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Former Member


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday confirmed that Guyana’s Ambassador to the United States Dr Riyad Insanally met with Acting Assistant Secretary of State Michael Kozak on Thursday, March 26 and the discussions dealt with the developments of the March 2 general and regional elections.

A statement from the Ministry reaffirmed that Guyana “remains a sovereign state governed by the rule of law.”

See the Ministry’s full statement below:



March 27, 2020

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to inform the public, that on Thursday, March 26, 2020, at 4:30 p.m., Guyana’s Ambassador to the United States of America, Dr. Riyad Insanally, discussed with Acting Assistant Secretary of State Michael Kozak, at his request, the situation with regard to the General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

In this context, and for the benefit of all international partners and friends, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to affirm that Guyana remains a sovereign state governed by the rule of law and recalls the following facts with regard to the current situation in Guyana:

  • General and Regional Elections 2020 were conducted according to the Constitution and Laws of Guyana on March 2, 2020.
  • The electoral process is managed by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), an independent body, constitutionally mandated to conduct and manage, free, fair, and transparent elections.
  • Guyana appreciates the role and work of all the invited Observers
  • The executive branch of Government has never tried to influence, interfere with or instruct GECOM in any way.
  • The electoral process is not yet completed and no declaration has been made by GECOM.
  • The executive branch attempted, sincerely and in good faith, to find a way forward by inviting the CARICOM team to conduct a recount.
  • The Supreme Court has been approached and has intervened; its rulings, which are still being awaited, will be respected in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana.
  • There is no break down in the rule of law in Guyana.The APNU+AFC coalition government remains in place until a successor would have been declared and sworn-in in its stead.


Replies sorted oldest to newest


The Ministries are legit, not the Ministers. The Ministries are run by the Permanent Secretary, however, the said Permanent Secretaries, should be involved in implementing existing policies. 

The letter by the Ministry of Foreign appears to me to be written by an APNU/AFC party hack working there. BTW that letter is riddled with inaccuracies.


Ace posted:

Are these Ministries still legit? Why are they speaking for Guyana?

There are no ministers right now. Only Granger remains as caretaker President without any cabinet. But don't tell that to the PNC. After all, they have shown on multiple occasions that they have no regard for law or order. They have yet to cross the threshold over to civilization.

Ace posted:

Are these Ministries still legit? Why are they speaking for Guyana?

They are not legit, only the permanent secretary can speak on behalf oh the minister’s. These ministers  term came to a end on March 2. 2020... but just like how they squat in Government for one and half year illegally, that’s what they are doing. 

ksazma posted:
Ace posted:

Are these Ministries still legit? Why are they speaking for Guyana?

There are no ministers right now. Only Granger remains as caretaker President without any cabinet. But don't tell that to the PNC. After all, they have shown on multiple occasions that they have no regard for law or order. They have yet to cross the threshold over to civilization.

Absolutely. They have no regards for law... and their supporters is swimming with them to the ghettos. 

Django posted:

Ha..ha..same posted another thread ,claimed from PNC mouthpiece.

Ayuh does amaze people.

As Senior Administrator you have a propensity for pettiness. Rise yourself above that and be a better person. Friendly advice.


Good advice. 
Learn a few things from moderator Ray. He is respected on both sides of the political spectrum and doesn’t get involved in pettiness.

Last edited by Former Member
Anan posted:

Careful Ray, toe the line and defend SLOP, orelse superM wud restrained yuh privileges 

You ever hear the saying dog does always smell their own shit first? Well is like dis, since you got back on GNI the slop started, better check you chin it could be dripping with it. If it's white, could be pecker snot.

skeldon_man posted:

Oh Skoant. Who is dat man wid long hair that wants to be a woman? Damn! I would not want to see him on a dark night or even a moonlight night. Is that a man or a woman?

Banna, if you dunno the difference  between sexes, you could be married to a man and you doan know it.


Leave Karen Cummings alone to dig her grave. If she think she can bully the US then I advise her to guh down brave. There is some shallow thinking going on at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  She better check her visa status now. She was in the US not too long ago campaigning for APNU with Nagamootoo and Joey Jagan.

