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October 2, 2015 4:09 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-
Two of the Police Constables

Two of the Police Constables

[] – Three police constables were on Friday refused bail by Magistrate Ann McLennan for allegedly receiving bribe in the sum of $6M in return for granting a free pass to a bus and its occupants they intercepted with cocaine.

Ray Drepaul Saul of Eversham Village, 26-year-old Trevon McKenzie of Princeton Village, Corentyne, and 42-year-old Shawn McPhoy of Lot 174 Laing Avenue, West Ruimveldt, all pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The three junior ranks were remanded to prison.

However, Assistant Superintendant 48- year- old Terrence Browne was charged separately and granted bail in the sum of $250,000.

The policemen are accused of corruptly obtaining from Renason  Park the sum of $6M as an inducement for forbearing to charge him with trafficking narcotics.

Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones successfully opposed bail on the likelihood that the defendants may tamper with witnesses.

The three junior ranks were all remanded to prison while Browne was ordered to lodge his passport with the police and the matter was transferred to Whim Magistrate Court, for October 12.

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October 2, 2015 5:36 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

elderly[] – The Ministry of Social Protection through the Palms Geriatric Institution on Thursday ushered in the 2015 observance of Month of the Elderly with divine blessings and strong commitments from the subjects Ministers for a better life for the elderly in Guyana.

The sole state-run home for the elderly hosted a church service for residents to begin its series of activities planned for October, the Month of the Elderly.

Joining the residents were Social Protection Minister, Volda Lawrence and Minister within the Ministry, Simona Broomes.

Extending well wishes for health and strength, Minister Lawrence assured residents that β€œGovernment intends to fulfill its promise to all Guyanese for a good life and that includes you. Government would like to build a modern facility for you, and while there is no financing available now to do so, we are still holding it on the agenda. I know there are many issues plaguing the Palms and I want you to know that we are not overlooking or side steeping these issues. We are addressing some of the administrative issues and we will continuously work on the others.”

Among these issues are staffing and improvement of the quality of service provided to residents.  β€œWe are working to ensure that we have qualified persons in various positions that are required to take care of the elderly. So I want you to know that we are keeping you in mind and we have not forgotten you.”

The Minister within the Ministry also recommitted to improving the conditions under which residents of the Palms live. She also urged them to improve their relations with each other, as love can replace the loneliness they may sometime feel.

Delivering the sermon at the church service, Pastor Avril Langford of First Assembly, Wortmanville, encouraged the residents with messages of hope, perseverance, love, gratitude and the need for a close relationship with God.

The residents were treated to songs and renditions from the Messengers and Ras Camo’s steel pan. In return, a resident Bro. Robert John paid tribute to the President and his Cabinet with a special song.

The Month of the Elderly observance in Guyana stems from the 1990 United Nations General Assembly’s designation of October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. Guyana hosts activities for the elderly throughout the month and this year these activities will include tours to various parts of the country.


I am glad they lost becayse they were just about to give away the Skeldon Factory.


Delegations due from India for sugar talks – Ramotar


President Donald Ramotar says that several delegations are expected to visit Guyana very soon to explore possibilities of working with the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and possibly invest.


According to GINA he was speaking on one of the highlights of his recent visit to the Indian sub-continent. He described his tour to a sugar factory in the state of Gujarat as a   revealing experience. GINA said that he noted that the factory is  managed as a cooperative, with farmers and workers vested with ownership.

President Donald Ramotar [right) and an official discussing production during his tour of the Valsad sugar factory (GINA photo) President Donald Ramotar (right) and an official discussing production during his tour of the Valsad sugar factory (GINA photo)


According to the President, the factory produces all the needed power for its daily operations, as well as sells its excess bagasse to other industries in its home state.       Apart from producing several kinds of sugar, this factory also handles the crop’s by-products.


He told GINA that he was informed that the factory had  half of an hour’s down time over the last six months.


Ramotar opined that the method of ownership and other aspects of the factory’s operations are issues which can inform Guyana’s situation.

Analysts have said that the local sugar industry is in dire straits and several attempts by the sugar corporation to reverse this in recent years have ended in failure. The main sugar union GAWU recently called for a Commission of Inquiry into the state of the industry.


I am glad because these idiots supported Venezuela's case against us when they supported Argentina against Britain when they did not have to do so.


Yet these blowhards complain they knew better how to handle  Venezuela.



Ramotar declares Guyana’s support for Argentina’s claim to Falkland Islands


The Guyana government has unequivocally declared its support for Argentina in its claim to the Falkland Islands.


β€œI wish also to reiterate Guyana’s support for the government and people of Argentina to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity to all of Argentina, including the Malvinas Islands, [Falklands]” said President Ramotar last week. He was at the time speaking at a reception to observe the anniversary of the Argentine Revolution, held at the Pegasus Hotel.

