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Gov’t being “very stupid” in its response to rice, sugar woes – Teixeira


November 4, 2015 3:37 pm, [], Source



Opposition Parliamentarian and Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira has criticized the APNU+AFC government for its handling of the grim situation facing the sugar and rice industries in Guyana.


She told a news conference on Wednesday, November 04, 2015 that the government is treating the woes of the two industries in a discriminatory manner, knowing that it is the support base of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).


“Why is the government addressing the problems of sugar and rice in such a discriminatory manner? If I was in government, the issue of what is confronting the sugar industry and the rice industry would have been handled completely differently because even if there was an APNU +AFC government and knowing that rice and sugar, the majority of the persons are PPP supporters, why would you treat with those sectors and those people in such a disgraceful manner…which just doesn’t count?” Teixeira said.


She refuted claims that the PPP is using the rice and sugar industries as a political tool, pointing out that the APNU+AFC government is being “politically stupid” with the way in which the situation is being dealt with.


“The political behavior of the Opposition is not a question of whether we’re causing trouble…the issue of rice and sugar, they have exacerbated the situation…politically they are being very stupid,” the PPP Parliamentarian said.


Meanwhile, also at the press conference was General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association and PPP Parliamentarian, Dharamkumar Seeraj, who rebuffed reports by Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder that several countries are lining up to purchase rice from Guyana.


He said if this is true, then farmers should not be complaining, while pointing out that any such lines would be for “cheap rice” since he believes that Guyana is now selling its rice cheaply on the international market.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai DG, DEm baan stupid, how you expect dem to respond. DEm trying dem best BUT is what they gat and who they ARE. 

Look who talking about Stupid?

Gail was De PPP Minister of Health

who was always Smoking....

and see nothing wrong will lil Dope or Crack.


And she was Married...

but carrying on with Rohee on De Side .....

Until he Bruck she Hands.


She Break in Prya .....told her nothing wrong 

sharing De Poke around in Freedom House.


Lamumba say he did not enjoy...

all dis at Congress Place....


PNC had everything Lockdown

and only a few had de combination.


Bhai Nehru....

yuh can see De Picha

if yuh don't Believe.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

People are now seeing that this gov't. is more interested in giving the big boys an extravagant lifestyle rather than improving the living standard of the nation.

From your lips to God's ears.  I am not so sure though.  Look at some of these comments in this forum.  Not even people getting murdered will change some people mind.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

People are now seeing that this gov't. is more interested in giving the big boys an extravagant lifestyle rather than improving the living standard of the nation.

From your lips to God's ears.  I am not so sure though.  Look at some of these comments in this forum.  Not even people getting murdered will change some people mind.

Interesting.  You know the PPP could say that the messed up.


Made rice dependent on a lunatic, who periodically invades Guyana, attacks Guyanese and destroys their property.  The same mad lunatic is determined to destroy Guyana's economy hy doing his best to prevent, a few years ago even seizing an oil rig, thus trying to scare aware foreign investors.  They tried this with Exxon, who was not intimidated, so now they spread lies about Guyana.  Too bad even their fellow South Americans arent buying this.


The PPP also built a factory at Skeldon, against advice.  That same factory has virtually bankrupted Guysuco.  In fact the PPP knew when they tried to win on May 11th, that Guysuco did NOT have $$$ to meet payroll.


So why does the PPP pretend as if they havent played a role in destroying sugar and rice, and now of course are trying to start a race war.


Too bad that every one in Guyana knows that the biggest beneficiaries of fiscal concessions for gold miners are Indians.  Many of the smaller miners, disproportionately black, have been driven out of the industry, and yet are not bawling and demanding to be rescued.


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