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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it.!!!!

Getting lost in the past as a distraction from the present kleptocracy is not going to do us good. And it is only in facile minds that the past gets repeated. We not in any karmic loop except in the minds of propaganda peddlers. We are in a present that reaches into t he future with no option to repeat the past.


"Danyeal" was noticeable absent from this forum for a while, one wonders that if the Lord has prick his heart for him to start believing that there is a God and stop being an Atheist.


Gilbakka is repeating the PNC line that the PPP gov't. killed 400 African men. This is a blatant lie. It seems something zapped these Indian politicians in the AFC and turned them into a intra-racist monster similar to that which is created in the labs of Congress House at Sophia. They become preaching zombies for the PNC. They can no longer tell what is right from what is wrong. 


The voters in Berbice will send the AFC packing. They did not vote for you to become stooges of the PNC. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gilbakka is repeating the PNC line that the PPP gov't. killed 400 African men. This is a blatant lie. It seems something zapped these Indian politicians in the AFC and turned them into a intra-racist monster similar to that which is created in the labs of Congress House at Sophia. They become preaching zombies for the PNC. They can no longer tell what is right from what is wrong. 


The voters in Berbice will send the AFC packing. They did not vote for you to become stooges of the PNC. 

Dumb-Ass, you are morally bankrupt. Stay in your cave.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gilbakka is repeating the PNC line that the PPP gov't. killed 400 African men. This is a blatant lie.  

Billy, your saying it's a blatant lie doesn't mean it's a lie. As usual, you want to pass your opinion off as fact. Just your imagination.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gilbakka is repeating the PNC line that the PPP gov't. killed 400 African men. This is a blatant lie. It seems something zapped these Indian politicians in the AFC and turned them into a intra-racist monster similar to that which is created in the labs of Congress House at Sophia. They become preaching zombies for the PNC. They can no longer tell what is right from what is wrong. 


The voters in Berbice will send the AFC packing. They did not vote for you to become stooges of the PNC. 

the berbican cannot sent no body packing its too expensive to cross the bridge thanks to the ppp low life thief


Gil and Awara,


Before we continue arguing please help the Myth. De man a tek on problems. Send him a box of sanatogen. He bin cussin' too much. Reminds me of dem drunkmen who does cuss whole night by themselves when dey tek too much a de daru





Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gil and Awara,


Before we continue arguing please help the Myth. De man a tek on problems. Send him a box of sanatogen. He bin cussin' too much. Reminds me of dem drunkmen who does cuss whole night by themselves when dey tek too much a de daru





Billy, de man cussing because you not only living in a split-level house, you have split-level brain too.

De man seh you need Sanatogen more than he.

Sanatan dharma people have no use for Sanatogen.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gil and Awara,


Before we continue arguing please help the Myth. De man a tek on problems. Send him a box of sanatogen. He bin cussin' too much. Reminds me of dem drunkmen who does cuss whole night by themselves when dey tek too much a de daru





Billy Rumgoat, I know you are on Flomax and Metformin. These might explain why you are cretinous. Anyway, I am sending you a months supply of Ferrol Compound and Geritol. How is your hard boil on you bamzee that your proctologist found when you complained that you think you might have a brain tumor?


I will send you a red jhaaray cloth, but you have to bring ladoo on Wednesday to Ganesh.


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