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Gov’t wants Roger Khan’s testimony …will take up U.S. offer to help launch local probe

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Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo


THE Guyana Government has said it will take up a United States offer to access the testimonies given by convicted drug-trafficker Shaheed Roger Khan, in order to open local investigations into the Phantom Squad which the self-confessed PPP government-backed crime fighter had led.

President David Granger, back in August, had given his administration’s clearest signal that he intends to investigate the Bharrat Jagdeo-era killings, and on Monday, new U.S. Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway, was asked whether Washington would facilitate handing over testimony given by Khan during his trial.

Holloway told reporters that there are certain agreements that exist both through the UN, the OAS, “and quite possibly Guyana, (which) do allow that in certain cases, if the rules and regulations of the agreement are done with Guyana, or we have signed up under the UN or OAS to allow for such a thing, we would be sure to be disposed to cooperating within the framework of the rule of law.”

He added that a lot of time the requirements for such requests are pretty high for what you have to be able to provide to be able to go further. “We don’t allow fishing expeditions, we actually need something sort of concrete and (that) we could see on paper and touch; but within the agreements that we have — and we have done multilateral or international forums — we cooperate with any country in the world,” he said.

Criminal network
Back in 2003-2006 Khan, had set up a criminal network here, including active policemen and a number of former ranks, ostensibly to go after criminals, but at the same time protecting his narco-trafficking interests. He was nabbed in neighbouring Suriname in 2006 while fleeing local police, and was later handed over to U.S. authorities.

Although the PPP Government has sought to distance itself from Khan, the drug trafficker had stated publicly in an advertisement in local newspapers that he was fighting crime on behalf of the Bharrat Jagdeo-led government. Khan had also implicated former Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy in his escapades, and documents bearing the then minister’s signature authorising the purchase of a sophisticated wiretapping device were produced in U.S. courts during Khan’s trial.

Dr Ramsammy has always denied knowledge of the document.
Meanwhile, when quizzed on the U.S. offer, Minister of State, Defence Board Secretary Joseph Harmon, said: “Definitely! We would have an interest in what came out of the trial because it points to some levels of collusion with the past administration and the criminal elements; that is where the evidence is. If it is there, we would be happy to have it, because they have always said, ‘where is the evidence? Where is it?’ Well, that is where it is, and if that is where it is, we will go and get it and let the Guyanese people know who was doing what at that time,” Harmon declared.

During his trial, Khan pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine, witness tampering and gun-running, and is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence. Special Agent Cassandra Jackson of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, in her affidavit to the U.S. Court about Khan’s involvement in the drug trade in Guyana, had said: “Khan was ultimately able to control the cocaine industry in Guyana in large part because he was backed by a para-military squad that would murder, threaten, and intimidate others at Khan’s directive. Khan’s enforcers committed violent acts and murders on Khan’s orders that were directly in furtherance of Khan’s drug-trafficking conspiracy.”

Jackson told the court that the U.S. Government’s case was to establish that Khan was the leader of a “violent drug-trafficking organisation”, and that he and his co-conspirators obtained large quantities of cocaine and then imported the cocaine into the Eastern District of New York and other places for further distribution. Khan also had his hands — based on testimonies — in the killing of anti-PPP political activist Ronald Waddell and countless other citizens.

Earlier commitment
Back in August, at a Critchlow Labour College forum, President Granger had indicated that he would launch an inquiry into unsolved and unnatural deaths between the years 2000 and 2008. He stated then that the issue is one of the priorities for his administration. “In due course, I will ensure that all of those mothers’ children who were killed have their deaths investigated,” the President told the gathering of the Cuffy 250 Third Annual State of the African-Guyanese Forum.

In 2012, Granger had drafted a motion which sought to have the very issue addressed, but it was not successful in the 10th Parliament. Back then, the motion had sought to open cases of every unnatural death.

On Sunday, President Granger said the opening of the cases is lawful, and while he has no immediate date for the start, he has already begun discussions with Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Basil Williams on the matter. Among the deaths which will be investigated is that of former Minister of Agriculture, Satyadeow Sawh, his siblings and the security guard who were gunned down at their home in 2006. “When you have young men being shot in the backs of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which have not been investigated; when a minister of the government has been assassinated and you don’t even have an inquest into his death, it is something stink. Something stinks, and we are going to investigate those deaths,” President Granger told the gathering.

