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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

If true this is the last apan jhat election.


So what happens next time?  Evidence is that 93% of the black population, and more disturbingly for the PPP, 78% of the mixed population is hostile to the PPP.  The biggest growth in the mixed population will be among the mixed people as more come of age.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

I am hearing Corbin demanding that Moses deliver or get lost!!!

Poor Moses have a big burden to fetch. I am waiting the day after to cuss down the Tom, Dick and Harry for putting uncle Moses in a dangerous position.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Poor Moses have a big burden to fetch. I am waiting the day after to cuss down the Tom, Dick and Harry for putting uncle Moses in a dangerous position.

If the coalition loses Moses will ge quietly away.  Guyana will plunge into deep disaster as a vengeful PPP attacks all it doesn't like and steals as much as it can.  It knows, if it wins on Monday, that is the LAST election. That is unless it begins to break into the mixed vote.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

If true this is the last apan jhat election.


So what happens next time?  Evidence is that 93% of the black population, and more disturbingly for the PPP, 78% of the mixed population is hostile to the PPP.  The biggest growth in the mixed population will be among the mixed people as more come of age.

If every Guyanese were as RACIST as you are, I would be worried BUT Guyanese are way too intelligent than you are.  People will ALWAYS VOTE for a Party they can TRUST to deliver.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

If true this is the last apan jhat election.


So what happens next time?  Evidence is that 93% of the black population, and more disturbingly for the PPP, 78% of the mixed population is hostile to the PPP.  The biggest growth in the mixed population will be among the mixed people as more come of age.


CaribJ lil slow pon de Ball,

90% Indians are against Race Vote.

We moving forward

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.



I'm sure you think so chap. But I advised/warned/begged you AFCites of the Mosaic Cult to curb your attacks on Indian people. But day in day out it was all about how evil and racist the Indians are. So this election is frankly a commentary on the AFC and their Mudheads (excepting decent people like you Gilbakka) who made a mess of the Indian message.


Ya'll allowed a small group of Indians to frame and dominate the whole argument throughout this election since Moses's "I'm not Indian" debacle. I even offered you all a reasonable cure for this issue. But it's not in the behavior of cults to be sensible when they have sacred doctrine.


People like Jalil, HM Redux, and Sasenarine Singh lost this election for the AFC as much extra-party PPP advisors won it for the PPP.


P.S...Indians like most people do not like to be called racist especially when THEY think it's unfair. And when you do it enough, you drive then to do the very opposite of what you're attempting to get them to do. Its a "well we're gonna be called racists anyway, so we might as well support the Indian mad people we know."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

If true this is the last apan jhat election.


So what happens next time?  Evidence is that 93% of the black population, and more disturbingly for the PPP, 78% of the mixed population is hostile to the PPP.  The biggest growth in the mixed population will be among the mixed people as more come of age.


This is 2015. The PPP will have to improve on its governance and party outreach for 2020. And yes it would seem that apaan jaat will not suffice in 2020. That its enough in 2015 surprises even me.


They will have to some hard work among all non-Indians for 2020. I hope the Party takes 2015 as the ass-kicking lesson it is.


The PPP may surprise you yet. Many decent anti-PPP people supported the PPP this time in the hope that it will govern better in the future.


“I believe that comparing

Clement Rohee’s performance over the last nine years

with what I am capable of doing;


I am the better choice to be President

to assure Guyanese that they will be safe in their homeland,”

the former army man told reporters.


He believes that he has a “good idea”

what needs to be done to protect residents

in the hinterland from banditry and

residents on the coastland from piracy,

murders, domestic and other forms of violence.


“I am very confident

that w...e will be able to make Guyanese people safe.”


The Presidential Candidate also dealt

with the issue of educating the nation

and improving the University of Guyana.


“Without reforming the current broken education system,

we will not be able to deal

with the problems of development in this country,”

Granger said.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

If true this is the last apan jhat election.

You seem to talk because you have a tongue.  Tell me, when in Guyana there was no apaan jhat election?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.



I'm sure you think so chap. But I advised/warned/begged you AFCites of the Mosaic Cult to curb your attacks on Indian people. But day in day out it was all about how evil and racist the Indians are. So this election is frankly a commentary on the AFC and their Mudheads (excepting decent people like you Gilbakka) who made a mess of the Indian message.


Ya'll allowed a small group of Indians to frame and dominate the whole argument throughout this election since Moses's "I'm not Indian" debacle. I even offered you all a reasonable cure for this issue. But it's not in the behavior of cults to be sensible when they have sacred doctrine.


