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Governance in Guyana lacks vital ingredient- AFC

October 18, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

-    renews call for Procurement Commission

With no Public Procurement Commission Guyana will continue to lose valuable resources on bungled and failed deals and the procurement process will be tainted and paralyzed by political corruption and cronyism- Nagamootoo

By Abena Rockcliffe Citing the words recently written by the American Secretary for Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius,

AFC Vice- Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice- Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

“The essence of good government is trust,” the Alliance For Change (AFC) declared that governance in Guyana is lacking this most vital ingredient. This is the same political party which brought a Motion of No-Confidence against the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), because it viewed Minister of Finance, Dr, Ashni Singh’s actions in spending monies not approved by the National Assembly as criminal, and in total contradiction with the Constitution. AFC, at its most recent press conference, reminded the media about the Surendra saga as it relates to the breach of contract for the Specialty Hospital, and said that the installment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) could very well have avoided the problem. President Donald Ramotar had exposed that the Surendra deal for the Specialty Hospital was tainted by fraud and Attorney General Anil Nandlall promised that legal proceedings are apace to recover almost one billion dollars (US$4.2M) that the impugned company had collected in advance for the project without turning a straw. AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo told the media that “in any other country where accountability is a feature of government, heads would have been rolled, but not in Guyana.” He said that the incident with the specialty hospital and “other failed and corrupted projects, should have sent a signal message that Cabinet ought to keep its hands off the contract process, as this continuing practice has opened the door wide to politicians who use their offices to lobby and to indulge in nepotism.” Nagamootoo said that the answer for such problems has been and remains the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission. He claimed, “It must be a high level of distrust to feel that our public servants are unfit to make procurement decisions.” The politician pointed out that the government has so far argued that the opposition is only interested in wresting procurement decisions from the Cabinet. He asserted that what the Cabinet is doing is contrary to law, “and the President is in violation of the Guyana Constitution. The law is what it is, and places this responsibility over procurement outside of Cabinet.” The Member of Parliament said that in calling for the Commission, the AFC is not trying to sabotage governance, but embellish it with the acceptable feature of checks and balances, which is a basic tenet of democracy and a core expectation in all free nations. He asserted that “the self-insulating arrogance of this government is that it does not trust professionals, and deems them unfit to procure public projects.” Nagamootoo renewed the call for the Public Procurement Commission to be established without further delay.  He said that until this is done, Guyana will continue to lose valuable resources on bungled and failed deals, and the procurement process will be tainted and paralyzed by political corruption and cronyism. Recently the government scrapped Surendra’s contract citing fraud, saying that the company submitted forged documents. The Opposition has always been against Surendra getting the contract. AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan had told the media that while Fedders Lloyd (a company that bid for the contract) had constructed some 40 specialty hospitals across the world, Surendra Engineering, a spare parts fabricator for the sugar mills of India, had no experience in this regard. The National Assembly denied financing for the Specialty Hospital because of these very reasons. The Indian contractor has however, denied tendering a fake bank guarantee for the Turkeyen specialty hospital. Managing Director, Brijen Parikh, in a statement issued had said that “all such allegations of fraud or financial irregularities are completely baseless and without any merit.” Parikh had said that over the past two years, Surendra had been working relentlessly for the progress of the Specialty Hospital Project, and has invested a huge amount of resources in terms of time, money and manpower, and remains committed to seeing the project completely through. The company claims it is owed several million US dollars from the Guyana Government in respect of work done at the site so far.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC gives “real reason” Govt. scrapped Surendra contract

September 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- says it can help recover US$4M advance

