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Government not bothered by opposition’s view of social cohesion round table

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, September 9, 2015, Source


Government today disregarded talks by the Opposition, claiming that the round table discussion on social cohesion was a sham. Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman said it was quite amazing that the Opposition did so, after the event was already successfully held.


Speaking today with reporters as this week’s post-Cabinet’s press briefing, held at Ministry of the Presidency, Trotman said that Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo was invited to the round table discussions but did not attend. Minister Trotman stated that, “It is most unfortunate that one of the first things as Opposition Leader would be to refrain from participating in something that would lead to cohesion.”


Trotman explained that round table discussions pave the way for differing sides to sit and iron out concerns, fears and insecurities. He added that since the discussions were endorsed by both local and international institutions, such as the Commonwealth and the United Nations, it speaks a lot in terms of Guyana’s desire for lasting and sustainable peace.


When asked by a member of the media, whether Government is committed to swearing in Members of the Ethnic Relations Commissions (ERC), Minister Trotman said made it clear that it is an issue of importance that needs to be dealt with immediately.


However, he noted that the process can be a very long and sometimes even painful one when identifying nominees.


The Governance Minister pointed out that during the 10th Parliament, the previous administration made no effort to appoint the list of persons who were selected. He noted that the list included Members of the Opposition who worked on producing the list.


Minister Trotman stated that, “I find it strange that for whatever reason, then, the PPP did not find favour with its own list, all of a sudden now, this list is being waved around and you’re being dared.”


According to Trotman, the government is hoping that the Opposition would agree to a process in the 11th Parliament to endorse the list produced in the 10th Parliament. If there is no agreement, Minister Trotman said that Government would have to start the whole process again. He added that the government is currently seeking a legal opinion on how to go forward with the matter.


In addition, Minister Trotman related to members of the media that the ERC remains a constitutional entity. “Whether or not you have an ERC, it is the duty of government to seek social cohesion,” he said, but, made it clear that the Government is in no way taking away the functions of the ERC.

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Trotman explained that round table discussions pave the way for differing sides to sit and iron out concerns, fears and insecurities. He added that since the discussions were endorsed by both local and international institutions, such as the Commonwealth and the United Nations, it speaks a lot in terms of Guyana’s desire for lasting and sustainable peace.


Government not bothered by opposition’s view of social cohesion round table, Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, September 9, 2015, Source

Usual blabbering without substance nor directions for meaningful results.

The PNC is trying to force dumpling down Jagdeo's throat to accept a deal without reservation. This is not as simple when Granger fired over 100 public employees, claiming that they are somehow connected to the PPP. I guess their Americans and British counterparts has nothing to say about this.
You don't nominate a racist to talk unity and equality either.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PNC is trying to force dumpling down Jagdeo's throat to accept a deal without reservation. This is not as simple when Granger fired over 100 public employees, claiming that they are somehow connected to the PPP. I guess their Americans and British counterparts has nothing to say about this.
You don't nominate a racist to talk unity and equality either.

They will not succeed.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The PNC is trying to force dumpling down Jagdeo's throat to accept a deal without reservation. This is not as simple when Granger fired over 100 public employees, claiming that they are somehow connected to the PPP. I guess their Americans and British counterparts has nothing to say about this.
You don't nominate a racist to talk unity and equality either.

They will not succeed.

Usual blabbering without substance nor directions for meaningful results.

Tola, what's the solution is not the answer to the coalition government that refuses to engaged all races of people throughout Guyana and get their inputs. The government need to introduce social cohesion in all levels of schools. Racial Intolerance will take years before it becomes normal in an aged old divided country. The British who introduces us to divide and conquer should be kicked out from the round table discussion. This is a Guyanese only affairs.

I really don't know why Granger is wasting time with Jagdeo.


He is spending money on an audit of financial improprieties which they claim occurred under the PPP.


So why set up a joint government with an entity we all know was corrupt?


This is why APNU/AFC are like a ship lost in a storm.  Don't know where they are and where they need to go.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola, what's the solution is not the answer to the coalition government that refuses to engaged all races of people throughout Guyana and get their inputs. The government need to introduce social cohesion in all levels of schools. Racial Intolerance will take years before it becomes normal in an aged old divided country. The British who introduces us to divide and conquer should be kicked out from the round table discussion. This is a Guyanese only affairs.

