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Gov’t largesse a slap in the face of Guyanese people


Friday , October 9 2015, Source


I HAVE noted with interest the recent astronomical salary increases awarded by the Minister of Finance to himself and his Cabinet colleagues by way of an Order gazetted on 25 September 2015.  This display of largesse with oneself at the expense of the public purse is nothing short of a scandalous outrage and a slap in the faces of the working people of Guyana who were told by the same Minister of Finance that he cannot afford to pay them more than five per cent and with effect from July instead of January as is customary.

It is immoral and greedy, and discloses the self-serving dishonesty with which the APNU+AFC is marauding over the people of Guyana.

When asked, the Minister of State arrogantly refused to apologise for this outrage, and instead argued that he and his colleagues had been earning much more in their previous pre-Cabinet occupations.

Putting aside the fact that political service is supposed to be self-sacrificing in its very essence, putting aside the fact that those holding political offices in most democratic countries of the world do so at a loss of personal income, I have one simple question to ask of the Minister of State.

If he and his colleagues claim to have been earning so much more in the previous private occupations, would they be so kind as to disclose exactly what income they reported to the Guyana Revenue Authority and how much taxes they paid to that Authority over the past five years prior to entering the Cabinet. I rather suspect that the answer to that question would be interesting.

Surely, Ministers Harmon, Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Jordan, Sharma (in descending order of seniority) and their other ministerial colleagues, being the new champions of accountable government that they are, would have no difficulty telling the nation what they reported as their incomes and how much taxes they paid to the GRA over the past five years. And, surely, that would be the most reliable measure of the incomes they have had to forego in order to enter the Cabinet, not that even that would justify them fattening themselves whilst starving the hard working people of Guyana.


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Surely, Ministers Harmon, Nagamootoo, Ramjattan, Jordan, Sharma (in descending order of seniority) and their other ministerial colleagues, being the new champions of accountable government that they are, would have no difficulty telling the nation what they reported as their incomes and how much taxes they paid to the GRA over the past five years.



Gov’t largesse a slap in the face of Guyanese people, Friday , October 9 2015, Source

Of note.


Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Make some friggin sense for once nah DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Make some friggin sense for once nah DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's your IQ...Stupid!!

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Make some friggin sense for once nah DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's your IQ...Stupid!!

HAHAHA  My Bad how can I expect a DUMB AHOLE to make any sense!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Make some friggin sense for once nah DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's your IQ...Stupid!!

HAHAHA  My Bad how can I expect a DUMB AHOLE to make any sense!!!!!!!!

Exactly, so why are you still posting crap?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Make some friggin sense for once nah DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's your IQ...Stupid!!

HAHAHA  My Bad how can I expect a DUMB AHOLE to make any sense!!!!!!!!

Exactly, so why are you still posting crap?

Dope Head, At least you trying.

Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Do not get away from the issue of the scandalous raise they gave themselves. They previously denied envied that such a raise was being considered. Now they justify it by saying that it will stop their ministers from being corrupt and the quality of their ministers. What Quality? how you measure that? Get off the Jagdeo cart.


They are really taking a hit on this issue. I guess they thought that beoplecwill greed with them that this was the change they promised.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Do not get away from the issue of the scandalous raise they gave themselves. They previously denied envied that such a raise was being considered. Now they justify it by saying that it will stop their ministers from being corrupt and the quality of their ministers. What Quality? how you measure that? Get off the Jagdeo cart.


They are really taking a hit on this issue. I guess they thought that beoplecwill greed with them that this was the change they promised.

They are the new Baghdad Bobs  What a BUNCH of ASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Do not get away from the issue of the scandalous raise they gave themselves. They previously denied envied that such a raise was being considered. Now they justify it by saying that it will stop their ministers from being corrupt and the quality of their ministers. What Quality? how you measure that? Get off the Jagdeo cart.


They are really taking a hit on this issue. I guess they thought that beoplecwill greed with them that this was the change they promised.

It is not scandalous. It is horrible timing. I'd say building a US$5 mill house a few feet from the Atlantic with gifts from people now in jail is scandalous. I am for paying the bureaucrats good salaries and in kind such as cheap mortgages, land and so on. Aluh need to tek out de plank fram aluh eyes fuss...


The previous salaries were adequate for those in the previous administration.


There is no valid reason for the exorbitant increase in salaries plus other benefits for the current government officials.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The previous salaries were adequate for those in the previous administration.


There is no valid reason for the exorbitant increase in salaries plus other benefits for the current government officials.

The previous Government had other ways to get their hands on $$ not belonging to them, they could have gone with zero salary and yet live high on the hog.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The previous salaries were adequate for those in the previous administration.


There is no valid reason for the exorbitant increase in salaries plus other benefits for the current government officials.

The previous Government had other ways to get their hands on $$ not belonging to them, they could have gone with zero salary and yet live high on the hog.

And Granger is not going to jail anybody from the PPP. He knows the pay was too low for the PPP ministers to live well.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Do not get away from the issue of the scandalous raise they gave themselves. They previously denied envied that such a raise was being considered. Now they justify it by saying that it will stop their ministers from being corrupt and the quality of their ministers. What Quality? how you measure that? Get off the Jagdeo cart.


They are really taking a hit on this issue. I guess they thought that beoplecwill greed with them that this was the change they promised.

It is not scandalous. It is horrible timing. I'd say building a US$5 mill house a few feet from the Atlantic with gifts from people now in jail is scandalous. I am for paying the bureaucrats good salaries and in kind such as cheap mortgages, land and so on. Aluh need to tek out de plank fram aluh eyes fuss...Es here. 

It is scandalous. first, they lied by denying it, then gave feeble reasons for giving themselves  such a large raise. It is analogous to hiring someone five months ago and they gave themselves a big raise. This is legal thieving. what didthey do to deserve this raise? It is easy for you to talk about bad timing and not scandalous because you do not live here or pay taxEs here. We are the ones here who have to foot the bill.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:

Donald has a little moral authority here. In Pradoville 1 he built the smallest and most modest home. Problem is Jagdeo captured him and the party. Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo.

Do not get away from the issue of the scandalous raise they gave themselves. They previously denied envied that such a raise was being considered. Now they justify it by saying that it will stop their ministers from being corrupt and the quality of their ministers. What Quality? how you measure that? Get off the Jagdeo cart.


They are really taking a hit on this issue. I guess they thought that beoplecwill greed with them that this was the change they promised.

It is not scandalous. It is horrible timing. I'd say building a US$5 mill house a few feet from the Atlantic with gifts from people now in jail is scandalous. I am for paying the bureaucrats good salaries and in kind such as cheap mortgages, land and so on. Aluh need to tek out de plank fram aluh eyes fuss...

1. It is indeed scandalous and whether now or later there is also no time for such increases.


2. Perhaps, the plank is firmly implanted in your eyes.


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