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Gov’t to face Parliament questions over inauguration spending


By , October 16, 2015, Source


Thursday’s sitting of the National Assembly will see the government being asked about expenses incurred in relation to a series of presidential inauguration events.


Former Minister of Culture Dr Frank Anthony is the PPP/C MP who will be asking the questions and Minister in the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry will be supplying the answers.


During the consideration of the budget estimates this year similar questions were asked but the PPP/C was not satisfied with the oral answers that were provided by Henry.


According to the Order Paper circulated by Parliament Office, Anthony’s questions are as follows:

  1. Can the Minister provide a detailed list of all costs incurred in relation to, and in preparation for, the Presidential inauguration events held at Parliament Buildings, at the Independence Arch at Brickdam, at the National Stadium at Providence, at the Pegasus Hotel, and elsewhere, including the clean-up campaign that preceded these events?
  2. In relation to the costs referred to in 1 above, can the Minister indicate the source of funding?
  3. Can the Minister provide a detailed list giving the nature and total value of contributions made?
  4. Can the Minister indicate when an audited statement of the expenditure incurred will be available and tabled in this National Assembly?

Ironically, Anthony himself had been the target of frequent questions by APNU and AFC MPs about the extent of spending for the 2008 Carifesta here, the 2007 Cricket World Cup and the construction of the Guyana National Stadium at Providence. To date, full details and reports on these ventures have not been provided.


Anthony had also faced numerous questions over the operations of the publishing house Caribbean Press.


Thursday’s sitting will also see a series of questions to Minister of Finance Winston Jordan about spending by the APNU+AFC government on the rice and sugar industries and the source of these funds.


President David Granger is also scheduled to address the sitting. There is no word yet on the subject of his address but it will likely relate to the ongoing tensions with Venezuela over the border controversy between the two countries.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!  buncha losers wanna question the govt knowing fully well they're going nowhere with bumbass questions.


Where the rass did they (PPP) get money from to put on big shows and chicken along with red t shirts for dem peeps?

Their answer could very well be..."where you tink we get money from, is de coke business been flourshing, is only after you alliance guys got in power and mess up de coke runnings, now the country poor"

Originally Posted by cain:

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!  buncha losers wanna question the govt knowing fully well they're going nowhere with bumbass questions.


Where the rass did they (PPP) get money from to put on big shows and chicken along with red t shirts for dem peeps?

Their answer could very well be..."where you tink we get money from, is de coke business been flourshing, is only after you alliance guys got in power and mess up de coke runnings, now the country poor"

yOU WILL DIE A slave AND LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's a good one from that same article, perhaps DG hadn't gone this far into the article so I gotta bring it up.

This prick wants to question govt when we're all waiting for his answer how many years now? pLEASE.


"Ironically, Anthony himself had been the target of frequent questions by APNU and AFC MPs about the extent of spending for the 2008 Carifesta here, the 2007 Cricket World Cup and the construction of the Guyana National Stadium at Providence. To date, full details and reports on these ventures have not been provided.


Anthony had also faced numerous questions over the operations of the publishing house Caribbean Press."

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!  buncha losers wanna question the govt knowing fully well they're going nowhere with bumbass questions.


Where the rass did they (PPP) get money from to put on big shows and chicken along with red t shirts for dem peeps?

Their answer could very well be..."where you tink we get money from, is de coke business been flourshing, is only after you alliance guys got in power and mess up de coke runnings, now the country poor"

yOU WILL DIE A slave AND LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!


Last edited by cain

On May 11th

PPP lost the Elections,



cut their ass.....


Now we are finding out....

The Former PPP President & 5 Ministers

Plus Luncheon and other Top PPP officials

will be charged in the Pradoville Scandal.....


 PAGE 01

How will this help

PPP chances

at any future election ...





Gov’t to face

Parliament questions

over inauguration spending...

Absalam do not understand

Govt will not Prorogue or

 Shut Down the Parliament

or Run and Hide like PPP...



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