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Government displacing legitimate farmers – PPP/C

Region Five farmland repossession

– should push for more Regional markets for rice

The decision by the Mahaica Mahaicony Abary/Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) to

General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee

repossess farmlands leased to rice farmers in Region Five is being strongly condemned by the Opposition Party, which posited that this is an ‘arbitrary and politically motivated action’ orchestrated by the Government. General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Clement Rohee on Monday during a media briefing, stated that the move to the Court to revoke leases through the MMA/ADA follows the publication of Notices in the local media giving notice of the cancellation of all the leases granted to farmers. “No notices were served personally to the farmers. They were notified by the media, which is a slap in their faces and a mark of disrespect towards them. Almost immediately following the notice in the newspapers APNU+AFC activists began invading and occupying farmlands already under cultivation at high costs,” he explained. Guyana Times was told those who invaded the farmlands began staking out plots for themselves with the aim of occupying the land permanently, resulting in the displacement of farmers who were legally there before. Rohee stated that the Government’s policy appears to be one aimed at displacing legitimate farmers who produce and to discriminate in favour of the politically connected who own hundreds of acres but prefer to rent and to produce. “The PPP/C notes that this arbitrary action by the Granger coalition Administration and executed

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

through the MMA/ADA is wrongful and shortsighted and will deprive Guyanese farmers of their legitimate rights to do the work they love dearest,” Rohee said. He added that the MMA/ADA’s actions will prove disastrous for Region Five in particular, and will result in another ‘blow’ to the agricultural sector in Guyana. “Guyanese should not remain silent on this travesty executed by a creeping authoritarian regime,” the Party’s General Secretary posited. It was also emphasised that the PPP/C is of the view that land has become “a tool” for dispensing political patronage to persons closely associated with the APNU/AFC coalition and those who helped “bankroll the coalition to gain office.” According to the former Administration, the destruction of the rice industry has started once again as was the case in the 1970s/1980s. The party also stated that the Nation is still to hear from Agriculture Minister Noel Holder as to whether or not he sought Caricom Agriculture Ministers’ collective cooperation and efforts in finding solutions such as access to Regional and extra-Regional markets for Guyana’s rice at the just concluded Council for Trade and Economic Cooperation (COTED) meeting. “Was the assistance of the Caribbean Agricultural and Research Development Institute (CARDI) sought is keeping with Article 3(a) of the Agreement establishing the Institute? Was the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) assistance sought in keeping with Article 2(g) of the objectives establishing the Agency? Was the assistance of the Caribbean Food Corporation sought in keeping with Article 3(c) of the Agreement establishing the Corporation and, was the assistance of COTED Ministers sought as provided for in Article 15(b)?” Rohee questioned. This newspaper was reminded that at this juncture in Guyana, the rice industry in particular can be deemed as a sensitive industry and a disadvantaged sector respectively. Rohee added that the APNU/AFC Administration must take “urgent steps” to request support from the Regional Development Fund, which forms part of the Special Regime for Disadvantaged Countries, Regions and Sectors. “In addition, the Government of Guyana must press for the further opening up of Caricom countries’ markets for increased quantities of Guyana’s rice and for the imposition of the Common External Tariff (CET) and quantitative restrictions of a temporary nature on extra-regional rice imports,” Rohee added. The PPP/C is of the view that contrary to claim by the Granger- led APNU/AFC Administration, the Government is obligated to finding solutions for the rice industry, using the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas; the Regional Inter-Governmental Agreement to facilitate the free movement of goods and services between Member States of the Caribbean Community, Rohee added. Last week, the affected rice farmers from Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) took the Government to court over their claims that the Administration’s move to cancel their leases was unlawful. During the latter part of 2014, former President Donald Ramotar had issued a number of leases to rice farmers in the Region. The farmers began utilising the respective acres, planting rice. However, following the change of Government, farmers complained that they were being forced off their lands. They are crying foul over the situation, which they say paints a very dim picture for their future. The farmers are adamant that the move by Government to take away their lands is inhumane, particularly because they learnt of the revocation through an advertisement in a local newspaper. The farmers, failing to get any clarification on the issue, moved to the High Court through former Attorney General Anil Nandlall. The decision made by the Chief Justice on Thursday quashed the cancellation of the leases on the ground that the decision is unlawful.  (

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