Bibi Haniffa

I would not even offer a second glance at this hogwash from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Guyana. First fact is the Guyanese Ambassador Dr Inshaanally was summoned and that by itself means that he got an earful from the U.S. Department of State. It is the host country (in this case the USA) using one of the few diplomatic tools it has when it wants to make its anger felt to another country (in this case Guyana). That is that and all this "bull" from Takuba Lodge is nothing else but that empty trifle.

skeldon_man posted:

Oh Skoant. Who is dat man wid long hair that wants to be a woman? Damn! I would not want to see him on a dark night or even a moonlight night. Is that a man or a woman?

Be nice...we are all descendants from the African jungle who took a leap for mankind...

Casablanca posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Oh Skoant. Who is dat man wid long hair that wants to be a woman? Damn! I would not want to see him on a dark night or even a moonlight night. Is that a man or a woman?

Be nice...we are all descendants from the African jungle who took a leap for mankind...

Maybe you

Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Maybe you

Is GNI an Indo-supremacist hate site?...

He was a PNC goon when the Kabaka was alive. He would demand fried rice from his mattee coolies for his family. That's not the behaviour of a  supremacist. 

Mitwah posted:
Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Maybe you

Is GNI an Indo-supremacist hate site?...

He was a PNC goon when the Kabaka was alive. He would demand fried rice from his mattee coolies for his family. That's not the behaviour of a  supremacist. 

Tell Blanco you looking for a Man,  guess he doesn't know you are an antiman. Give the man your #he will service you for free.  Dead House Rafi!

cain posted:

Oh raassss,   the Indo KKK couldnt wait a couple days, baddam they jump on the new poster.  

I guess that answered your question Casablanca.

Without anyone knowing anything about the new poster he or she asked if GNI is a Indo-Supremacist hate cite. What do you thing would be the response to that asinine question bai? The idiotic new poster didn't even give themselves to assess on their own the question they made.

kp posted:
Casablanca posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Oh Skoant. Who is dat man wid long hair that wants to be a woman? Damn! I would not want to see him on a dark night or even a moonlight night. Is that a man or a woman?

Be nice...we are all descendants from the African jungle who took a leap for mankind...

Maybe you

Kaz, this is how it started.

cain posted:
kp posted:
Casablanca posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Oh Skoant. Who is dat man wid long hair that wants to be a woman? Damn! I would not want to see him on a dark night or even a moonlight night. Is that a man or a woman?

Be nice...we are all descendants from the African jungle who took a leap for mankind...

Maybe you

Kaz, this is how it started.

Okay. Then I apologize to Casablanca for my comments.


A key word is missing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement . The word “Democratic “ . This is a very difficult word for them to write and say. These guys do not walk the talk.

Long Live Democracy.

cain posted:

Oh raassss,   the Indo KKK couldnt wait a couple days, baddam they jump on the new poster.  

I guess that answered your question Casablanca.

Shut you putak rass, wah, you looking for pen pal.

Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Maybe you

Is GNI an Indo-supremacist hate site?...

Is that  what attracted you to join?

My Dad who was a friend of Cheddie Jagan's bodyguard, met Fidel and Che Guevara while on assignment in Havana...I joined to find out the whereabouts of this bodyguard...We buried a relative recently...Life is short... 

Are you speaking of Changoor from Enmore.

Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Maybe you

Is GNI an Indo-supremacist hate site?...

Is that  what attracted you to join?

My Dad who was a friend of Cheddie Jagan's bodyguard, met Fidel and Che Guevara while on assignment in Havana...I joined to find out the whereabouts of this bodyguard...We buried a relative recently...Life is short... 

Well, I am sorry for your loss.  I know the family , perhaps I will make some inquiry.


Don’t bother with dem rass. lil poor-ass hungry-belly nation with 7.5 Lakhs people lecturing the most powerful nation on this planet on sovereignty?  Dem White man mussy went in the back office and buss dem belly with Laff rass!

Is like mosquito 🦟 fighting with eagle 🦅!!

kp posted:
cain posted:

Oh raassss,   the Indo KKK couldnt wait a couple days, baddam they jump on the new poster.  

I guess that answered your question Casablanca.

Shut you putak rass, wah, you looking for pen pal.

You fellas were rude and because I pointed it out you try being asinine with me.  Kaz was decent about it but you must be one of the ignorant backward ones, keep it up if thats the only way you know, you are excused.

