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Carl Greenidge


December 24 2018

Friday’s shock collapse of the government has raised immediate challenges for both the incumbent APNU+AFC and the PPP/C as to their presidential candidate for the 2019 general elections to be held in 90 days.

Though he himself has not yet addressed the matter, given his medical condition it is unlikely that President David Granger would be well enough to lead the governing coalition into the elections. Diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma earlier this year after being unwell for a number of weeks, the President has several more rounds of chemotherapy in Cuba going all the way up to May next year. This treatment can leave patients severely weak and the President would not likely be able to keep up with what is likely to be a gruelling three months.

Volda Lawerance

Basil Williams

Joseph Harmon

The President would also face questions as to whether he would be considered fit enough for a five-year term in office were his coalition to win the elections.

After delaying its selection of a presidential candidate for months, the PPP will now barely have three months to introduce its choice to the wider public and give that person a chance to mobilise broad national support. That candidate would also face scrutiny and questions on their public record. The PPP executive committee will on Thursday begin the process of selecting the candidate and this will likely not conclude until early in the new year.

For APNU+AFC, the question of a presidential candidate could trigger internal tensions. The Cummingsburg Accord between the two groups accords the position of the presidential candidate to the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) wing of the coalition. If as expected Granger is unable to run, the question then arises as to who will fill his shoes.

Following his recent absence from the country for medical examination and treatment abroad, observers have noted that Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge has been accorded top billing in APNU. Greenidge was the key speaker at the final APNU rally at Stabroek Square on the eve of the November 12 Local Government Elections. On Saturday, he delivered a brief address to the nation on the incursion of the Venezuelan Navy into Guyana’s waters even though the President has resumed duties and if he was unavailable, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is the next ranking government official.

Sources say that Greenidge, who had been beaten by Granger in a close contest for leadership of the PNCR might be seen as the best candidate to take over from the President in the 2019 race given his wide experience as Finance Minister in the Hoyte administration and later as a long-serving international civil servant with the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group and other posts. Since being appointed as Minister in 2015, Greenidge has not been tainted by scandals which have enmeshed other senior government officials.

As it relates to other potential contenders to succeed Granger, the

de factor PNCR number two official, PNCR Chairman Volda Lawrence has been caught up in a raging controversy over remarks at a Region Four District conference about going giving jobs to PNC people. She also uttered words that referred to violence and has not apologized for them.

Lawrence, also the Minister of Public Health, was on Friday cited by MP Charrandas Persaud as a major reason behind why he made his surprise vote in favour of the PPP/C’s motion of no-confidence against the government. He adverted to her statements at the PNCR district meeting and alleged that she had issued threats to him. Given the controversy surrounding her, Lawrence would not be seen as a candidate capable of mobilizing support outside of the PNCR base at a time when the governing coalition will need to broaden its appeal.

Aside from Lawrence, APNU Chairman Joseph Harmon will likely be advancing his credentials for the post, He had earlier this year transmitted his clear intent to be considered as a successor to Granger when he competed for the post of PNCR Chairman in a three-way race with Lawrence and the then incumbent, Attorney General Basil Williams. Lawrence easily beat both men.

Harmon, who observers have argued has been seen as the de facto Prime Minister since he took up office, has been at the centre of several blunders which have not gone away such as a remark he made after 50% increases were awarded to some Cabinet ministers, intervention by him with the Guyana Revenue Authority over Chinese company Baishanlin and a still-questioned trip to China with the owner of BK International, Brian Tiwarie.

Prior to the election of the new PNCR Chairman this year, Williams had been seen as a prime candidate to succeed Granger. However his poor showing in the three-way race with Lawrence and Harmon and the   loss of a number of key court cases against the State have marked him down.

PNCR General Secretary Amna Ally is not seen as a potential candidate to succeed Granger.


