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March 14, 2016 Source

The Government of Guyana today expressed deep condolences to Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, his relatives and the People’s Progressive Party on the passing of his sister Oma ‘Shanta’ Jagdeo.

The statement from the Department of Public Information said “The government salutes Ms. Jagdeo for her unflagging love for her brother to whom she was not only an older sibling but to whom she was also like a second mother. The loss of a sibling, particularly, a sibling to whom one is particularly close as Mr. Jagdeo was to Ms. Jagdeo, leaves a void which can hardly be filled. The nation stands in solidarity with and holds Mr. Jagdeo up in prayer, in this, his time of grief.”

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Politics is a stupid profession, one moment they want to kill the man and the next they sympathies with week they will call him a thief and here we are cursing each other for these fools 

warrior posted:

Politics is a stupid profession, one moment they want to kill the man and the next they sympathies with week they will call him a thief and here we are cursing each other for these fools 

its stupid, and can get downright dirty too

warrior posted:

Politics is a stupid profession, one moment they want to kill the man and the next they sympathies with week they will call him a thief and here we are cursing each other for these fools 

Granger stressed the poor woman out wid his constant rhetoric of how criminal Jagdeo is. The woman must have been worried sick for her good good brother. Jagdeo must be compensated. I wondering now, if the lady also locked out the First Lady from the State House.


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