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Please respect COVID-19 victims even where there is disagreement

Dear Editor,

It is public knowledge that I have been sick with Covid-19 and recovering in New York. I do not know how, and where I caught this dreaded disease, but can assure one and all I followed all protocols. I am eternally grateful to the staff of New York Presbyterian Hospital who took care of me. I am especially thankful to Don Bissessar and Ms Kamini, two Guyanese staff who went the extra mile. They were the bridge to my family who could not visit me.

While lying in bed for 16 days pondering and being grateful to the Almighty I kept myself occupied with following the news in my Guyana. This morning I looked at the sitting of Parliament and the statements made by the speaker Manzoor Nadir. I was taken aback by the personal attack and awful wishes made against the speaker. I am aware that robust debate, and public relations statements are par for the course.

When I served the National Assembly I had my share of such approaches. But there were always elders in parliament and out of parliament there to counsel when any of us stepped out of line. Opposition leader Hon Hugh Desmond Hoyte, Haslyn Paris, Winston Murray, Robert Corbin, and Yvonne Harewood-Benn amongst others were sobering heads. What we never did was to personally attack a political opponent’s health. What was reported by the Speaker was an attack on his health, he being a victim of Covid-19.

My muscles are sore, lungs weak; a 10 feet walk to the washroom is like climbing the Kanuku Mountains. I emphasize with all the victims of Covid, their loved ones, friends and family. Unless you experience this Covid, and have gone through what I did, you would never be able to have a sympathetic heart and mind. Were it not for the social media platform, I would have had a serious mental breakdown. My appeal, begging to one and all, please respect victims even if you don’t agree with them politically.

I hope the leadership of the PNCR apologises to Nadir as that apology is for all victims. Even if there is no apology forthcoming I ask that Nadir forgive MP Duncan. I know that in every human being there is basic goodness, so as we continue to fight Covid, please one and all, put aside your differences on this matter and let’s row our boat in the same direction.

God bless all!


Jerome Khan

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Maybe we should face reality and not be too proud about Indian accomplishments.  India itself is still one of the poorest countries in the world.  I believe it has the most people categorized as desperately poor.  Almost 25% of Indians are illiterate.  That means that more than 300million Indians cannot read and write.  That likely means that India has the most illiterate people in the world.  Canada , the US, Britain have attracted some of the most educated Indians and they are not representative of the Indian population.  Moreover, the stats cited by Indians about the success of Indians in the West are usually exaggerated, e.g., those cited by Mitwah in this thread.   So, to be realistic, India has a long, long way to go before it could boast about its accomplishments. The recent success of the Indian cricket team in Australia provides a context to assess India's standing in the world.  In  the final match at the Gabba in scenes reminiscent of Lagaan the Indian team beat Australia.  There were wild celebrations but the reality is that with a population 50 times bigger than Australia's and presumably with  talent pools similarly proportioned no one should be surprised if India's fifth eleven beats Australia. 


I do not know what the PNC said to Nadir, did not care what they said to him, Nadir has a past, he was once Minister of Trade, Industry and Commerce. He is a PPP god in the clouds. I am not surprised he was made Speaker of the House,members of the same klan. The past is rewarded in all sort of ways, for good there is good for terrible things, who knows.

@seignet posted:

I do not know what the PNC said to Nadir, did not care what they said to him, Nadir has a past, he was once Minister of Trade, Industry and Commerce. He is a PPP god in the clouds. I am not surprised he was made Speaker of the House,members of the same klan. The past is rewarded in all sort of ways, for good there is good for terrible things, who knows.

The past is the past but you don't attack a man and his health. There has to be a line somewhere.

@Totaram posted:

Maybe we should face reality and not be too proud about Indian accomplishments.  India itself is still one of the poorest countries in the world.  I believe it has the most people categorized as desperately poor.  Almost 25% of Indians are illiterate.  That means that more than 300million Indians cannot read and write.  That likely means that India has the most illiterate people in the world.  Canada , the US, Britain have attracted some of the most educated Indians and they are not representative of the Indian population.  Moreover, the stats cited by Indians about the success of Indians in the West are usually exaggerated, e.g., those cited by Mitwah in this thread.   So, to be realistic, India has a long, long way to go before it could boast about its accomplishments. The recent success of the Indian cricket team in Australia provides a context to assess India's standing in the world.  In  the final match at the Gabba in scenes reminiscent of Lagaan the Indian team beat Australia.  There were wild celebrations but the reality is that with a population 50 times bigger than Australia's and presumably with  talent pools similarly proportioned no one should be surprised if India's fifth eleven beats Australia.

Literacy is not the sole requirement for success! Joe Stalin decimated the ranks of the intelligentsia and he was formerly a bank.robber! My father could neither read nor write English, yet he became one of the wealthiest men in Guyana!

@Former Member posted:

Literacy is not the sole requirement for success! Joe Stalin decimated the ranks of the intelligentsia and he was formerly a bank.robber! My father could neither read nor write English, yet he became one of the wealthiest men in Guyana!

Those are the exceptions, not the rule.  I'm sure your father read and wrote money (in another language). Stalin wasn't illiterate. 

@Totaram posted:

Those are the exceptions, not the rule.  I'm sure your father read and wrote money (in another language). Stalin wasn't illiterate.

Mebbe so, but he sure didn't think much about those who were! As for my father, he was good at calculations! Like, is your collateral better than your common.sense?

And I should have said, he could neither read nor write!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Well, Tota, a high percentage of people in India are more worried about the next meal rather than the next text book! Forced contraception didn't seem to help much!

Dem mek gud furtilzer tho!

This is all probably true but worrying about the next meal is not an accomplishment.   They do make good fertilizer because open defecation is practiced by a significant percentage of the population.  Don't get me wrong--Indians have contributed to humanity in many ways but those accomplishments must not be exaggerated.  And, currently the country faces huge problems but it is making progress.  You could help by donating to  Swachh Bharat.  I contributed to the fund because it is a tax on Indian airline tickets. 


I meant good fertilizer, dead! Having had nothing while alive!

Successive Indian governments have done the right thing, concentrate on building for the future instead of worrying too much about the poor! Even Jesus said, the poor are aways with us!

@Totaram posted:

This is all probably true but worrying about the next meal is not an accomplishment.   They do make good fertilizer because open defecation is practiced by a significant percentage of the population.  Don't get me wrong--Indians have contributed to humanity in many ways but those accomplishments must not be exaggerated.  And, currently the country faces huge problems but it is making progress.  You could help by donating to  Swachh Bharat.  I contributed to the fund because it is a tax on Indian airline tickets.

What can you accomplish when you are half starved and worrying about your next meal and that of your family's? Your belly is full, huh?


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