As for the PPP, one key question that has routinely been raised in the public domain is the extent of the hold that party leader, Bharrat Jagdeo will have over the successful candidate. In 2011, Jagdeo almost single handedly steered the presidential nomination to Donald Ramotar who after his election with a minority in parliament faced unending questions about being beholden to Jagdeo.

Political observers believe that whoever is the PPP/C’s candidate, that person would be anointed by Jagdeo and would naturally face questions about who is calling the shots.

Dr.Frank Anthony

Gail Teixeira

Anil Nandlall

Irfaan Ali

Of the leading candidates, former Minister Dr Frank Anthony is seen as relatively unblemished and a safe pick. He is however not seen as candidate with the ability to excite crowds and gee up the PPP’s base.

Of the other candidates, both Irfaan Ali and Anil Nandlall have been charged and have appeared  in court, raising questions about the wisdom of picking a candidate who could possibly be convicted of a criminal offence.

Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, who is seen as  close to Jagdeo,  has been mentioned as a possible candidate particularly if Lawrence was to be the APNU candidate. However, sources say she is more likely to be considered for the prime ministerial spot.

Medical doctor, Vindhya Persaud  and Attorney Charles Ramason Jr have also been mentioned in connection  with the leadership contest.

Both the APNU and PPP decisions could come very soon considering that general elections have to be held in 90 days following Friday’s successful motion of no-confidence against the government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django can you please correct the Subject of this thread.  It is inaccurate and misleading.  The PPP is not scrambling for a Presidential candidate.

Gov’t, PPP/C scrambling for presidential candidate

-in wake of dramatic no-confidence vote

Stabroek News said that,click on link.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

So that Carl Greenidge will get to bankrupt Guyana three times in three different administrations?  That would put him in the Guinness Book of world records.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

So that Carl Greenidge will get to bankrupt Guyana three times in three different administrations?  That would put him in the Guinness Book of world records.

There you go, good talking points on the campaign trail.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

So that Carl Greenidge will get to bankrupt Guyana three times in three different administrations?  That would put him in the Guinness Book of world records.

Do you know the meaning of "Bankrupt"? Tell us exactly what you mean?

Your country, the United States has filed for bankruptcy several times - check it out:

The Bankruptcy of the United States

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

That would mean that the Coalition will go the Dinosaur route again. Hopefully the PPP don't do so.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

So that Carl Greenidge will get to bankrupt Guyana three times in three different administrations?  That would put him in the Guinness Book of world records.

Do you know the meaning of "Bankrupt"? Tell us exactly what you mean?

Your country, the United States has filed for bankruptcy several times - check it out:

The Bankruptcy of the United States

Maybe not bankrupt but the current government is always saying that funds are hard to come by. It took them till after their poor performance at the LGE to pay the sugar worker their severance pay. The teachers had to go on strike to get a lil raise.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

That would mean that the Coalition will go the Dinosaur route again. Hopefully the PPP don't do so.

Looking at the PPP line up, there are 3 middle aged PC.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

So that Carl Greenidge will get to bankrupt Guyana three times in three different administrations?  That would put him in the Guinness Book of world records.

Do you know the meaning of "Bankrupt"? Tell us exactly what you mean?

Your country, the United States has filed for bankruptcy several times - check it out:

The Bankruptcy of the United States

Maybe not bankrupt but the current government is always saying that funds are hard to come by. It took them till after their poor performance at the LGE to pay the sugar worker their severance pay. The teachers had to go on strike to get a lil raise.

LOL! You remind me of BOB with 13 Credit Cards and debts amounting to over 1Mil$ with a 75K per annum salary. He now has a second job delivering parcels. 

But they were able to find funds for their raise and trips abroad.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

The two was also my pick.

That would mean that the Coalition will go the Dinosaur route again. Hopefully the PPP don't do so.

Looking at the PPP line up, there are 3 middle aged PC.

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.


Well, the PPP looked confident on the NC vote so I assume the knew the implications and is prepared.  

