting in Guyana,” he had said.

Saying that any closure must be done by the Broadcast Authority, the Prime Minister had pointed out that he favoured granting more licences for community or national radio stations, and had noted that he had asked the GNBA to approve licences to eligible applicants.

The Prime Minister had gone on to say that some of the persons granted licences under Jagdeo were inexperienced. However, that comment had not find favour with everyone, as Dr David Hinds has urged that if the licences were given out illegally, they should be revoked. Pollard, however, differs, supporting the PM by saying: “This is a wise decision by the Prime Minister, and is a deft step to avoid the pitfalls inherent in cancellation.”

Pollard pointed out that the former President created great controversy when he issued a number of licences to persons perceived as friends and family, or at least were sympathetic to the then ruling party, the PPP/C. he also alluded to the fact that several commentators have urged the summary cancellation of those licences on the grounds of, inter alia, illegality and improper issuance.

“These persons had expressed the view that apparently former President Jagdeo had agreed with former President HD Hoyte not to issue new licences until the advent of a new Broadcast Act and Authority. However, Mr Jagdeo is stated to have breached this undertaking by issuing the licences shortly before the coming into operation of the present Broadcasting Act. This, in the view of these persons, invalidated the licences and rendered them void.

“Persons have also questioned the bona fides of President Jagdeo’s motives in issuing licences almost exclusively to persons well disposed towards him and his party,” the Senior Counsel said.

He said that while these may well be good reasons, in principle, for taking action to terminate these licences, the Prime Minister has correctly resisted the temptation to do so.

“This is the counsel of prudence for two very good reasons. Firstly, former President Jagdeo, at the time he issued the licences, did so in his capacity as the minister responsible for broadcasting and the President of Guyana. Indeed, it was the State of Guyana that issued these licences. Accordingly, from the time of the issue of the licences, the licensees acquired a legitimate expectation that they would be permitted to develop broadcast businesses and to carry on these businesses under the licences.

“Where they have expended moneys in furtherance of this expectation — and a number have apparently expended substantial sums in establishing broadcasting stations –- should the State of Guyana subsequently reconsider its position and decide to withdraw the licences, it would be liable to compensate the former licensees for loss and damage suffered by them due to breach of their legitimate expectation. These sums could be very substantial and may place a great strain on the finances of the Treasury of Guyana,” he said.

Secondly, Pollard noted that even if the motives of the former President were not bona fide, events may have overtaken us, and cancellation on these grounds may no longer be available.

He referred to Section 20 (1) of the Broadcasting Act, 2011, which requires all licensees carrying on broadcasting immediately prior to the coming into operation of the Act to reapply for the issue of new licences. “Apparently, all of the former licensees (including those created by former President Jagdeo) applied for and were issued new licences under the Act. If that is the case, then the initial motives behind their creation and issue are no longer of any legal or other significance. The Authority would therefore have to possess some other good reason to cancel licences which it had itself issued previously. Again, any attempt to do so may well be deemed unlawful by the courts and struck down accordingly,” Pollard said.

He added that, no doubt, all of these considerations had engaged the mind of the Prime Minister at the time he arrived at his decision. “It appears to be a sound decision and the best one he could have made in the present circumstances. If the motivations behind the previous licences were improper, resulting in their holders not being fit and proper persons to be awarded licences, the solution is not to cancel the licences, thereby exposing the state to the possibility of substantial awards of damages; but, instead, to avoid this possibility by simply enlarging the number of licensees. There is no disadvantage to redound to the (Prime) Minister or the state from taking that position,” he said.

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Ramjattan maintains that Jagdeo’s broadcasting licences must be revoked

 March 15, 2016 | By | Filed Under News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ces-must-be-revoked/

Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, said, yesterday, that he has said enough on the campaign trail about the importance of the revocation of all illegally granted broadcasting licences and as such, will maintain those statements today.

AFC Leader and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan

His comments were in response to questions about Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo favouring the issuing of more licences as opposed to the revocation of illegal ones.

Ramjattan made it clear that he would not comment on Nagamootoo’s statements at this time but reiterated that his position on the matter, as expressed on the 2015 election campaign trail, will remain unchanged.

The Minister of Public Security had emphasized during that time that there is no doubt that the issuing of radio licences and the spectrum to certain people alone is something that is unconstitutional and is repugnant to any true democracy.