But the Social Cohesive conference was the first and a start in the process to achieve what you describe.

Discussion and mutual consent by all sides will take the process forward, including inclusive committees with  both parties. 

You might agree, the challenge is to put aside  past mistakes and hatred for many on both sides and go forward only for the people of Guyana.    

Originally Posted by caribny:

I really don't know why Granger is wasting time with Jagdeo.


He is spending money on an audit of financial improprieties which they claim occurred under the PPP.


So why set up a joint government with an entity we all know was corrupt?


This is why APNU/AFC are like a ship lost in a storm.  Don't know where they are and where they need to go.

The will continue in the storm without progressing forward.


If the society is ethnically segmented why is a request for dialog on social cohesion a sham?  The lot of you mal educated idiots need to look about the world and see why conflict resolution/transformation is necessary. And for the morons in the PPP who claim they do not grasp it they should understand it is not necessary for anyone to grasp anything but for them to dialog so there is some social and political resonance on which a strategy to mend fences can be fashioned.


Unfolding before our eyes is a deja vu moment as to why Cheddi and Burnham failed to reconcile our society and why six decades later we have the same bullshit from PPP leaders who had 23 years to call for such a forum not resist on account of the do not like the personalities or that the people before them is not authoritative etc The PPP presently gives us a picture of why Kennedy did not know what Cheddi intends and instead stepped on his heads and doomed us to limbo.


It is clear to any sensible person that we need political accommodation of some sort to grow the society. For that to occur it needs dialog by representatives of the civil and political sections of the society. It Think the APNU should begin to ignore these fools and take it to t he pastors, t he pandits and the majis to form a core for the trajectory for dialog. They also need to engage the diaspora and academics. This is not about the PPP and their completely distorted view of the world but our people seeking reprive from gross racism, nepotism and cronyism.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

If the society is ethnically segmented why is a request for dialog on social cohesion a sham?  The lot of you mal educated idiots need to look about the world and see why conflict resolution/transformation is necessary. And for the morons in the PPP who claim they do not grasp it they should understand it is not necessary for anyone to grasp anything but for them to dialog so there is some social and political resonance on which a strategy to mend fences can be fashioned.


Unfolding before our eyes is a deja vu moment as to why Cheddi and Burnham failed to reconcile our society and why six decades later we have the same bullshit from PPP leaders who had 23 years to call for such a forum not resist on account of the do not like the personalities or that the people before them is not authoritative etc The PPP presently gives us a picture of why Kennedy did not know what Cheddi intends and instead stepped on his heads and doomed us to limbo.


It is clear to any sensible person that we need political accommodation of some sort to grow the society. For that to occur it needs dialog by representatives of the civil and political sections of the society. It Think the APNU should begin to ignore these fools and take it to t he pastors, t he pandits and the majis to form a core for the trajectory for dialog. They also need to engage the diaspora and academics. This is not about the PPP and their completely distorted view of the world but our people seeking reprive from gross racism, nepotism and cronyism.

If the PPP stalled this should be the next move by APNU/AFC.



Originally Posted by Danyael:


It is clear to any sensible person that we need political accommodation of some sort to grow the society. .

Tell you what. I am in my late 50s, which means that I was a little boy in the 60s crisis.  In my household there were my parent's generation, and my grand parent's generation, all panicked about what Janet Jagan planned to do to the blck middle class, who were even MORE enchored into the civil service then than they are today. 


Grandparent's generation dead, parent's generation dying.  This animosity continues well into the millenial generation, if we look at the extremely polarized election of a few months ago.  There are people who voted race, who do not even know about Burnham, and who know little of Cheddi. People to whom a discussion of the 60s might well be a discussion of slavery and indenture, given that it is not relevant to their lives.


This phenomenon isnt the "politicians", as some Guyanese love to pretend.  This is because of inbuilt ethnic insecurities, which politicians pander to in various ways.


So let us stop thinking that the answer is political and politicians will lead the debate.  The PNC and the PPP are fighting a war that is 60 years old, based upon a fight which two men, both long dead had.  THey will NEVER see eye to eye.


It should be CIVIC society which should leading a social cohension debate. The Ministry can coordinate it, and the PPP, PNC, WPA, and the AFC can be part of it.


But pretending that all is well and it is just "politics" is like the proverbial ostrich sticking his head in the sand.

Last edited by Former Member

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