I think BJ will lead the PPP into the next election and the candidate will be less the issue. PNC are the ones caught short and should focus there, not on the PPP.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


The two was also my pick.

That would mean that the Coalition will go the Dinosaur route again. Hopefully the PPP don't do so.

Looking at the PPP line up, there are 3 middle aged PC.

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

The old of the PPP is a spring chicken in the PNC. 

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Maybe not bankrupt but the current government is always saying that funds are hard to come by. It took them till after their poor performance at the LGE to pay the sugar worker their severance pay. The teachers had to go on strike to get a lil raise.

LOL! You remind me of BOB with 13 Credit Cards and debts amounting to over 1Mil$ with a 75K per annum salary. He now has a second job delivering parcels. 

But they were able to find funds for their raise and trips abroad.

Bob may be me. Except that I don't make as much as 75k per annum. I also don't have debts amounting to over 1M either because no one will issue any credit to me. As a cane cutter I wouldn't know how to sign a promissory note anyway.

Dem bais found funds for their raises even before they moved their furniture into their offices. 

The Coalition had a golden opportunity but they squandered it with a lot of pettiness. The silly waste of the treasury just after they entered office was the beginning of their downfall. Lawrence's racist comment was only the last infraction that they committed.

ksazma posted:

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

Carl Greenidge is 69 yrs, Prakash Ramjattan is 58 yrs.There are some old farts in the PPP.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

Carl Greenidge is 69 yrs, Prakash Ramjattan is 58 yrs.There are some old farts in the PPP.

Greenidge is only 69? Damn, de dude look more like 96.  I seriously believe that Ranjattan may have had enough with politics now. He is smart enough to have recognized that Naga PM position was only a glorifies on with no real port folio. And not being from the PNC group, he cannot become President.


Indeed there are some old farts in the PPP. I sincerely hope that are not running for President or Prime Minister. Well the PPP would field the PM position anyway. Gail is very strong. Watch how quickly she picks up thing s spoken from the other side and responded to them.

But we bai Nandlall looked very presidential. Plus he married and to wan nice wife so even Harmon would be pleased since he was so obsessed with Jagdeo not having a wife. 


Image result for anil nandlall

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

Carl Greenidge is 69 yrs, Prakash Ramjattan is 58 yrs.There are some old farts in the PPP.

Greenidge is only 69? Damn, de dude look more like 96.  I seriously believe that Ranjattan may have had enough with politics now. He is smart enough to have recognized that Naga PM position was only a glorifies on with no real port folio. And not being from the PNC group, he cannot become President.

Prak and Naga will be tossed out of the PNC. They know they are now obsolete given that the Indian population looks upon them with scorn and disdain labeling them as corrupted traitors.
Maybe PNC should pick GECOM chairman Patterson. He'll be as good as Greenidge.



With only three months left before general elections landlords renting out apartments to ministers and government functionaries are very concerned about collecting their rents. The gov't. of Guyana has been paying as much as US5k per month for apartments. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

Carl Greenidge is 69 yrs, Prakash Ramjattan is 58 yrs.There are some old farts in the PPP.

Greenidge is only 69? Damn, de dude look more like 96.  I seriously believe that Ranjattan may have had enough with politics now. He is smart enough to have recognized that Naga PM position was only a glorifies on with no real port folio. And not being from the PNC group, he cannot become President.

Prak and Naga will be tossed out of the PNC. They know they are now obsolete given that the Indian population looks upon them with scorn and disdain labeling them as corrupted traitors.
Maybe PNC should pick GECOM chairman Patterson. He'll be as good as Greenidge.


The ship is sinking. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

Carl Greenidge is 69 yrs, Prakash Ramjattan is 58 yrs.There are some old farts in the PPP.

Greenidge is only 69? Damn, de dude look more like 96.  I seriously believe that Ranjattan may have had enough with politics now. He is smart enough to have recognized that Naga PM position was only a glorifies on with no real port folio. And not being from the PNC group, he cannot become President.

