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Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Sean posted:

PNC thief and their supporters at GNI is making excuses that It was only one acre of land that this fella allegedly took. A thief man is a thief men regardless if its one acre or one hundred acres !

shhhhhh. . . nobody tief anything

and it’s no “fella” . . . the FEMALE minista name is Valerie

try become properly informed about at least the basics before you bray stupidly

now, go jerk off somewhere else fool

Hey hey, why you making excuses for the inexcusable.  If the lady tief the land, she should return it.  I agree with Yuji, one (1) acre or 100 acre is still tief!  Is like a pick pocket saying he only tief $1 dollar vs $100 so not guilty.

You see them 100 farmer I mentioned, they did not tief, they got it for free and just had to pay Transport fee!

So if Valarie tief, she should return and be forgiven!

sir, what is “inexcusable”?

where in the reporting is it even hinted that the land was tief?

banna tek a seat . . . you seem idle

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Sean posted:

PNC thief and their supporters at GNI is making excuses that It was only one acre of land that this fella allegedly took. A thief man is a thief men regardless if its one acre or one hundred acres !

shhhhhh. . . nobody tief anything

and it’s no “fella” . . . the FEMALE minista name is Valerie

try become properly informed about at least the basics before you bray stupidly

now, go jerk off somewhere else fool

Hey hey, why you making excuses for the inexcusable.  If the lady tief the land, she should return it.  I agree with Yuji, one (1) acre or 100 acre is still tief!  Is like a pick pocket saying he only tief $1 dollar vs $100 so not guilty.

You see them 100 farmer I mentioned, they did not tief, they got it for free and just had to pay Transport fee!

So if Valarie tief, she should return and be forgiven!

sir, what is “inexcusable”?

where in the reporting is it even hinted that the land was tief?

banna tek a seat . . . you seem idle

Yea man, me had me dinner, nice pumpkin I made for Diwali.  All done.  So now me throw back with a glass red wine!

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Dave posted:

More explosive revelations…Housing Minister’s husband used CH&PA staffers to witness private contract-one of them is his nephew

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

Ok bannas, is 1 lil rinky-dinky acre!  Burnham gi me daddy 3 acres for being a loyal FCH “stooge!”  


Me dad then told Burnham and Reid there were 100 or so farmers up river who rent land.  Reid then tek ova and instructed Lands and Mines to go and do a survey.  They made a secondary allocation.  All the farmers got 1 acre each.  They were 95% Indians!

Next thing my dad told Reid the farmers come out overnight and have to sleep on the grass covered in plastic when the rain fell!   Dr Reid drove up around 4am in his Rover V-8 from Supply and saw for himself!  He was so moved he immediately ordered the construction of a “farmers” shelter next to the wharf!

Dem farmers were so happy them called me dad their hero but Reid was like dem god!  Me think some even vote for Reid!

Part 4

Some of them hardline PNC racists were so pissed dem seh me daddy only help coolie people!  Dem want community center fuh play tennis and bush cook.  But Reid seh dah gatt fuh wait, Farmers’ shelter come fuss!

Suh you see, me daddy was wan badass good stooge!😁

So like father like son? You're a direct beneficiary of corruption in Guyana?

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

Ok bannas, is 1 lil rinky-dinky acre!  Burnham gi me daddy 3 acres for being a loyal FCH “stooge!”  


Me dad then told Burnham and Reid there were 100 or so farmers up river who rent land.  Reid then tek ova and instructed Lands and Mines to go and do a survey.  They made a secondary allocation.  All the farmers got 1 acre each.  They were 95% Indians!

Next thing my dad told Reid the farmers come out overnight and have to sleep on the grass covered in plastic when the rain fell!   Dr Reid drove up around 4am in his Rover V-8 from Supply and saw for himself!  He was so moved he immediately ordered the construction of a “farmers” shelter next to the wharf!

Dem farmers were so happy them called me dad their hero but Reid was like dem god!  Me think some even vote for Reid!