The issue of Ramsammy was also mentioned by the President. The President also hinted at the deaths in Bartica, as well as the many policemen and residents from the community of Buxton who were killed during the period 2000-2008. He pointed to the three monuments erected at Bartica, Eve Leary and Buxton to remember those killed. He further noted that never before have so many policemen been killed, and never after so many were killed, than during the tenure of former President Bharrat Jagdeo. However, President Granger called on citizens to allow the monuments to remind them about the deaths which took place between 2000 and 2008.
By Ariana Gordon

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Every East Indian Guyanese owe their survival to three people. President Jagdeo, Roger Khan and Gajraj. The future of the East Indian people of Guyana is in having our own independent sovereign country. It is an insult and an extreme danger for our people to be ruled by the anti-koolie in chief Jranger.

Prashad posted:

Every East Indian Guyanese owe their survival to three people. President Jagdeo, Roger Khan and Gajraj. The future of the East Indian people of Guyana is in having our own independent sovereign country. It is an insult and an extreme danger for our people to be ruled by the anti-koolie in chief Jranger.

Yes!  A thousand times, Yes!

(Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.)

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

Every East Indian Guyanese owe their survival to three people. President Jagdeo, Roger Khan and Gajraj. The future of the East Indian people of Guyana is in having our own independent sovereign country. It is an insult and an extreme danger for our people to be ruled by the anti-koolie in chief Jranger.

Where would Guyana coolies be today without those three patriots?


It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

How soon we forget that the nation's security was at risk. Gilly bhai, all countries, including the US does this kind of covert operation.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

How soon we forget that the nation's security was at risk. Gilly bhai, all countries, including the US does this kind of covert operation.

Covert? Man, it was open secret. 

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

How soon we forget that the nation's security was at risk. Gilly bhai, all countries, including the US does this kind of covert operation.

Covert? Man, it was open secret. 

It was conceived as a covert operation. Why you think your brothers want an investigation? It was no open secret. It was a dirty job and somebody had to do it. 


It was ok when House of Israel and the GDF did it.  How about the 900 plus souls that suffered at Jonestown?  Why was the PNC government not called into question for that?  What was Burnham's relationship with Jim Jones?  Why was Jones given carte blanche to set up shop near to the Venezuelan border?   Which current government leader was the head honcho of the GDF at the time of the Jonestown massacre?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It was ok when House of Israel and the GDF did it.  How about the 900 plus souls that suffered at Jonestown?  Why was the PNC government not called into question for that?  What was Burnham's relationship with Jim Jones?  Why was Jones given carte blanche to set up shop near to the Venezuelan border?   Which current government leader was the head honcho of the GDF at the time of the Jonestown massacre?

The blame for this lie with no one else but the PPP for not going after the truth.

You people would like everything to be as is, you want the Govt and the US to leave the creeps alone, let them carry on with their misdeeds.

Last edited by cain

Jonestown was in 1978.  PPP came to power almost 14 years later in 1992 when all the evidence was destroyed.  But you do have a point, the spineless Opposition Leader in 1978 ran under the rug while they were removing body bags in Jonestown. 

The big question here remains, why did the US, whose 900 plus citizens perished on that dreadful day, turned a blind eye.  Wasn't Leo Ryan, their congressman also murdered?  They have started wars and invaded countries for less than this.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

An expose' on the real issue would reveal you as brazen-faced sucker who will sell your mama.

Billy Ram Balgobin

These Burnham dawgs waste so much money on commissions and audits and found NOTHING.  Now they are digging up shyte again.

People in Guyana sit back and take all this nonsense quietly. In other countries we would have already seen protests/coups and other methods of rebellion BIG TIME. 

cain posted:

All you who are crying the blues, hold your tears for when the handcuffs are on nice and tight, we won't want you to run out of tears.

CLODSE to ONE BILLION in audits to the FRIENDS of the AFC/PNC crooks and they cannot even prove shyte about PPP theft.

They (AFC/PNC) crooks are blowing smoke once again, perhaps cheap weed. Perhaps to drive attention away from their incompetence.