People like Jalil, HM Redux, and Sasenarine Singh lost this election for the AFC as much extra-party PPP advisors won it for the PPP.


P.S...Indians like most people do not like to be called racist especially when THEY think it's unfair. And when you do it enough, you drive then to do the very opposite of what you're attempting to get them to do. Its a "well we're gonna be called racists anyway, so we might as well support the Indian mad people we know."

Best analysis so far, as I mentioned before the more you attack the Indians the more they will close ranks, the haters of the PPP have been doing that all along, apart from that the Indian is ridiculed in the same manner in public everyday in Guyana.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.



I'm sure you think so chap. But I advised/warned/begged you AFCites of the Mosaic Cult to curb your attacks on Indian people. But day in day out it was all about how evil and racist the Indians are. So this election is frankly a commentary on the AFC and their Mudheads (excepting decent people like you Gilbakka) who made a mess of the Indian message.


Ya'll allowed a small group of Indians to frame and dominate the whole argument throughout this election since Moses's "I'm not Indian" debacle. I even offered you all a reasonable cure for this issue. But it's not in the behavior of cults to be sensible when they have sacred doctrine.


People like Jalil, HM Redux, and Sasenarine Singh lost this election for the AFC as much extra-party PPP advisors won it for the PPP.


P.S...Indians like most people do not like to be called racist especially when THEY think it's unfair. And when you do it enough, you drive then to do the very opposite of what you're attempting to get them to do. Its a "well we're gonna be called racists anyway, so we might as well support the Indian mad people we know."

I take your point of the operation of cults, but I disagree the PPP will ever or can ever govern properly and fairly. In the midst of a tight election they handed over state assets to Dax. Then they rushed a new drug contract without competitive bidding. My prediction is if PPP wins they will sell out the assets of Guysuco at rock bottom prices to their friends and family. This party is not enlightened enough to mold a society and party one would be proud to support and not have to worry about professional integrity. I still believe PPP will lose the election.


Guys, Shaitaan et al, emotions are running high left right centre up and down this election season.

Reasonable and intelligent people want to know how certain Indians can support an utterly corrupt government that has neglected poor people but nurtured the rich. And because the PPP is overwhelmingly Indian, its supporters are assumed to be in favour of continuing Indian rulership, never mind the corruption. Right here in GNI, some Indians admit the PPP has big thieves and scamps, but they hang on to Ramotar because, according to them, he is the lesser evil than Granger. Perplexing.

That explains why some bewildered folks unkindly call Indians "racists."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I'm sure you think so chap. But I advised/warned/begged you AFCites of the Mosaic Cult to curb your attacks on Indian people. But day in day out it was all about how evil and racist the Indians are. So this election is frankly a commentary on the AFC and their Mudheads (excepting decent people like you Gilbakka) who made a mess of the Indian message.


Ya'll allowed a small group of Indians to frame and dominate the whole argument throughout this election since Moses's "I'm not Indian" debacle. I even offered you all a reasonable cure for this issue. But it's not in the behavior of cults to be sensible when they have sacred doctrine.


People like Jalil, HM Redux, and Sasenarine Singh lost this election for the AFC as much extra-party PPP advisors won it for the PPP.


P.S...Indians like most people do not like to be called racist especially when THEY think it's unfair. And when you do it enough, you drive then to do the very opposite of what you're attempting to get them to do. Its a "well we're gonna be called racists anyway, so we might as well support the Indian mad people we know."

putting aside your stupidness that a couple of GNI posters "lost this election for the AFC," let me take time out to underline a few things


nailing stink mouth lie #1:


shaitaan, please show how/where AFC Moses "cultists" on GNI called Indo-Guyanese "EVIL and RACIST!"


i'm not even asking u to demonstrate your "day in and day out" asininity, just show . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by randolph:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.



I'm sure you think so chap. But I advised/warned/begged you AFCites of the Mosaic Cult to curb your attacks on Indian people. But day in day out it was all about how evil and racist the Indians are. So this election is frankly a commentary on the AFC and their Mudheads (excepting decent people like you Gilbakka) who made a mess of the Indian message.


Ya'll allowed a small group of Indians to frame and dominate the whole argument throughout this election since Moses's "I'm not Indian" debacle. I even offered you all a reasonable cure for this issue. But it's not in the behavior of cults to be sensible when they have sacred doctrine.


People like Jalil, HM Redux, and Sasenarine Singh lost this election for the AFC as much extra-party PPP advisors won it for the PPP.