Part 4

Some of them hardline PNC racists were so pissed dem seh me daddy only help coolie people!  Dem want community center fuh play tennis and bush cook.  But Reid seh dah gatt fuh wait, Farmers’ shelter come fuss!

Suh you see, me daddy was wan badass good stooge!😁

So like father like son? You're a direct beneficiary of corruption in Guyana?

Patacake, that land hand out was all legal with full transport!  FCH was about farmers and land, so shut you stupid skvnt defunct soldier boy!  Remember, YOU were Burnham enforcer and election thief!

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

So like father like son? You're a direct beneficiary of corruption in Guyana?

Patacake, that land hand out was all legal with full transport!  FCH was about farmers and land, so shut you stupid skvnt defunct soldier boy!  Remember, YOU were Burnham enforcer and election thief!

You got nuff mouth. Hope we meet up someday and you can tell me this face to face. Like ah mash yuh corn. Wonder what your lil wussy father did for Forbes to get the free land you're bragging about. Must be very embarrassing.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

So like father like son? You're a direct beneficiary of corruption in Guyana?

Patacake, that land hand out was all legal with full transport!  FCH was about farmers and land, so shut you stupid skvnt defunct soldier boy!  Remember, YOU were Burnham enforcer and election thief!

You got nuff mouth. Hope we meet up someday and you can tell me this face to face. Like ah mash yuh corn. Wonder what your lil wussy father did for Forbes to get the free land you're bragging about. Must be very embarrassing.

I don't give one fvck who you are.  YOU were one of Burnham's thief and enforcers.  My dad was helping to feed the nation, you were one of it's blood suckers.  So fvck off you dunce!!


You know if it wasn't Diwali where we should be at peace, I would tell you Iman know anta, is like I ..ahem...taught him the skills of combat, my $ is on him.... take you down in 7secs.

So hear nuh base, leh we say you happen fo kik the bucket after a fight, who getting the mauve suit or you tekin it with u?

cain posted:

You know if it wasn't Diwali where we should be at peace, I would tell you Iman know anta, is like I ..ahem...taught him the skills of combat, my $ is on him.... take you down in 7secs.

So hear nuh base, leh we say you happen fo kik the bucket after a fight, who getting the mauve suit or you tekin it with u?

Listen Cainsta, I have my views on the GDF which is not as critical or negative as many others on this site.  Me and him agree on certain points regarding Guyana and especially the GDF and Indian participation.  We also agree that Jagan's "wussiness" helped exacerbate the imbalance over time.  However, we disagree on some US politics.  If he then chooses to attack me on Guyana issues due to these differences, then I can easily flip that coin and harvest the low-hanging fruit and throw back.  Not that I agree, but I could play that game.

On the suit thingy, not sure which.  Mi pickney them will make that choice.  Sunday I bought a nice new blue suit from Kohls, for the cruise.  My son have a nice shirt which I will borrow and I already have a shoe.  So you see, I'll have something Old, something New, something Borrowed, something Blue!!  And I keching up with a Larkhi on the boat!

Baseman posted:

I don't give one fvck who you are.  YOU were one of Burnham's thief and enforcers.  My dad was helping to feed the nation, you were one of it's blood suckers.  So fvck off you dunce!!

Rass bai... that is one serious antiman busing you putting pon me. I never said anything about who I am. Don't let that worry you. Burnham died before I became an officer so I was never anything of his. But don't let that stop you from calling me names since you don't have much else at your disposal. The blood suckers were the ones who hated Burnham but kissed his ass for handouts, like your father. Maybe that's why you're so ashamed. You shouldn't. Your father's actions are his own responsibility. If he kissed Burnhams ass, your tongue should be clean. Unless you helped with the kissing.

cain posted:

You know if it wasn't Diwali where we should be at peace, I would tell you Iman know anta, is like I ..ahem...taught him the skills of combat, my $ is on him.... take you down in 7secs.

Hai, Sensei!


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