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett had told Stabroek News in March this year that Guyana was urging dialogue between the United Kingdom and Argentina to resolve the continuing sovereignty dispute.

Donald Ramotar Donald Ramotar

β€œWe support the UN resolution on this matter… from our own experience with border issues, we know that the countries should sit down and talk it out to try to find a solution,” she had said. This was at a time when representatives from the Falkland Islands, including Legislative Assembly Member Mike Summers, were visiting Guyana to highlight the islanders’ rejection of the Argentinian claim.


Summers had said that Argentina’s continuing claim to the Falklands was an act of β€œbullyism” and he urged that governments familiarise themselves with the true history of the 778-island archipelago before making a decision on the issue.


The Falklands held a referendum in March of this year, which saw 99.8% of the inhabitants voting to remain a British Overseas Territory. The results of the referendum, Summers said, should demonstrate to the world that the people want self-determination and they should be given that. He said that the island group is independent financially of Britain and only relies on it for governance. Argentina has dismissed the referendum as having no legal value.


A 1964 UN resolution had called on the UK and Argentina to proceed with negotiations on finding a peaceful solution to the sovereignty issue. Argentina invaded the islands in 1982 and this led to a war with the United Kingdom, which prevailed.

 Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett

While Britain had occupied the islands at earlier stages, the present inhabitants are descended from settlers who came in 1833.



the PPP made Ramotar a presidential adviser so they can charge the tax payer for his campaigning.


No abuse of state resources in pushing Ramotar



President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday said the government is not abusing state resources in promoting the candidacy of Donald Ramotar, and that as head of state he is free to hire whoever he wants.


β€œI’m not shy about having Donald Ramotar as my advisor; the person who I feel will be the next president of Guyana. I would love to make sure that there is continuity and the more he’s exposed β€” he’s already exposed as GS β€” but more intimately exposed to the programmes of the government, I think the easier the transition will be,” he said.


β€œI don’t have any apology to make for that and there is no abuse of resources,” he added, when questioned during a news conference with regard to concerns about the state sponsorship of the PPP/C’s presidential candidate.


β€œDonald Ramotar, in my view, will be the next president of Guyana. He will win the elections. As a member of the PPP and as President of Guyana I have a duty… and as President in particular, I have the authority to hire whoever I may want,” Jagdeo said. β€œI think Donald Ramotar now should be a member of the Cabinet. I’ve asked him to sit in my Cabinet. I’ve asked him to be my advisor, because he will have to work with me as head of the party too, to decide when we call the elections and I want him to be exposed as much as possible to what’s happening here. And I do this within the powers that the president has.”


Still staunchly defending Ramotar’s recent appointment, he added: β€œNow Donald Ramotar travels with me, but I travel as President. He comes with me to many of these places… I don’t see it as any abuse of power. What was abuse of power was when we had a Ministry of National Mobilisation and they had funds dedicated to this sort of thing and secondly that every state corporation had to write a cheque and send to the PNC…,” he continued.


Maths don’t add
up for APNU

Meanwhile, Jagdeo also said he was baffled at the PNCR’s decision to be part of the A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) coalition as the mathematics of it did not add up.


Questioned about the formation of the opposition coalition, Jagdeo said the numbers of the political players in APNU did not suggest that it had a chance of unseating the ruling party.


β€œElections are about mathematics, particularly in a country that has, as its electoral system, proportional representation,” he said. β€œThe PNC in the last elections got, I think, 34.07 per cent of the votes. WPA didn’t contest the last elections but elections before that they contested with GAP/WPA, they got, I think, 2.35 per cent of the votes. The NFA got 417 votes in the 2001 elections, not even a per cent. Now let’s add 34 plus 2, you get 36 per cent. They haven’t improved, in fact, if anything WPA has become defunct,” Jagdeo said.


β€œThat is the reality of APNU, you can dress it up, you can call it whatever you want, that is the reality of this coalition.”


The President said that the PPP/C got close to 55 per cent of the votes at the last elections.


He noted that the coalition may be a tactical decision but emphasised that the players remained the same, and he pointed to the APNU’s presidential candidate retired Brigadier David Granger.  β€œGranger is running as the presidential candidate [but] his record doesn’t disappear because he changes the form of the organisation. Granger still has to answer for his record,” Jagdeo said. β€œHe has a record and in the period when he was there lots of bad things happened and he needs to speak about them. What he knows of them. How involved he was. Because he wasn’t a regular soldier, he was someone sent from the Office of the President to get the army to move in a particular direction and you know what that direction was, to subvert our constitution and the laws because he was trying to get the army to pledge loyalty to the PNC.”


According to Jagdeo, many people know Granger as the β€œchief theoretician and advocate for the doctrine paramountcy for the party.”


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