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Gov’t seeking proposals for Moco- Moco hydro power station rehabilitation

Georgetown, GINA, January 7, 2016,

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure is currently seeking proposals from appropriate firms to rehabilitate and operate the Moco- Moco Hydropower plant in Region 9. This is being done in line with the government’s plan to develop a ‘Green Economy’.

 The Moco- Moco Hydro power plant will be operated under the Build, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) arrangement. This aims to supply power to Lethem Power Plant under a negotiated and agreed Power Purchase Agreement.

This move forms part of the administration’s overall effort to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for energy, and in so doing, the country can save significant sums being expended on the purchase and importation of such fuels.

In 1995, the previous administration, with assistance from the Government of China, sought to develop the hydropower project; however in 2003, the plant was significantly affected by a landslide. Since then the project was abandoned

The coalition government intends to have hydro power generation facilities located all around Guyana. The Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) is currently in the process of assessing five of 69 possible sites, which are proposed to house these hydro power amenities. The five sites under scrutiny are Tiger Hill, Kamira, Tumatumari, Amaila and Kumu. It is expected that their assessment will be completed in May of this year.

To promote additional financial aid for the hydropower and renewable plan, the coalition government is partnering with the Brazilian government.  Also, to carry through with this plan of a Green Economy, the government will be using $80M from the Norway fund. This money was allocated to renewable energy development.Interested investors as well are welcomed in this department. 

“…we will look to use the $80M in the most acceptable means of renewable energy… but it could be any form of the large scale renewable energy- which is the understanding that we have,” Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson recently said. 

Because Guyana is a tropical country, there is a high potential to invest in renewable energy. This energy while untapped, will soon be harvested to its maximum and provide Guyana with a growing industry.

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Build, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) arrangement is the main method for the construction of a major hydroelectric power plant in Guyana.

Moco-Moco hydroelectric power plant will provide energy only to a local area.


DG..what's your take on tidal electricity generation can it be applicable in Guyana,taking into consideration most of the population is on the coast land,the rivers flow speed is powerful during the spring tides.

Last edited by Django

Production of electricity from tidal sources has its challenges.  There were numerous studies done for Guyana.

However, it appears that the private proponents have not proceeded with the proposals for a number of years now.

It is unclear what are their current plans.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Production of electricity from tidal sources has its challenges.  There were numerous studies done for Guyana.

However, it appears that the private proponents have not proceeded with the proposals for a number of years now.

It is unclear what are their current plans.

Thank's wasn't aware studies was done.

skeldon_man posted:

How about wind power on the coastland? Is this a feasible alernative?

I would think so.  I understand that they have sufficient wind speed for smaller (less than 1 MW) generators. 


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