Last edited by cain
Casablanca posted:
kp posted:
Casablanca posted:

Is GNI an 

Is that  what attracted you to join?

My Dad who was a friend of Cheddie Jagan's bodyguard, met Fidel and Che Guevara while on assignment in Havana...I joined to find out the whereabouts of this bodyguard...We buried a relative recently...Life is short... 

What year was that?

Last edited by Baseman
cain posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

Oh raassss,   the Indo KKK couldnt wait a couple days, baddam they jump on the new poster.  

I guess that answered your question Casablanca.

Shut you putak rass, wah, you looking for pen pal.

You fellas were rude and because I pointed it out you try being asinine with me.  Kaz was decent about it but you must be one of the ignorant backward ones, keep it up if thats the only way you know, you are excused.

You does slide in cussing the Indos then hope to get sympathy . If Kaz wants he can tolerate that shit, not me. We already got we hand full with them blackman shooting insults. I am clean to whom come clean.

Casablanca posted:

Thanks, everyone...He was a strong and handsome soldier from Corentyne who worked tirelessly with Dr. Jagan for the betterment of Guyana and all Guyanese...He is one of Guyana's unsung heroes...A journalist wrote an article about him 10 years ago, I'll try to find it...I want to write an article about him, the reason for me joining GNI...

Today you joined a Rum Shop, because of the Coronavirus the Bar closed, if not I woulda buy you a drink, anyway anada day.

Casablanca posted:

Thanks, everyone...He was a strong and handsome soldier from Corentyne who worked tirelessly with Dr. Jagan for the betterment of Guyana and all Guyanese...He is one of Guyana's unsung heroes...A journalist wrote an article about him 10 years ago, I'll try to find it...I want to write an article about him, the reason for me joining GNI...

PM me for info.


Your comments of bias are not effective on matter because you're not penetrating the theory of control with the schizophrenia or paranoia. For instance an airplane establishes lift with the wings, this is a theory. it can't be proven. To penetrate the theory with the paranoia you could think, well, Lord Jesus is pushing the plane up because of the crucifixion because the spirit of the wind established force. So in this world in order to make progress you have to validate the paranoia. The gift of mental illness was provided because of the death of Jesus. Let's say that the Guyana elections commission rigged elections in Guyana. It is currently not verifiable. Let me try to prove it is true with paranoia: Last night I was robbed and the person took a minivan with my money to Georgetown and went to gecom with instructions from Grainger to manipulate the spreadsheets on March 2nd 20/20. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Last edited by Ronald Anthony Arjune
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

It all makes sense Ron, especially the last part where you claim being robbed last night etc etc etc.

Ron sounds more rational than some clowns on GNI!

Banna doan make Iman laughnow, I was being sarcastic. So, you like Ron's last paragraph eh? Did you really read it? Dem guys gonna laugh yo rass now.


So Kaz I guess you seem to feel he's rational when he mentioned being robbed one night ago (Mar28) which helped manipulate the spreadsheet on Mar 2.

Shows you guys seem no different than those APNU fools.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

So Kaz I guess you also feel he's rational when he mentioned being robbed one night ago (Mar28) which helped manipulate the spreadsheet on Mar 2.

Shows you guys no different than those APNU fools.

Bai my comment included the word seem. It was meant to demonstrate how grossly ridiculous the statement is that Mingo counted all of the official region 4 SOPs and did not infuse artificial and bogus numbers. I think Base is making the same argument.


I think you have to be iilogical to understand the logic. The Jews must be the illogical between two or more comparison as a TEST state. For instance, like if you compare a house with roti, the illogical would be a fat belly if you have a lot of money. And that illogical is the Jews' existence hidden from us because normally you would not conceive of that since you have been thought to think rationally. This illogical reasoning can change the truth. Another example is if there is one bathroom for two apartments in between each other and the other occupant asks you to open the door saying that the bathroom door was locked. The illogical would be that the Jews locked  the door since it is irrational and the thought of a paranoid schizophrenic especially if you personally believe you did not forget and locked the door. My suspicion is how are they watching us. This can be applied to the mistrust of the elections in Guyana. I think they reside in us and are looking through our eyes to see the world around us. This can be extrapolated as when someone looks at you face to face saying, "I'm watching you," and you're wondering where are they really; are they inside you. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune

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