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RiffRaff posted:

He has absolutely played the silly Americans

It is no laughing matter for people of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus and Ukraine who now live in the uncertainty that a Trump administration may simply trade them to Russia for some future gratuity to those in office. We are in an untenable place where we cannot trust the office of the presidency to act in good faith with the world but where the President is likely to act to enrich himself and cohorts on the backs of those the US is tasked to defend.

Never before could one entertain such a possibility of a president acting against US interest to enrich himself than in the present instance where a chronic liar, conspiracy theorist and greedy narcissist is in office. I am sure there are still enough good people in the senate to check his excesses. I never thought I would rely on the good office of likes of senator Lindsey Graham  as a defense against right wing skullduggery. It is the times we live in

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is smart.  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  Trust me, Putin is a guy you want on your side.  America needs Putin and Narendra Modi to keep China in check.  These three guys are going to be good allies.

What do you need him on your side for? Where has anything he has done to date has been to the benefit of mankind, democracy for his people or peace on the planet. He is an expansionist who feels he can reconstitute the old Soviet power by similar means the old communist used to subjugate adjoining states. His entry into Syria shows no charity to humanity but is merely to give the finger to the US. Instead of saving Syria he is trying to maintain a  despot in office despite the reality his rule will be over a desolate wasteland. Russia has no means to reconstitute Syria nor does it intend any help. Putin Russia is best left to its own despotism until Russia can by itself be rid of him.


Those on the left cannot stop finding excuses at the huge loss by Hillary.

Get used to it man, say Mahatma Trump 1000 times.

The rise is Putin is as a result of a weak talk man, do nothing Obama. While Putin led from the front in terms of middle east foreign policies, Obama kept shifting the line in the sand.

It was only after Putin took the lead that talk man golfer followed.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

How exactly has Putin lead from the front in terms of Middle East policies? Unless you consider dropping bombs on innocent civilians leading from the front....

Assad is going house to house shooting Civilians. This is the man who could have ended the Syrian conflict before it began by negotiating a transfer of power with his people before the nation became a wasteland. The reality is no one is there to help him rebuild and there is no access to capital or no source to food or water or medicine that he will ever be able to deliver. The Russians need that themselves.


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