Ramjattan had said that former President Bharat Jagdeo’s calculated granting of the licences was political and deemed it “control freakism”.
He had recalled on numerous occasions how Jagdeo, weeks before leaving office, awarded his best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop five radio frequencies; New Guyana Company Limited, five and Telcor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc another five.

Telcor’s contact person is Omkar Lochan, who happens to be the former Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment. That Ministry was headed by Robert Persaud. Lochan has since resigned.

It was also exposed that the owner of the radio station is Robert Persaud’s sister, Ruth Baljit.

New Guyana Company is the one that publishes the party’s newspaper, Mirror, and whose contact person is PPP’s Member of Parliament (MP), Dharamkumar Seeraj.

 Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Jagdeo also gave two cable licences to two of his closest friends, Vishok Persaud and Brian Yong.

Ramjattan has been protesting with private media houses, including Kaieteur News, against the unfair distribution of the radio and cable licences. During those protests, he also called for unlawful licences to be taken away.

In the mean time, Nagamootoo’s comments recently that he favoured more licences being granted as opposed to them being rescinded did not sit well with some members of the GNBA and other critics outside of the entity.

The officials who spoke with Kaieteur News on Sunday said that Nagamootoo would be making a big political mistake were he to follow through with such an approach.

They made it clear that the system has to be regularized. Towards this end, the officials emphasized that the illegalities in the Broadcasting sector, one of which includes the unlawful granting of radio and cable licences by Former President Bharat Jagdeo to his friends and “favourites”, must be addressed.

Significantly, Kaieteur News was also made aware by several officials within GNBA that all the prime spots for television channel frequencies, as well as cable are all gone because of the PPP’s ad hoc scheme.

They noted that while some space is still available in the radio spectrum for new applicants, some major spots are already taken up.

Considering this, some officials within GNBA and even critics outside of the entity are questioning Nagamootoo’s reasoning for favouring the award of new licences without addressing expeditiously, those illegally granted.

On several occasions, the Chairman of the GNBA Board, Leonard Craig, has been questioned on this state of affairs. Before Nagamootoo’s utterances to the media, Craig had failed to give any clear answer on the revocation of unlawful licences.

GNBA Head, Leonard Craig

GNBA Head,
Leonard Craig

He would only say that the Board will host a press conference with the media. He made this promise last year and this year and it is yet to be fulfilled.

On Sunday, Craig told this newspaper that the Board has made no decision to rescind the licences but noted that legal advice suggests that it is better if the Board does not.

The Chairman also declined to reveal who the “legal minds are,” except to say that they are “well respected.”

Asked if the Board is inclined to follow the legal advice given, he responded, “The PM (Prime Minister) seems inclined. We work for him.”

With regard to the long awaited press conference, Craig said that the Board has a Public Relations Officer who will be handling that matter.

Speaking with this publication, University Professor, Dr. David Hinds said that his political view is that the licences should be rescinded.

The University Professor said that the capricious manner, in which the licences were granted by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, represents a grave injustice to those who were arbitrarily denied licences at the time.

Last edited by Former Member

This is a horrible decision...a dereliction of duty to recover assets stolen from the people. If this is missed, are we to have confidence that the corrupt practices across the agencies of the state would be addressed? Hell no. This is elite accommodation in light of their naked corruption. These are valuable state assets that the holders will use to amass millions. This is condoning fraud after the fact.

Stormborn posted:

This is a horrible decision...a dereliction of duty to recover assets stolen from the people. If this is missed, are we to have confidence that the corrupt practices across the agencies of the state would be addressed? Hell no. This is elite accommodation in light of their naked corruption. These are valuable state assets that the holders will use to amass millions. This is condoning fraud after the fact.

Where was your mouth when the PNC emptied the treasury? Did you have a fully developed brain then or you are a late bloomer?


These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.





skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a horrible decision...a dereliction of duty to recover assets stolen from the people. If this is missed, are we to have confidence that the corrupt practices across the agencies of the state would be addressed? Hell no. This is elite accommodation in light of their naked corruption. These are valuable state assets that the holders will use to amass millions. This is condoning fraud after the fact.

Where was your mouth when the PNC emptied the treasury? Did you have a fully developed brain then or you are a late bloomer?

Sorry, I am not from the Guyanese Jurassic period like you. I am addressing what is a current concern. The necessity to do so is not hinged on having some legacy grudge against the PNC. In any event, you having lived then and I assumed complained then should ask yourself what restrains your voice now.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a horrible decision...a dereliction of duty to recover assets stolen from the people. If this is missed, are we to have confidence that the corrupt practices across the agencies of the state would be addressed? Hell no. This is elite accommodation in light of their naked corruption. These are valuable state assets that the holders will use to amass millions. This is condoning fraud after the fact.

