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Gov’t will not pay Ramroop’s $100M CPL invoice – Finance Minister

July 8, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

…No contract provided by league

 “I’m not paying it unless I see substantial evidence that there was a contract signed for services, that the services were performed and that the services were performed satisfactorily.” – Finance Minister, Winston Jordan

After confirming that the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) had indeed presented a US$500,000 invoice to the Ministry of Finance, Minister Winston Jordan, on Monday maintained that the hefty sum will not be paid by the Government of Guyana.
But in light of the government’s refusal to foot the suspicious bill, CPL is reportedly threatening legal action, Jordan said.
In an invited comment, Jordan said that an invoice in excess of US$500,000 from CPL has been received by the Finance Ministry. He said too that other invoices for smaller amounts have also been received.
However, Jordan shared that the invoice lacked a contract to show just what the money was being paid for.
“I have no intentions of paying it, not until I see a contract and see who signed off on it and so forth. I just can’t pay out money like that,” Jordan maintained.

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

He said, too, that the threat of legal action is ridiculous, especially since no contract had been presented.
“There has been no contract, nothing at all, yet they’ve submitted an invoice and are now threatening legal action,” Jordan said.
According to the Finance Minister, the CPL is claiming that services were contracted and provided to Guyana. No clear indication was shown as to just what these services were. He added that the invoices presented were signed by an overseas agent linked with CPL.
Jordan continued, “I’m not paying it unless I see substantial evidence that there was a contract signed for services, that the services were performed and that the services were performed satisfactorily.”
Furthermore, he explained that there is no clear indication as to who had reportedly contracted CPL’s services. “Whoever contracted them has to know where they are getting the money from”.
Payments made to the CPL were also flagged by Auditor General Deodat Sharma in his 2013 Report. According to the extensive document, $36.3M was pumped into the CPL, which is owned by Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop. Ramroop has long been known as having close ties to former President Bharrat Jagdeo.
The $36.3M for CPL was reportedly taken from the Guyana Lotteries Fund.
Jordan believes that the money flagged by the AG had been paid out in 2013.
Meanwhile, Jordan believes that such issues would have easily gone uncovered had there not been a change in government. He emphasised that the citizenry must be alert, even with the change in administration.
“I would hope, too, that people will also put a lot of fire on us to make sure that this doesn’t happen again,” Jordan stressed. “This kind of skullduggery is unbelievable and unbecoming.”
The CPL was launched in 2013 with Limacol, a brand under Ramroop’s New GPC Inc., as its title sponsor. With the sponsorship, the tournament was titled the Limacol CPL T20. However, the title sponsorship was taken over by Indian company, Hero Motocorp just a few months ago. No information had been given on why the change had been made.

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Meanwhile, Jordan believes that such issues would have easily gone uncovered had there not been a change in government. He emphasised that the citizenry must be alert, even with the change in administration.
“I would hope, too, that people will also put a lot of fire on us to make sure that this doesn’t happen again,” Jordan stressed. “This kind of skullduggery is unbelievable and unbecoming.”


Mr. Jordan, there is no "us". The GOG is not us and them. We and you. It is the government of guyana. Governing for one people, one nation for a common destiny.

 Mr. Ramroop must present a copy of his contract and show proof that the work was done.  If he fails to produce both then the Government must prosecute him for false claims, I insist.


It takes US$500K to run a franchise...Bobby is the one who was supposed to be paying this since it's his franchise...unless the PPP Govt was doing this for him with taxpayers money...



Originally Posted by seignet:

Mr. Jordan, there is no "us". The GOG is not us and them. We and you. It is the government of guyana. Governing for one people, one nation for a common destiny.

On election day May 11th, there was an "us", and in 2020 there will also be an "us".  The PPP was blatantly corrupt and the 50% who voted for the coalition expect this to be dealt with.  Interestingly enough so do many of the 50% who voted for the PPP, as many of them also believed that they were blatantly corrupt.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

Another thing, Granger should have serious talk with the Blackman bigots.

Why don't you have a chat with the Indo bigots, who have already decided that Guyana will be another Haiti, merely because an African dominated party now rules Guyana.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Another thing, Granger should have serious talk with the Blackman bigots.

why . . .?


a snapshot of GNI is instructive . . . there is no blackman equivalent here of you and the antiman cohort parading day in and day out for years, shitting the most vile and evil shyte about Black people as a race on this BB


the scary part for Guyana is . . . skonts like u are of one mind with PPP bigshots who feed this racist monster


shit, some of y'all even claim to be agents of influence in the AFC!!



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

the scary part for Guyana is . . . skonts like y'all actually have the ears of PPP bigshots who feed this racist monster


shit, some of y'all even claim to be agents of influence in the AFC!!




Pick the worst PPP Minister, even Jagdeo himself, and you cannot point to to any example of them engaging in the levels of GNI race hate.


Our race problems encompass multiple fronts:

1. Race consciousness

2. Race insecurity

3. Race hatred pure and simple.


The first is harmless by itself. The second is an issue for the resident Guyanese. The third I just don't understand and is what we see here on GNI everyday. I've never met a PPP Big One who had the language and beliefs of Alena, or Rama. Even if they occasionally make a flippant remark that sounds "racial." That is not indicative of some deep seated hatred of anyone.


P.S...These claims of AFC influence are quite accurate. These people really do have significant influence in the AFC Coolie Faction.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Another thing, Granger should have serious talk with the Blackman bigots.

Why don't you have a chat with the Indo bigots, who have already decided that Guyana will be another Haiti, merely because an African dominated party now rules Guyana.


The ultimate irony of all this is that Indians stand to benefit from a Guyana that is administered along the lines of the other Black-dominated CARICOM states than from continued PPP Misrule.


The principal issues of the Indian right wing include crime and social disorders. I'm sure the Coalition will address crime. That alone is the principal bane of the Indian population as well as that of the rest of the population.


The Coalition has an excellent chance to politically split the PPP leadership from the grassroots Indians. It may not result in Indians voting PNC but it may very well take the steam out of any Opposition whatsoever for years. Those "massive" GECOM protests were instructive.


Asked the question once, to a group of Indo-Guyanese. The reply, "We are not racists. Never." In the strongest protest.


I doan think Indians ever beat up Blacks folks because they are Afro. But a Kulie does get some licks because he happen to be an East Indian.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Asked the question once, to a group of Indo-Guyanese. The reply, "We are not racists. Never." In the strongest protest.


I doan think Indians ever beat up Blacks folks because they are Afro. But a Kulie does get some licks because he happen to be an East Indian.



i am forced to conclude that, in some strange, sullen, ignar universe u inhabit, this is what passes for 'argument'



Last edited by Former Member

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