Talk is cheap.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

Every East Indian Guyanese owe their survival to three people. President Jagdeo, Roger Khan and Gajraj. The future of the East Indian people of Guyana is in having our own independent sovereign country. It is an insult and an extreme danger for our people to be ruled by the anti-koolie in chief Jranger.

Where would Guyana coolies be today without those three patriots?

Indos would have been exterminated the the will of PNC terrorists. God bless our patriots.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
cain posted:

All you who are crying the blues, hold your tears for when the handcuffs are on nice and tight, we won't want you to run out of tears.

CLOSE to ONE BILLION in audits to the FRIENDS of the AFC/PNC crooks and they cannot even prove shyte about PPP theft.

They (AFC/PNC) crooks are blowing smoke once again, perhaps cheap weed. Perhaps to drive attention away from their incompetence.

Talk is cheap.


Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
cain posted:

All you who are crying the blues, hold your tears for when the handcuffs are on nice and tight, we won't want you to run out of tears.

You have been singing this same song since 2014 when your beloved PNC were in opposition. Now it is 2016 and yet 1 PPP has not tasted the handcuffs that you promised. What is the hold up? The people are clamoring for the justice promised by the opposition in 2014. 

Drugb posted:
cain posted:
cain posted:

All you who are crying the blues, hold your tears for when the handcuffs are on nice and tight, we won't want you to run out of tears.

You have been singing this same song since 2014 when your beloved PNC were in opposition. Now it is 2016 and yet 1 PPP has not tasted the handcuffs that you promised. What is the hold up? The people are clamoring for the justice promised by the opposition in 2014. 

Cain is one of those people who cannot think for themselves.

He drank so much PNC cool aid and smoked so much cheap weed that it is clouding his most basic reasoning.


AFC/PNC are blowing smoke. They are smoking cheap weed.


AFC/PNC cannot prove shyte about PPP theft.


Only the foolish will buy into this AFC/PNC garbage.


AFC/PNC are attempting to divert attention from their incompetence by attempting to promise another inquiry.


AFC/PNC is full of shyte.


Talk is cheap, AFC/PNC are all BS talk.

Last edited by Former Member


Quote from the Ambassador to the AFC/PNC clowns:

"He added that a lot of time the requirements for such requests are pretty high for what you have to be able to provide to be able to go further. “We don’t allow fishing expeditions"

yuji22 posted:


Quote from the Ambassador to the AFC/PNC clowns:

"He added that a lot of time the requirements for such requests are pretty high for what you have to be able to provide to be able to go further. “We don’t allow fishing expeditions"

..........“We don’t allow fishing expeditions" we actually need something sort of concrete and (that) we could see on paper and touch; but within the agreements that we have — and we have done multilateral or international forums — we cooperate with any country in the world,” he said.


You have to hand it to Cain, either he is so high that it takes away his shame or maybe he is one barefaced sob. To stand here and defend afc/pnc incompetence and colossal failure surely gives him the award of Baghdad Bob of Guyana.  Even D2, CaribJ, Django and Gilly and the rest of those hoodwinked, have quietly distanced themselves from the dunces in office. Once in a while Mars will show his face but not often these days.  

Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

No one is condoning anything.  Why don't you ask your PNC friends about the PNC organized terrorists gangs set up to exterminate Indians.  I don't know if the PPP was involved other than arresting the crime wave and reestablishing stability.  This is the obligation and mandate of any Govt towards its citizens.  Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.  Try to argue with the US over "extraordinary Rendition" and the extraordinary measure taken against Terrorists!

ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

No one is condoning anything.  Why don't you ask your PNC friends about the PNC organized terrorists gangs set up to exterminate Indians.  I don't know if the PPP was involved other than arresting the crime wave and reestablishing stability.  This is the obligation and mandate of any Govt towards its citizens.  Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.  Try to argue with the US over "extraordinary Rendition" and the extraordinary measure taken against Terrorists!

The US is a law unto itself, the biggest violator of international laws since the 19th century and Monroe Doctrine. The US has total disregard for treaties and agreements. The US hypocritically preaches one thing but practises the opposite. The US has a history of encouraging State Terrorism whenever it serves US interests worldwide.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

An expose' on the real issue would reveal you as brazen-faced sucker who will sell your mama.

I will sell your wife first.