Where was your mouth when the PNC emptied the treasury? Did you have a fully developed brain then or you are a late bloomer?

Sorry, I am not from the Guyanese Jurassic period like you. I am addressing what is a current concern. The necessity to do so is not hinged on having some legacy grudge against the PNC. In any event, you having lived then and I assumed complained then should ask yourself what restrains your voice now.

I am sorry. I thought you knew everything about Guyana since 1833. You mean I am wrong? Wow!
You sure had and still have grudge against the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.

Severing the parasitic proboscis of the PPP from the nations till is one of their biggest accomplishment.

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.

Severing the parasitic proboscis of the PPP from the nations till is one of their biggest accomplishment.

And giving it to the PNC to continue to grow it and steal more.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a horrible decision...a dereliction of duty to recover assets stolen from the people. If this is missed, are we to have confidence that the corrupt practices across the agencies of the state would be addressed? Hell no. This is elite accommodation in light of their naked corruption. These are valuable state assets that the holders will use to amass millions. This is condoning fraud after the fact.

Where was your mouth when the PNC emptied the treasury? Did you have a fully developed brain then or you are a late bloomer?

Sorry, I am not from the Guyanese Jurassic period like you. I am addressing what is a current concern. The necessity to do so is not hinged on having some legacy grudge against the PNC. In any event, you having lived then and I assumed complained then should ask yourself what restrains your voice now.

I am sorry. I thought you knew everything about Guyana since 1833. You mean I am wrong? Wow!
You sure had and still have grudge against the PPP.

Knowing history and answering a direct question as to where I was at a period are different issues. Indeed I have a grudge against the PPP. It is what citizens of a state have for predators.

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.

Severing the parasitic proboscis of the PPP from the nations till is one of their biggest accomplishment.

Hyenas gone with your kill. Nothing to be excited about.

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.

Severing the parasitic proboscis of the PPP from the nations till is one of their biggest accomplishment.

And giving it to the PNC to continue to grow it and steal more.

Even if they steal half of much as t he PPP we would be twice as much ahead of the curve.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These are some of the spectacular achievements of the regime in 10 months:

1) Added new Palm Leaves to the Benab by the PEG. (Buckmen got ripped off in the process)

2) Added new Green Heart lap-edged boards to the Kitty Market Structure.

3) Construction of a wooden-banaf with the Help GNIER, Warrior, for a poor family

4) Subsidized electricity in the bauxite town of Linden.  $5 G dollars per KWH.

5) Reduced the tolls on the Berbice Bridge by 10% and offset the increase by using state funds to pay off Big Wigs with business interests in the Bridge.

6) Wrote off millions owed in taxes by cronies such as Glen Lall, Tony Yassin, and many other modern day soup drinkers.

7) Gave themselves huge salary increases and increased the perks for the government big wigs.

8) More positions created for ministers, diplomats, advisors, and so-called cohesion experts at home and abroad - a strain on the financial resources that will surely bankrupt this country in less than a decade.

9) Giving people false hopes in LFS Style about succeeding economically by producing local products such guava cheese and rice flour which no investor with a peanut brain would buy into.

10) closing down a major sugar factory without consultant the people or parliament leaving thousands without jobs.

11) Getting PNC/AFC passionate followers to assist in cleaning GT. Great for the short-term but not viable. There has to be a system in place to maintain the city sanitation and services constantly. Quick fixes don't work.

I can list more and more of the great achievements of this regime, but it is boring.

Severing the parasitic proboscis of the PPP from the nations till is one of their biggest accomplishment.

And giving it to the PNC to continue to grow it and steal more.

Even if they steal half of much as t he PPP we would be twice as much ahead of the curve.

You talkin' hag balls. EMPTY TREASURY!!!!!

Stormborn posted:

Even if they left money there my statement is logically valid. As I often note, you argue like a goat.

And you follow like dry goat shit..where the wind blows. How can you justify an empty treasury? You must really condone and support PNC thieving.


Skelly, These SHAMELESS Bannas  grabbing at straws. They all over the place. They are indeed SHAMELESS.  I would not trust them with a black Jill!!!  The more they open their mouths, the more of their ignorance, biases and pure scampishness comes out!!!!!!!!!!!


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