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Gov’t, Opposition reach amicable agreement on

motion calling for adjustment of estimates

April 9, 2014 5:16 pmCategory: 

By Kurt Campbell




Following an almost two hour delay to the commencement of the official business of the House, Shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge has announced that he will withdraw his motion calling on Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh to withdraw his estimates so as to make adjustment to the format.

Greenidge told the House on Wednesday, April 09 that this will only be done once the Minister moves the relevant motion to reflect in the national estimates, the finances of all entities charged with protecting rights in lump sums, particularly the judiciary.

Greenidge had presented his motion to the Speaker on Tuesday, April 08 at the close of seven days of budget debate. His motion was seconded by Alliance For Change (AFC), Leader Khemraj Ramjattan.

Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman at the beginning of the session stated that he had received a letter from Attorney General Anil Nandlall which addressed the government’s concerns.

The Speaker said that following the meeting, all sides came to the decision and expressed his appreciation in this regard, noting that it was an historic day.

Greenidge explained that entities, including the Ethnic Relations Commission, Human Rights Commission, Women and Gender Equality Commission, Indigenous Peoples Commission, the Auditor General Office and the Judiciary, all charged with protecting rights, were listed as budget agencies and received lump sum funds from the government except the judiciary.

He said this has in essence limited the judiciary and affected its independence.

Meanwhile, Dr. Singh committed to moving a motion at the appropriate time in the Committee of Supply to bring the estimates of the judiciary in line with the other entities.

Earlier, Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira told this online news service ( that they are in total disagreement with the motion.

“It is totally unprecedented and unconstitutional, but the ball is in the Speaker’s court,” Teixeira said.

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Sub – committee to be established to consider

amendments to budget estimates

April 9, 2014 6:04 pmCategory:


Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman.

[] – In light of the High Court ruling that the Opposition cannot ‘cut’ the country’s budget, Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman has proposed that a sub – committee be established to consider the proposed amendments to the 2014 National Budget.

According to Trotman, a sub-committee of the Committee of Supply will be constituted and will have no less than seven members comprising, four members from the Opposition and three members of the Government.

This sub – committee will be chaired by the Speaker. The Speaker explained to the National Assembly that the aim of the sub – committee is to examine proposals for amendments and to find agreement wherever possible.

He explained that it will be up to the government to accept or reject the amendments to the estimates.

Trotman also made it clear that the National Assembly has the right to regulate its own business and rejected the ruling by the Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang that it cannot amend the budget estimates.

He said that the Standing Orders empowers the Committee of Supply to amend and approve the estimates.

“The principal disagreement with the Hon. Chief Justice’s observations, is in the strong belief that it is for the National Assembly, and the National Assembly alone, to determine how it will handle any matter it is seised of. The National Assembly must be allowed to settle its own procedure in keeping with the constitutional mandate contained in Article 165, and the protection from interference guaranteed in Article 172 of the Constitution. The National Assembly has determined that a Committee of Supply shall be the means through which it analyses the Estimates of expenditure. This is in keeping with its right to formulate its own procedure in accordance with the provisions of Article 165 of the Constitution,” the Speaker said.


Sub – committee to be established to consider amendments to budget estimates     Reviewed by on     Apr 09.       [caption id="attachment_5714" align="alignleft" width="300"] Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman.[/caption] [] – In ligh  [caption id="attachment_5714" align="alignleft" width="300"] Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman.[/caption] [] – In ligh     Rating: 0

GuySuCo’s $6B subvention approved; Agriculture

Ministry goes clear

April 9, 2014 8:21 pmCategory: 

Minister of Agriculture, Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Minister of Agriculture, Dr Leslie Ramsammy



Laying to rest the worry that the $6B subvention to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) could be disapproved by the opposition, both sides approved the spending on Wednesday night (April 9) in the National Assembly.

The combined parliamentary opposition however, wasted no time to scrutinize Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, demanding that he provide details in relation to how the money will be utilize.

Both the Alliance for Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) argued that there was an urgent need for reshuffling and reassessment of GuySuCo’s management lest the national purse would have to give monies to the industry annually.

There was also a call for a clear plan to be provided to the House that would show the way forward for a sustained, self sufficient industry.

Dr. Ramsammy explained that the $6B subvention is to address the challenges facing the industry, more specifically approximately $1B will go towards mechanization, another $1B to improving cane production, some $2B towards factory upgrades and the rest of the money will address the purchasing of equipment and improving field infrastructure.

Dr. Ramsammy in responding to questions from the opposition benches said the administration remains committed to strengthening the management of GuySuCo, adding that a number of recommendations have been made for persons to become members of the new board.

He added that there were radical changes being proposed for the new board which will be appointed by July 1. The Agriculture Minister said President Donald Ramotar is currently engaged in talks with persons recommended to be part of the board and assured that the administration was looking for persons who will bring experience in industry business, marketing, agronomy and mechanization.

Responding to questions by AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo the Minister admitted that some of the over $11B which was given to the industry over the last two years was used to increase remuneration among other operational cost.

3-sugar-caneThe Minister could not provide immediately answers in relation to GuySuCo’s debt and the contribution the Skeldon Factory had in that regard. He did point out however that Skeldon was significantly responsible for the shortfall in 2013.

He said he was confident that the 2014 sugar target of 216,000 tonnes will be meet, adding that the target for the first crop is 70,000 tonnes and the industry is likely to make 60,000 tonnes at the close of this week.

The first crop for 2013 began late as a result of bad weather. This caused the industry to produce only 48,018 tonnes of sugar for that crop and a total of 186,749 tonnes of sugar for the year.

GUYSUCO was allocated $1B last year’s in the National Budget while an additional $4B was approved at the end of the year to meet additional expenses.

These included the payment of salary increases that GUYSUCO could not afford, including the Annual Production Incentive (API), holiday payments, and increases negotiated by the unions.

Meanwhile, funding for the Guyana Livestock Development Authority, Guyana Marketing Corporation, Guyana Rice Development Board, Guyana School of Agriculture, Hope Coconut Estates, National Drainage and Irrigation Authority among other entities which fall under the Agriculture Ministry was approved by the House.

Fisheries and the Hydro-meteorological Services funding for the fiscal year 2014 were also approved.



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