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Gov’t fires PS of Public Health Ministry

September 14, 2015 5:56 am Category: latest news A+ / A-



Leslie Cadogan

Leslie Cadogan




The APNU+AFC government has taken the decision to dismiss Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, Leslie Cadogan.

iNews understands that Cadogan was sent on accumulated leave on July 20, 2015 by Minister of State Joseph Harmon. His dismissal took on September 1, 2015 and is due to alleged gross negligence and misconduct as it relates to his duties.

Acting in the position is Trevor Thomas. A letter dated August 31, 2015 from Harmon to Cadogan blamed him for issues related to the drug procurement, specifically the lack of accountability in the delivery of drugs to the Ministry, failure to ensure that the remaining 50% of $1.1B delivery of supplies was done.

According to the letter, “It is therefore in view of this gross negligence and misconduct in the performance of your duties that your services have been terminated.”

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A letter dated August 31, 2015 from Harmon to Cadogan blamed him for issues related to the drug procurement, specifically the lack of accountability in the delivery of drugs to the Ministry, failure to ensure that the remaining 50% of $1.1B delivery of supplies was done.


I don't hear the PPP crying Indo victimization of a PPP appointed secretary. What I do hear is a black man being fired for not carrying out his job correctly for a number of years. And who benefited from these contracts? A major PPP financier. I suppose that if the government goes after that crook then you will hear Indo victimization, instead of another thief of money from the public purse being locked up.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't hear the PPP crying Indo victimization of a PPP appointed secretary. What I do hear is a black man being fired for not carrying out his job correctly for a number of years. And who benefited from these contracts? A major PPP financier. I suppose that if the government goes after that crook then you will hear Indo victimization, instead of another thief of money from the public purse being locked up.

The government should go for all these crooks, be whoever it is, one of the many reasons why sick persons cannot get drugs at the Public Hospital.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't hear the PPP crying Indo victimization of a PPP appointed secretary. What I do hear is a black man being fired for not carrying out his job correctly for a number of years. And who benefited from these contracts? A major PPP financier. I suppose that if the government goes after that crook then you will hear Indo victimization, instead of another thief of money from the public purse being locked up.

Not to defend this guy, or the PPP, but in fairness, the PPP did say that it was PPP supporters, not just Indos, who were being victimized...lets not inject race into everything that happens in Guyana  

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't hear the PPP crying Indo victimization of a PPP appointed secretary. What I do hear is a black man being fired for not carrying out his job correctly for a number of years. And who benefited from these contracts? A major PPP financier. I suppose that if the government goes after that crook then you will hear Indo victimization, instead of another thief of money from the public purse being locked up.

Not to defend this guy, or the PPP, but in fairness, the PPP did say that it was PPP supporters, not just Indos, who were being victimized...lets not inject race into everything that happens in Guyana 


The Caribjs of the World only know RACE. They were designed and programmed that way!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The entire deal with Bobby was a disaster. The Taxpayers were taken for rides.  However, I hope the young man is given due process.

It is not a "disaster". Lets use the proper word. It is corruption. This fellow is milking the state. His rise to the super rich is on the backs of the Guyanese people and in direct proportion to his conniving with Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
., the PPP did say that it was PPP supporters, not just Indos, who were being victimized...lets not inject race into everything that happens in Guyana  

The PPP said ethnic cleansing, as did you.  Stop lying.  Roger Luncheon had to complain about why the PPP was not supporting black PPP appointees in the same way that it did the Indian ones.  Yes the FEW black PPP appointees.


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