P.S...Indians like most people do not like to be called racist especially when THEY think it's unfair. And when you do it enough, you drive then to do the very opposite of what you're attempting to get them to do. Its a "well we're gonna be called racists anyway, so we might as well support the Indian mad people we know."

Best analysis so far, as I mentioned before the more you attack the Indians the more they will close ranks, the haters of the PPP have been doing that all along, apart from that the Indian is ridiculed in the same manner in public everyday in Guyana.


This is where I diverged with the AFC back in 2011.  The vile dirty personal attacks being meited out/hurled to ward Indians was a disgrace and just difficult to be associated with.  These guys have not changed, but now under the PNC skirt, they feel invincible...against Indians of course.  They still cower and run for cover at any unhappy grunt from an Afro.  They are shameless cowards.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Haul yuh shameless ***** one side basement. You are a sour puss and a chap with serious mental issues. Go and seek some help Obama care can help you.



Oh, yes Horseman, you were one of those I described, I remember you well.  The only shame I feel was to have been associated with you bunch of cowards/rejects.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Haul yuh shameless ***** one side basement. You are a sour puss and a chap with serious mental issues. Go and seek some help Obama care can help you.



Oh, yes Horseman, you were one of those I described, I remember you well.  The only shame I feel was to have been associated with you bunch of cowards/rejects.

Yawn,,,,,,,,you are a broken fella. Isolated in your own lil world.....sad.

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . These guys have not changed, but now under the PNC skirt, they feel invincible...against Indians of course.  They still cower and run for cover at any unhappy grunt from an Afro.  They are shameless cowards.

baseman, no one is really interested in your pathological projection issues


related . . . there is still space in barat's buckta for u to hide

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Haul yuh shameless ***** one side basement. You are a sour puss and a chap with serious mental issues. Go and seek some help Obama care can help you.



Oh, yes Horseman, you were one of those I described, I remember you well.  The only shame I feel was to have been associated with you bunch of cowards/rejects.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . These guys have not changed, but now under the PNC skirt, they feel invincible...against Indians of course.  They still cower and run for cover at any unhappy grunt from an Afro.  They are shameless cowards.

baseman, no one is really interested in your pathological projection issues


related . . . there is still space in barat's buckta for u to hide

You see it everyday banna, every day.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . These guys have not changed, but now under the PNC skirt, they feel invincible...against Indians of course.  They still cower and run for cover at any unhappy grunt from an Afro.  They are shameless cowards.

baseman, no one is really interested in your pathological projection issues


related . . . there is still space in barat's buckta for u to hide

You see it everyday banna, every day.

"projection" as in Freudian projection banna

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . These guys have not changed, but now under the PNC skirt, they feel invincible...against Indians of course.  They still cower and run for cover at any unhappy grunt from an Afro.  They are shameless cowards.

baseman, no one is really interested in your pathological projection issues


related . . . there is still space in barat's buckta for u to hide

You see it everyday banna, every day.

"projection" as in Freudian projection banna

Understood, but I point you to the real mccoy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Haul yuh shameless ***** one side basement. You are a sour puss and a chap with serious mental issues. Go and seek some help Obama care can help you.



Oh, yes Horseman, you were one of those I described, I remember you well.  The only shame I feel was to have been associated with you bunch of cowards/rejects.


Gold teeth it aint too late for you to go back to school.


You were never associated with me.............get crackin Loser.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . These guys have not changed, but now under the PNC skirt, they feel invincible...against Indians of course.  They still cower and run for cover at any unhappy grunt from an Afro.  They are shameless cowards.

baseman, no one is really interested in your pathological projection issues


related . . . there is still space in barat's buckta for u to hide

You see it everyday banna, every day.

"projection" as in Freudian projection banna

Understood, but I point you to the real mccoy.

ahmmm . . . i don't think u do

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is 2015. The PPP will have to improve on its governance and party outreach for 2020. And yes it would seem that apaan jaat will not suffice in 2020..

1992 to 2015 they haven't.  Then you expect that they will now.  Please don't make me laugh.


A racist PPP just makes non Indians angrier.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Changing demographics.  In 2020 you can call out the Indo tribe, but then there will not be enough votes.


Now you have an opportunity to enter into cross ethnic alliances.  5 years from now that mightn't be necessary.


You see 78% of mixed people HATE the PPP and by 2020 there will be loads of them.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
The internal polls have been done and show the PPP over the mark while the Coalition lags in the 40s.

APNU polls also show themselves still stuck in the 40s.

All eventualities have been catered for.

Ow you switch Sir.


What is the PPP offering you.


Well let me inform you, all you Shyster getting from wendesday is some boil channa from DONALD.


Nothing else.


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