By Abena Rockcliffe Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan entered revelation mode yesterday as his Party hosted its weekly Press Conference at the Georgetown Club. Among the disclosures made by the political leader was “the real reason” behind the government’s move to scrap Surendra Engineering’s contract to construct the Specialty Hospital. Ramjattan told the media that the AFC’s investigation into the matter, the publicized findings thereafter, as well as the Party’s public stance that Surendra’s contract should have been taken away a long time ago, have been justified. He said that the AFC’s stance was premised on the fact that Surendra Engineering knows nothing about Specialty Hospitals. “We knew that it was a fraud being committed, whereby almost US$19M was going down the drain.” Fortunately, Ramjattan said, it “appears” to be just US$4.5M that went down. He said it is the AFC that saved Guyana from “going further down the wrong road”. According to Ramjattan, his Party was able to influence a cancellation of the loan from India which the government depended on to partially fund the hospital. “The AFC wants to make it clear that the Party has the capacity—through the channels we worked with out of the  Lok Sabah in India and the international figures met during the course of investigation—to have caused the Indian Government to block the disbursement to the Guyana government. That is the reason why they are now calling Surendra a fraud; it is because of the blocked funding…That is why the government had to yank the contract from Surendra.” However, notwithstanding the fact that the government totally ignored the opposition’s calls and warnings on the Surendra/Specialty issue, the AFC is still prepared to help the government recover its money. Ramjattan told the media, “We (the AFC) are in a position today to help the government of Guyana and we are willing to help them to get back that 4.5 million from Surendra.” The politician said that he spoke to political figures in India who have indicated that there are two sources Guyana can turn to for help on the issue; those being the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and parallel organization Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He said that those are entities where one can go and make complaints against big companies that have done damage financially, and these bodies will in turn do the necessaries. “So if it has taken away $4.5B from the Guyanese, we can help, and we can utilize these processes to ensure we get back from Surendra,” said Ramjattan. Further, the politician noted that neither he nor his Party have faith that the government will move to the Courts to get back its money from Surendra. “It is just a sham and a façade and they have worked it out how they will get their commissions. I understand the commissions have already been paid to senior government officials, and so now that the money has been blocked they have yanked themselves from each other in that symbiotic relationship they had before.” He made it a point of note that the AFC was never against the Specialty Hospital project, but was indeed cognisant of “the fraud from tender board, hence the call for the Public Procurement Commission.” Ramjattan said that the project should now be retendered or “maybe the next bidder with the highest points should be given the contract”. “Once we know of companies with the capacity to do it, then let it be done. It is a good piece of investment for Guyana once everything is legitimate,” Ramjattan said. The Member of Parliament bemoaned the fact that “lots of people said that I have collected money from Fedders Lloyd.” Fedders Lloyd is the Indian Company which was denied the contract to build the hospital even though its bid was reportedly lower than Surendra’s. Ramjattan sought to emphatically debunk all such allegations. The lawyer disclosed that he had never had an interest in the company until its officials solicited his support. He said that it was based on the advice of the Indian High Commission that the company, Fedders Lloyd Limited of India, after being denied the contract, sought his assistance. “They wanted their grievances heard or at least publicized so he (the Indian High Commissioner) sent them to me as he indicated Ramjattan is an anti-corruption crusader,” said Ramjattan. The attorney-at-law told the media that he never charged a cent for doing what he did, as it was all in the interest of transparency. He committed that his Party will continue to make public any legitimate information that it is aware of that will save Guyana from financial loss. He added that the AFC will continue trying to “block that culture where more and more fraudsters are enriching themselves off of Guyana.” Recently the government scrapped Surendra’s contract on a call of fraud, saying that the company submitted forged documents. Before this, the Opposition was all against Surendra getting the contract. Ramjattan had told the media that while Fedders Lloyd had constructed some 40 specialty hospitals across the world, Surendra Engineering, a spare parts fabricator for the sugar mills of India, had never constructed any. The National Assembly denied financing for the Specialty Hospital because of these very reasons.


Moses lacks the ingredients to bring down the PPP.


Loudmouth Moses is a complete failure.


AFC is Guyana's laughing stock. Oct 16 came and gone and the PPP is standing like a mountain.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses lacks the ingredients to bring down the PPP.


Loudmouth Moses is a complete failure.


