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Government takes over nearly $4B AHI debt.

November 4,2017


At the Seventy–first sitting of the National Assembly on Thursday, the government announced that it has taken over nearly G$4B in debt from the Atlantic Hotels Incorporated (AHI).Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, speaking with the Department of Public Information (DPI), said the government’s decision will ensure that Republic Bank Limited (RBL) continues to receive payments and save the Marriott Hotel from foreclosure proceedings.

“The reality here is that such a payment should have been made by AHI based on the monies they should have been receiving from Marriott Hotel, but because the Marriott Hotel is not in a state to give AHI any monies and because AHI’s parent (company) NICIL (National Industrial & Commercial Investments Limited) is not in a state to give AHI any money, the Central Government is now forced to take over this debt, over US$17M”, he explained.

In addition, Minister Jordan said, situations like this one continues to drain the nation’s coffers of finances which can otherwise be used to improve the standard of living of all Guyanese. “These kinds of transactions take away a lot from the treasury and essentially rob public servants of money that should rightly go to them”, he noted.
Further, Minister Jordan added that the debt taken over from AHI is just one example of the many such situations inherited by the current administration from the Bharrat Jagdeo-led government of 23 years.

“This is not the only debt that we have taken over. We have taken over Guyana Sugar Corporation’s (GuySuCo’s) debt–all of the loans that were taken to build Skeldon. The loans from Multilaterals, we are servicing those loans.You would remember that we took over five point something billion dollars owed to the NIS by the Berbice Bridge Company.“Again, that is money from an investment, which has not gone the way it should have, by the previous government. That money would have been $5B that would have been available for payment to teachers and other public servants”, the Finance Minister pointed out.

Atlantic Hotel Incorporated is a special purpose company formed by NICIL to partner in the construction of the Marriott Hotel which has seen the previous government investing hundreds of billions from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and other State-owned agencies which have received no dividends to date.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I thought that the coalition promised that one of the first order of business was to sell the Marriot. What has happened to that commitment? I have not seen any advertisement for i bidders. The only thing I have seen is for expression of interest to operate the casino that is to be part of the hotel.

did they think about the financial situation when they decided to give themselves 50 percent pay raise? And please do not tell me that in terms of money, it was not that much so they could have afforded it. Leadership -- leading by example - instead the coalition's leadership style is -it's ok for me, the minister, but not for the working man, the pensioner, the poor man.


The jackasses pnc/afc and their slop can carriers have seen the benefit of the Marriott and decided that it is an asset worth keeping in the govt's balance sheet.  Just the other day I was speaking to a Republic Bank consultant and he mentioned that he was in Guyana for a few days and stayed at the Marriott. Cribby and the rest of naysayers will continue to bray negativity about the Marriott but already it is paying dividends for the country. In addition, with oil money getting ready to flow, that 17m is chump change. 

Drugb posted:

The jackasses pnc/afc and their slop can carriers have seen the benefit of the Marriott and decided that it is an asset worth keeping in the govt's balance sheet.  Just the other day I was speaking to a Republic Bank consultant and he mentioned that he was in Guyana for a few days and stayed at the Marriott. Cribby and the rest of naysayers will continue to bray negativity about the Marriott but already it is paying dividends for the country. In addition, with oil money getting ready to flow, that 17m is chump change. 

The Maplewood NJ jackass speaks. Hee haaw! 

Drugb posted:

The jackasses pnc/afc and their slop can carriers have seen the benefit of the Marriott and decided that it is an asset worth keeping in the govt's balance sheet.  Just the other day I was speaking to a Republic Bank consultant and he mentioned that he was in Guyana for a few days and stayed at the Marriott. Cribby and the rest of naysayers will continue to bray negativity about the Marriott but already it is paying dividends for the country. In addition, with oil money getting ready to flow, that 17m is chump change. 

One day oil money could pay fuh duh!!  Then "we" could build a Hyatt and a Ritz right near to the Marriott to accommodate investors who like to travel in luxury. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

The jackasses pnc/afc and their slop can carriers have seen the benefit of the Marriott and decided that it is an asset worth keeping in the govt's balance sheet.  Just the other day I was speaking to a Republic Bank consultant and he mentioned that he was in Guyana for a few days and stayed at the Marriott. Cribby and the rest of naysayers will continue to bray negativity about the Marriott but already it is paying dividends for the country. In addition, with oil money getting ready to flow, that 17m is chump change. 

One day oil money could pay fuh duh!!  Then "we" could build a Hyatt and a Ritz right near to the Marriott to accommodate investors who like to travel in luxury. 

Lilmohan and company will not acknowledge that the Marriott was a "fit an proper" investment by the PPP and an asset to the country. These jackasses carrying forward PPP projects including the airport. Now only left is for the idiots to restart the Amelia falls project. 


How about the Government paying for the white elephant Skeldon Sugar factory loan US$43M and the taking back of NIS G$5B billion stakes in the Berbice River Bridge.

Any defense from the crew ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

How about the Government paying for the white elephant Skeldon Sugar factory loan US$43M and the taking back of NIS G$5B billion stakes in the Berbice River Bridge.

Any defense from the crew ?

skeldon should be sold off sloppily. The pnc dwags already have in mind to pawn off these state assets to friends and family.  

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