Gilbakka posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

No one is condoning anything.  Why don't you ask your PNC friends about the PNC organized terrorists gangs set up to exterminate Indians.  I don't know if the PPP was involved other than arresting the crime wave and reestablishing stability.  This is the obligation and mandate of any Govt towards its citizens.  Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.  Try to argue with the US over "extraordinary Rendition" and the extraordinary measure taken against Terrorists!

The US is a law unto itself, the biggest violator of international laws since the 19th century and Monroe Doctrine. The US has total disregard for treaties and agreements. The US hypocritically preaches one thing but practises the opposite. The US has a history of encouraging State Terrorism whenever it serves US interests worldwide.

I actually agree with the US. You sit safe and comfortable but someone's flesh and blood is on the line.  You have no appreciation and believe being nice to evil will make them nice.

The US faced extraordinary times, just like the GoG and they take extraordinary measures to protect their citizenry!

Gilbakka posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

No one is condoning anything.  Why don't you ask your PNC friends about the PNC organized terrorists gangs set up to exterminate Indians.  I don't know if the PPP was involved other than arresting the crime wave and reestablishing stability.  This is the obligation and mandate of any Govt towards its citizens.  Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.  Try to argue with the US over "extraordinary Rendition" and the extraordinary measure taken against Terrorists!

The US is a law unto itself, the biggest violator of international laws since the 19th century and Monroe Doctrine. The US has total disregard for treaties and agreements. The US hypocritically preaches one thing but practises the opposite. The US has a history of encouraging State Terrorism whenever it serves US interests worldwide.

The US say that the Guyana 2015 elections were free and fair.  Even before the ballots were done counting they declare Granger the winner.  Did you not agree with them?  Me hearing wan different song now about the US.   

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

An expose' on the real issue would reveal you as brazen-faced sucker who will sell your mama.

I will sell your wife first.

You are giving your behind away after all these years of being a PPPite. What a shame and waste.

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:


We cannot do shyte to help these AFC/PNC clowns. They are blowing smoke.

It seems you are the one blowing something and I doan think it's smoke. The US knows something hence THEIR following offer;

THE Guyana Government has said it will take up a United States offer to access the testimonies given by convicted drug-trafficker Shaheed Roger Khan, in order to open local investigations into the Phantom Squad which the self-confessed PPP government-backed crime fighter had led.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
The US say that the Guyana 2015 elections were free and fair.  Even before the ballots were done counting they declare Granger the winner.  Did you not agree with them?  Me hearing wan different ong now about the US.   

As you know, Bibi, the PPP lost the elections by only 4,506 votes. That is, according to GECOM's official declaration. However, as recent as last week, Bharrat Jagdeo maintained that his party WON the elections. He said the PPP had asked GECOM for a recount in some regions, particularly Region 4, but GECOM refused to play ball.

Now, for the sake of argument, let me give Jagdeo the benefit of my doubt. The PPP won the election last year. So, why do you keep blaming Gilbakka and Django and other Indians who supported APNU+AFC but DID NOT VOTE? Are we to take blame for Surujbally's "NO" to a recount request? 

Personally, I care not about the US. Never visited that place even though I have relatives and friends like Django living there. But if the internationally respected Carter Center said the election was free and fair, who am I to contradict them? Reminder: waaay back in 1990 it was PPP Leader Cheddi Jagan who initially requested the Carter Center to monitor Guyana's election under President Hoyte. If Carter was credible for Jagan, he is credible for me. Credible, but not infallible.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It's astounding that some people here are implicitly condoning extra-judicial killings perpetrated by Roger Khan with collusion from Ronald Gajraj. Racialism really blinds people to injustice.

An expose' on the real issue would reveal you as brazen-faced sucker who will sell your mama.

I will sell your wife first.

You are giving your behind away after all these years of being a PPPite.

Hahaha!!! Your problem is JEALOUSY. But, get this straight: Gilbakka never gave away his "behind" to the PPP when he was young and appealing. It's inconceivable now to give his old behind to APNU+AFC. I think I mentioned here before that for 20+ years I gave the PPP my time, talent and even money but not my soul. Gilbakka's soul belongs to Gilbakka and God only.


Your take on the matter being discussed shows how low you would go in this old business of political pandering. You have allowed yourself to give in to what's not right in this sick political climate.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

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