AFC is Guyana's laughing stock. Oct 16 came and gone and the PPP is standing like a mountain.

Fookeetutu you need to come up with some thing substantive and new.


Your hideous repetition of the same regurgitation is a waste of time and space here.


Do you have anything new for us this week to think about?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses lacks the ingredients to bring down the PPP.


Loudmouth Moses is a complete failure.


AFC is Guyana's laughing stock. Oct 16 came and gone and the PPP is standing like a mountain.

Fookeetutu you need to come up with some thing substantive and new.


Your hideous repetition of the same regurgitation is a waste of time and space here.


Do you have anything new for us this week to think about?


Moses should take some rat poison to end his shame.


the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses lacks the ingredients to bring down the PPP.


Loudmouth Moses is a complete failure.


AFC is Guyana's laughing stock. Oct 16 came and gone and the PPP is standing like a mountain.

Fookeetutu you need to come up with some thing substantive and new.


Your hideous repetition of the same regurgitation is a waste of time and space here.


Do you have anything new for us this week to think about?


Moses should take some rat poison to end his shame.

Can I impress upon your barely conscious mind that suicide is not a thing you joke with when we are shamed by the world for being a place where it is an easy out? You suffer from the same disease that take so many of our young people out; the idea that when circumstances seem overwhelming you head for the nearest fatal dose of gramazone!  Further, Mosses, unlike you, knows what it takes to fight for something. He is demanding of the APNU that they put up or shut up.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

AFC gives “real reason” Govt. scrapped Surendra contract

September 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- says it can help recover US$4M advance

By Abena Rockcliffe Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan entered revelation mode yesterday as his Party hosted its weekly Press Conference at the Georgetown Club. Among the disclosures made by the political leader was “the real reason” behind the government’s move to scrap Surendra Engineering’s contract to construct the Specialty Hospital. Ramjattan told the media that the AFC’s investigation into the matter, the publicized findings thereafter, as well as the Party’s public stance that Surendra’s contract should have been taken away a long time ago, have been justified. He said that the AFC’s stance was premised on the fact that Surendra Engineering knows nothing about Specialty Hospitals. “We knew that it was a fraud being committed, whereby almost US$19M was going down the drain.” Fortunately, Ramjattan said, it “appears” to be just US$4.5M that went down. He said it is the AFC that saved Guyana from “going further down the wrong road”. According to Ramjattan, his Party was able to influence a cancellation of the loan from India which the government depended on to partially fund the hospital. “The AFC wants to make it clear that the Party has the capacity—through the channels we worked with out of the  Lok Sabah in India and the international figures met during the course of investigation—to have caused the Indian Government to block the disbursement to the Guyana government. That is the reason why they are now calling Surendra a fraud; it is because of the blocked funding…That is why the government had to yank the contract from Surendra.” However, notwithstanding the fact that the government totally ignored the opposition’s calls and warnings on the Surendra/Specialty issue, the AFC is still prepared to help the government recover its money. Ramjattan told the media, “We (the AFC) are in a position today to help the government of Guyana and we are willing to help them to get back that 4.5 million from Surendra.” The politician said that he spoke to political figures in India who have indicated that there are two sources Guyana can turn to for help on the issue; those being the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and parallel organization Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He said that those are entities where one can go and make complaints against big companies that have done damage financially, and these bodies will in turn do the necessaries. “So if it has taken away $4.5B from the Guyanese, we can help, and we can utilize these processes to ensure we get back from Surendra,” said Ramjattan. Further, the politician noted that neither he nor his Party have faith that the government will move to the Courts to get back its money from Surendra. “It is just a sham and a façade and they have worked it out how they will get their commissions. I understand the commissions have already been paid to senior government officials, and so now that the money has been blocked they have yanked themselves from each other in that symbiotic relationship they had before.” He made it a point of note that the AFC was never against the Specialty Hospital project, but was indeed cognisant of “the fraud from tender board, hence the call for the Public Procurement Commission.” Ramjattan said that the project should now be retendered or “maybe the next bidder with the highest points should be given the contract”. “Once we know of companies with the capacity to do it, then let it be done. It is a good piece of investment for Guyana once everything is legitimate,” Ramjattan said. The Member of Parliament bemoaned the fact that “lots of people said that I have collected money from Fedders Lloyd.” Fedders Lloyd is the Indian Company which was denied the contract to build the hospital even though its bid was reportedly lower than Surendra’s. Ramjattan sought to emphatically debunk all such allegations. The lawyer disclosed that he had never had an interest in the company until its officials solicited his support. He said that it was based on the advice of the Indian High Commission that the company, Fedders Lloyd Limited of India, after being denied the contract, sought his assistance. “They wanted their grievances heard or at least publicized so he (the Indian High Commissioner) sent them to me as he indicated Ramjattan is an anti-corruption crusader,” said Ramjattan. The attorney-at-law told the media that he never charged a cent for doing what he did, as it was all in the interest of transparency. He committed that his Party will continue to make public any legitimate information that it is aware of that will save Guyana from financial loss. He added that the AFC will continue trying to “block that culture where more and more fraudsters are enriching themselves off of Guyana.” Recently the government scrapped Surendra’s contract on a call of fraud, saying that the company submitted forged documents. Before this, the Opposition was all against Surendra getting the contract. Ramjattan had told the media that while Fedders Lloyd had constructed some 40 specialty hospitals across the world, Surendra Engineering, a spare parts fabricator for the sugar mills of India, had never constructed any. The National Assembly denied financing for the Specialty Hospital because of these very reasons.

