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Mar 03, 2017 Source

Government will be looking to accelerate its expenditure to give the economy a “jump-start” amidst the apparent slow-down. Cabinet on Tuesday last approved approximately $740M in contracts.
Minister of State Joseph Harmon told media operatives at a press conference hosted at the Ministry of the Presidency yesterday that during last year, there was an admission by the government that not enough was done in the implementation of the government/public sector infrastructure programme.
Previous reports would have shown that towards the end of the first half of last year, there were concerns over the performance of the economy and the issue of investments.
This year, however, the government will be ensuring that it takes the first jump with hopes of having the private sector also chipping in to add to the momentum.
“This year already, you can see we have been better organised now and therefore, all of the contracts that have been placed in the budget, we are going to use to ensure that the economy is in a better position.
At the same time, we would encourage private sector involvement in the economy; we’re going to engage the private sector in a more meaningful and aggressive way so that this partnership between government and private sector can be used – that synergy which the two parties bring together – can be used to basically boost and move this country forward,” the State Minister said.
Some of the contracts that received the green light from cabinet are as follows: the rehabilitation of Waramina Guest House, Boerasirie Region Three. The contract was awarded to the International Imports & Supplies for the sum of $28,080,452.
For the Rehabilitation of Guest House at Lama, East Demerara River Conservancy, Region Four, the contract was awarded to the International Imports & Supplies for the sum for $21,812,500 .
For the installation of LED highway lights on sections of the Essequibo Coast Public Road, a contract in the sum of $15,979,051, was awarded to Cummings Electrical.
For the provision of consultancy services for engineering designs and supervision of works; rehabilitation of drainage and irrigation works at Buxton, Ithaca and Triumph, a contract in the sum of $94,955,614 was awarded to SRK N’ Engineering.
A contract was awarded to the Small Business Bureau (SBB) in the sum of US$321,725 to provide consultancy services to implement a skills training programme for At-Risk Youth. The Ministry of Public Security was announced as the procuring entity for this contract.
The contract for the construction of a relief structure at Good Hope, Essequibo Coast Region Two, was awarded to M. Sukhai Construction in the sum of $27,095,404.
Finally, for the construction and installation of pipe works and structure at the Number 66 drainage pump, B& J Civil Works was awarded the job to the tune of $41,271,600.

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