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Former Member

Government and Opposition commit to continue to work together in Joint Statement

10:18 / 10.01.2019 News Source gy,

The Joint Statement on yesterday’s high level meeting the Government and the Opposition has been released.

The statement reflects some of the issues already explained to the media by the President and the Opposition Leader.

According to the statement, the parties “met in an atmosphere of cordiality and iterated their emphatic commitment to work on all and any matters relating to the preservation and protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana; irrespective of any domestic political issues.”

It explains both the position of the President and of the Opposition Leader on the issues related to the no-confidence motion and its passage in the National Assembly and the Court actions about its validity.

See full Joint Statement below:


The Government and Opposition met at the Ministry of the Presidency on January 9, 2019 at 11:00 hours at a high-level bilateral meeting.

The delegations were as follows:



The parties agreed to discuss an agenda proposed by the President that included –

  1. Constitutional and Legal situation:
  1. General and Regional Elections:

The parties recognized the high importance of continuous engagements between the Government and Opposition, the importance they hold for the national interest and the elevated public expectation.

The Leader of the Opposition reiterated his position that the “no confidence motion” was validly passed and therefore there must be compliance with Articles 106 (6) and 106 (7) of the Constitution.

He further stated that the time-frames prescribed by the two provisions of the Constitution must be rigidly observed, notwithstanding the pendency of the legal proceedings filed; and that Parliament must be dissolved unless otherwise agreed upon in accordance with Article 106 (7) of the Constitution.

Further, the Leader of the Opposition contended that while the Government remains in office in accordance with Articles 106(7) of the Constitution, its functions must be confined to the provision of essential services of the State and to matters in relation to preparation for General and Regional elections.

In addition, the Leader of the Opposition emphasized that the National Assembly should only meet to deal with issues connected with the provision of essential services by the State and all matters related to the preparation of General and Regional elections.

The President emphasized that the Government is legal and that it must govern without any limitations on its authority. His Excellency further stated that there is no provision in the Constitution which imposes limitation on the Government to perform its lawful functions.

The President indicated that the Government and the Opposition, by agreement in the National Assembly, can enlarge the time beyond the 90 days contemplated by Article 106 (7) of the Constitution.

The President further stated that it is lawful for the Government to engage the Court, to bring clarity to the provisions of Article 106 (6) and 106 (7) of the Constitution. Pending the conclusion of the legal proceedings, Parliament remains functional.

Both sides are committed to work towards the expeditious conclusion of the matters engaging the attention of the court.

The parties identified Ms. Amna Ally and Ms. Gail Teixeira to enquire into the readiness of GECOM.

Both parties expressed their willingness to meet to ensure the management of the various issues facing the nation.

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Guyana Constitution

Section 106 (1) to (7)

Source --

(1) There shall be a Cabinet for Guyana, which shall consist of the President, the Prime Minister, the Vice-Presidents, and such other Ministers as may be appointed to it by the President.
(2) The Cabinet shall aid and advise the President in the general direction
and control of the Government of Guyana and shall be collectively
responsible therefor to Parliament.
(3) Cabinet Meetings shall be presided over by—
     (a) the President;
     (b) in the absence of the President, the Prime Minister; or
    (c) in the absence of the President and the Prime Minister,such Minister as the President may designate.
(4) The Cabinet may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership or the absence of any member thereof.
(5) At the invitation of the President or of any person presiding at a meeting of the Cabinet, a Minister who is not a member of the Cabinet may attend that meeting and participate fully in the proceedings as if he were a member.
(6) The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.
(7) Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”
Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:


Further, the Leader of the Opposition contended that while the Government remains in office in accordance with Articles 106(7) of the Constitution, its functions must be confined to the provision of essential services of the State and to matters in relation to preparation for General and Regional elections.


Yuh notice that Jagdeo stop talkin fraff about the government resigning immediately. He finally come to he senses after riling up dese nincompoops on GNI.

Mars posted:


Yuh notice that Jagdeo stop talkin fraff about the government resigning immediately. He finally come to he senses after riling up dese nincompoops on GNI.

Maybe he is coming to the realization that winning an election, but in an environment of tribal anger will make life difficult.

I will commend both men though as, for the time being at least, they appear to be listening to each other and accommodating each other's views.  The tassa and Kwekwe drums are supposedly quiet now based on reports from last night.

caribny posted:
Mars posted:


Yuh notice that Jagdeo stop talkin fraff about the government resigning immediately. He finally come to he senses after riling up dese nincompoops on GNI.

Maybe he is coming to the realization that winning an election, but in an environment of tribal anger will make life difficult.

I will commend both men though as, for the time being at least, they appear to be listening to each other and accommodating each other's views.  The tassa and Kwekwe drums are supposedly quiet now based on reports from last night.

If the table had turned and the PNC won the NCV, Georgetown would been in flames, businesses looted, rioting.

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Mars posted:


Yuh notice that Jagdeo stop talkin fraff about the government resigning immediately. He finally come to he senses after riling up dese nincompoops on GNI.

Maybe he is coming to the realization that winning an election, but in an environment of tribal anger will make life difficult.

I will commend both men though as, for the time being at least, they appear to be listening to each other and accommodating each other's views.  The tassa and Kwekwe drums are supposedly quiet now based on reports from last night.

If the table had turned and the PNC won the NCV, Georgetown would been in flames, businesses looted, rioting.

It’s good they tamp down.  Yes Caribj bros would have GT in flames and we know that.  Indians have to handle differently.  There are more than one ways to skin a cat.  

However, when the PPP wins, they will need to make some conciliatory steps to allay the fears of Afros!

Nehru posted:

KP, Facts and Figga nah LIE.  TRUE DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see what will happen when the PPP wins the GE. The PPP must be prepared from now , be it a phantom army or whatever it takes. The present forces under Rumjaat can't be trusted, he is a straight hair Blackman. Don't you see Charran expressed his democratic rights and voted his way and the government is pulling all stops to investigate him. Charran says if a free and fair election held today, the PPP will win by Min. 60% and he is going back to make that happen.

Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:


Further, the Leader of the Opposition contended that while the Government remains in office in accordance with Articles 106(7) of the Constitution, its functions must be confined to the provision of essential services of the State and to matters in relation to preparation for General and Regional elections.

Yuh notice that Jagdeo stop talkin fraff about the government resigning immediately. He finally come to he senses after riling up dese nincompoops on GNI.


Demerara_Guy posted:

Government and Opposition commit to continue to work together in Joint Statement

10:18 / 10.01.2019 News Source gy,

The Leader of the Opposition reiterated his position that the “no confidence motion” was validly passed and therefore there must be compliance with Articles 106 (6) and 106 (7) of the Constitution.

He further stated that the time-frames prescribed by the two provisions of the Constitution must be rigidly observed, notwithstanding the pendency of the legal proceedings filed; and that Parliament must be dissolved unless otherwise agreed upon in accordance with Article 106 (7) of the Constitution.

Further, the Leader of the Opposition contended that while the Government remains in office in accordance with Articles 106(7) of the Constitution, its functions must be confined to the provision of essential services of the State and to matters in relation to preparation for General and Regional elections.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana Constitution

Section 106 (1) to (7)

Source --

(6) The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.
(7) Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

Thus far issues seem to be progressing with the gist of the constitution.

Extension of the three-months' time frame can be approved/granted with the support of the opposition party to achieve the desired votes of, at least, two-thirds of the elected MPs.


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