I was about to hilite a portion of this but the whole darn article is interesting reading. Really sticks it to the Govt.

This news has to reach the people,let them know where the AFC stands on various issues such as the hospital issue, let them know THE TRUTH which is something PPP/C has no idea about "Da TRUTH"

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Yuh talkin to me Druggie??

Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




This is for patacake boy

Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Your intolerance for others justify that you do not belong here, especially for using dirty language in disguised. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Your intolerance for others justify that you do not belong here, especially for using dirty language in disguised. 

Clam up sissy boy

  Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses lacks the ingredients to bring down the PPP.


Loudmouth Moses is a complete failure.


AFC is Guyana's laughing stock. Oct 16 came and gone and the PPP is standing like a mountain.

Fookeetutu you need to come up with some thing substantive and new.


Your hideous repetition of the same regurgitation is a waste of time and space here.


Do you have anything new for us this week to think about?


Moses should take some rat poison to end his shame.

Why you doan share dat out at freedom house fuss? give kwame and jagdeo some cool aid.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to AGREE with Bhai Yugi here. OCT 16th  came and gone, now talk about lacking ingredients.

Yuji repeats what he's said about Moses ad nauseum.


Redux asked for something new and creative from Yuji about Moses.


Yiji responded with the rat poison thingie.


Then.......drum roll please.........Nehru says he gotta agree with Bhai Yugi.....oh how entertaining is GNI....

Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Ah just see this......hehehehehe........ nice one Cainsta......yuh think the microwave oven gon blow up when it encounters Nehru's head?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Your intolerance for others justify that you do not belong here, especially for using dirty language in disguised. 

Cobra..shut yuh sk0nt!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Ah just see this......hehehehehe........ nice one Cainsta......yuh think the microwave oven gon blow up when it encounters Nehru's head?

that was for yug...nehru could try it if he wishes but like u say,it'll probly buss up the microwave.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

the moderator should remove your silly skont for post sheer shit every fkin time you get on the board. Why don't you stick your head in your microwave oven and turn it on, do us that favour please.




Your intolerance for others justify that you do not belong here, especially for using dirty language in disguised. 

Cobra..shut yuh sk0nt!


And Mullah Kari with his usual cussdown like his hero Moses.

Last edited by Former Member

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