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South of Kitty Market, after Panchoosingh's shop, there was a Chinese restaurant. In 1982 a friend and I ordered fried rice with a serving of chop suey. First time for me, that chop suey, and some cuts of meat were sweetish and rubbery. I pointed it out to my friend and he said it could be rat meat. I didn't want to hear more. Walked out of that place faster than Jagdeo can walk out of parliament. 


The rat soup was unknown to me when I visited Mexico many years ago. But green roach sauce was widely used then. The green roach is an insect taken from plants that resemble an insect that I remember seeing on baigan plants in Guyana. I can't remember the name. They would grind the roaches live and add other ingredients and serve it on tortillas or tacos. I believe I ate it unknowingly until I discovered what the sauce was made from.  Them seh wah nah kill ah fatten.  

Last edited by Former Member

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