Prak and Naga will be tossed out of the PNC. They know they are now obsolete given that the Indian population looks upon them with scorn and disdain labeling them as corrupted traitors.
Maybe PNC should pick GECOM chairman Patterson. He'll be as good as Greenidge.


The ship is sinking. 

BRB, I thought the ship sank on December 21, 2018. 32 PNC and KFC bodies recovered. One survivor...Charandas.

skeldon_man posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

While middle age is different from old, I hope that the PPP is wise enough to chose a young, energetic, smart and likeable candidate. Looking at all the people seated in the assembly last Friday, no one looked older than Greenidge.

Carl Greenidge is 69 yrs, Prakash Ramjattan is 58 yrs.There are some old farts in the PPP.

Greenidge is only 69? Damn, de dude look more like 96.  I seriously believe that Ranjattan may have had enough with politics now. He is smart enough to have recognized that Naga PM position was only a glorifies on with no real port folio. And not being from the PNC group, he cannot become President.

Prak and Naga will be tossed out of the PNC. They know they are now obsolete given that the Indian population looks upon them with scorn and disdain labeling them as corrupted traitors.
Maybe PNC should pick GECOM chairman Patterson. He'll be as good as Greenidge.


The ship is sinking. 

BRB, I thought the ship sank on December 21, 2018. 32 PNC and KFC bodies recovered. One survivor...Charandas.

No. The ship has not sunk yet. They're scrambling for life jackets. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:


The ship is sinking. 

BRB, I thought the ship sank on December 21, 2018. 32 PNC and KFC bodies recovered. One survivor...Charandas.

No. The ship has not sunk yet. They're scrambling for life jackets. 

I thought a tsunami hit the PNC/KFC.

ksazma posted:

Indeed there are some old farts in the PPP. I sincerely hope that are not running for President or Prime Minister. Well the PPP would field the PM position anyway. Gail is very strong. Watch how quickly she picks up thing s spoken from the other side and responded to them.

But we bai Nandlall looked very presidential. Plus he married and to wan nice wife so even Harmon would be pleased since he was so obsessed with Jagdeo not having a wife. 


Image result for anil nandlall

Old Pic, that's his Ex!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Indeed there are some old farts in the PPP. I sincerely hope that are not running for President or Prime Minister. Well the PPP would field the PM position anyway. Gail is very strong. Watch how quickly she picks up thing s spoken from the other side and responded to them.

But we bai Nandlall looked very presidential. Plus he married and to wan nice wife so even Harmon would be pleased since he was so obsessed with Jagdeo not having a wife. 

Old Pic, that's his Ex!

Bhai, you could have keep the secret.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Indeed there are some old farts in the PPP. I sincerely hope that are not running for President or Prime Minister. Well the PPP would field the PM position anyway. Gail is very strong. Watch how quickly she picks up thing s spoken from the other side and responded to them.

But we bai Nandlall looked very presidential. Plus he married and to wan nice wife so even Harmon would be pleased since he was so obsessed with Jagdeo not having a wife. 


Image result for anil nandlall

Old Pic, that's his Ex!

What you mean ex.  Did Anil leave her?

Gilbakka posted:

Most likely Carl Greenidge will be Numero Uno & Khemraj Ramjattan running mate.

On PPP side I've been saying all along that Gail Teixeira should be running mate.

What does Ramjattan bring?  This is a time for a youngish (40s-50s) smart Indian to be the candidate.   Ramjattan hasn't delivered and his failure to handle Charran's grievances is evidence of this.  

The only hope for the Coalition is to come new and hope that the PPP brings the old criminals.  The PPP fears strong intelligent blacks so it will be interesting who they will select to try to fool blacks that they aren't the same racist demons that they were during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era. 

The PPP also just needs to stop this Civic nonsense.  It isnt a coalition party and Civic died DECADES ago! 

