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September 6th, 2013


The Alliance For Change calls on the Government to take immediate steps to repair the Linden-Kwakwani road and heed the call of residents.

The AFC Calls on the government to act now and ensure that the road is rehabilitated. It is time the Guyana Government recognize the importance of this road to the livelihoods of thousands of ordinary Guyanese, local and international businessmen and investors.

Through this access road hundreds of millions of dollars worth of forestry products and other resources from the Natural Resource sector is transported. Transporters continually grapple with avoidable destruction and wear and tear to their vehicles. It is clear that the Government either does not recognise the importance of this road to the economy or simply does not care.

The deplorable condition of this road, especially during the rainy season has remained a sore point to commuters and major discouragement to travelling residents and visitors alike.

The Ministry of Public Works and contractors have over the years been guilty of providing substandard repairs and maintenance. Pot-holes filled with sand and loam quickly reopen when trucks and other vehicles use the road. It is a waste of taxpayers money.

RUSAL Bauxite Company has demonstrated that the same road; that is the section under their care, can be better maintained by using laterite. It provides a longer lasting surface.

The AFC also calls on the government and the Guyana Police Force to respect the right of the people to protest and desist from using force and violent confrontation when attempting to disperse peaceful protestors.

The party is in receipt of information and complaints of brutality and excessive force being used to break up the protests. WE have reports of a pregnant woman being kicked in the abdomen by a police rank and of another resident being bitten by another rank.

The AFC is therefore urging that the Government heed the urgent request to meet stakeholders and peaceably resolve this deteriorating situation. We call on the government to stop the brutality now.

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