Maybe the AFC has learned its lesson and might be able to manage APNU better, if they can demonstrate that they can manage their MPs (you know that is an issue that is now being raised of the AFC Indo faction).  Civic doesnt even exist and cannot even dare fool Guyanese that the excesses of Anil or Irfaan can be reined in by them.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Well, the PPP looked confident on the NC vote so I assume the knew the implications and is prepared.  

I think BJ will lead the PPP into the next election and the candidate will be less the issue.

PNC are the ones caught short and should focus there, not on the PPP.

From how the issues proceeded in parliament, indeed it would appear that the PPPC is well prepared for all events .... including new elections.

PNCR appeared that they will win the non confidence and will concentrate on whether Granger would be healthy to continue as president .... hence unprepared for a new election within three months.

Baseman posted:


I think BJ will lead the PPP into the next election and the candidate will be less the issue. PNC are the ones caught short and should focus there, not on the PPP.

So when the PPP wins will BJ also show up in parliament when his hand pick isnt able to manage the opposition?  Shouldn't the PPP candidate show that he is up to the job?  In a mature society Jagdeo would be campaigning minimally so that the candidate would be able to reveal who he will be as president.

Not Jagdeo though. The PPP is his personal property and the landlord never fully trusts the property manager.

The PPP is so fixated in winning that they never take time to govern and so end up working with associates of the Colombian drug cartels.  I guess this time Jagdeo will find some Guyanese who is working with the Mexicans as the Colombians aren't what they used to be.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Prashad will go with Gail and Juan or Pauline and Juan. The rest of them will lead to big fight up in the PPP.

Juan will bring even fewer votes than Mrs. Harper did.  Not sure why you are so fixated with him.  Is he the only black person who the PPP knows? His sordid record will be revealed in what will be a very nasty election. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

With only three months left before general elections landlords renting out apartments to ministers and government functionaries are very concerned about collecting their rents. The gov't. of Guyana has been paying as much as US5k per month for apartments. 

Landlords should change their terms to prepaid month to month.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Indeed there are some old farts in the PPP. I sincerely hope that are not running for President or Prime Minister. Well the PPP would field the PM position anyway. Gail is very strong. Watch how quickly she picks up thing s spoken from the other side and responded to them.

But we bai Nandlall looked very presidential. Plus he married and to wan nice wife so even Harmon would be pleased since he was so obsessed with Jagdeo not having a wife. 


Image result for anil nandlall

Old Pic, that's his Ex!

That is wan nice looking ex then. 

seignet posted:

The PPP has a lot of angry front runners.  Besides, PNCites are never going to settle in for any government other than their kith and kin.

Guyana is in for a tough time.

The PPP also looked after their own people while in office, but Lawrence was guilty, because she talked about it.

Also, the PNC has a closer tie with the GDF/GPF, than the PPP.  Granger a military man, invited many of his retired military friends in his government. 

It is not far fetched, because the 'PNCites are never going to settle in for any government other than their kith and kin'.

Lawrence being the leader of PNC is scary by saying, she will only give jobs to blacks.

Will the PPP fight back with 22s and shovels ?  They already pissed off the ABC countries.   

Tola posted:

Also, the PNC has a closer tie with the GDF/GPF, than the PPP.  Granger a military man, invited many of his retired military friends in his government. 

It is not far fetched, because the 'PNCites are never going to settle in for any government other than their kith and kin'.

y'all need to just stop this

for the better part of a decade and a half, the PNCites/GDF/GPF "settled" for an extended Jagdeo imperium that alarmingly corroded the already thin fabric holding the country together after 1992

how exactly does your "never going to settle . . ." scenario work out with Guyana essentially under an American military umbrella? the oil and all that


Tola posted:

The post got a response from you.  Are you  that smart/dumb to know when you  are 'dragged' into a reply.

Bhai, go back to school.    

That banna very easily steps into dog shit. 


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