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Government’s false declaration of ‘progress’

January 12, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, A few days ago, during  Old Years, I was engaged by a few friends in a lengthy discourse on the popular rhetoric used by Ministers of this government to intentionally misguide the public, with the intent to circumvent analytical  examinations of our physical existence, our living standards, coercing us in some ways to even blame ourselves for functional marginalization  directed against us by the state, in many cases intentionally,  but in the majority from mismanagement as a result of placing  political expertise, commanding  cavalier expediency,  where tact and professionalism should be applied. Time and time, the facade of ‘conspicuous consumption’ of motor vehicles, gadgets and attendance at popular entertainment concerts and night spots and the offering of expensive government house lots in undeveloped vulnerable areas, is used to equate ‘progress’  to deceptively placate public opinion. These consumer ‘like de Jones’ factors are driven by social trends; housing is muddled and ill conceived, and has severe shortcomings in respect to clinical affordability. The reclaim of vehicles by sale entities are not published, but we have all been approached at some stage by friends with a vehicle for pawn.  As well, we know people who have died or have been robbed for or because of their vehicle or smart phone. How then, does progress in addressing the Organic state be defined?  Guyana no longer can boast of having an economy based on commodity or traditional exports; Rice, Sugar, Bauxite, Gold are all glories of another day, at least today. No efforts are made to facilitate cottage industries and small businesses, IPR’s are not enforced nor are participants in those areas given an audience, That the President appealed to the U.N to waiver  copyright to Guyana so his Government and their pirate friends can infringe on what is a civilized ‘Human Right’  by printing other people’s Intellectual Property, in the School text case, should have been enough to demonstrate the clueless unconsciousness of proper conduct that pervades the nature of this administration, though callous enough to practice the most vulgar and shameless nepotism , attributing tens of millions to themselves through inadequately capable relatives employed in Public facilities, while robbing this nation of billions through misfeasance. The economy strives on taxes, on money laundering and drug money; we lose more people to vehicular deaths than crime, we have no roads to accommodate the continued import of cars but importation taxes constitute the new economy, which Guyanese will persist to pay for with their lives. Many Guyanese, including myself and my friends, are categorized in real terms as ‘Poor Rich.’ We pay our bills, including the extortionist GPL 60% increase Bill, then we have nothing left. Many citizens live on the streets, mainly men, because; with an average monthly income of no higher than $50,000, there is no cheap housing to accommodate them. Hundreds, including drug addicts, and some with nervous tensions resulting from stress, now sleep in our public places.  We imprison people addicted to cocaine and marijuana while providing no medical recourse for these addictions. Progress, living standards and levels of civilization, culture sports etc. is measured by effective health services, education and after graduation, access to employment, with salaries that service the basic needs coupled by a justice system of supported checks and balances. None of this is happening; recently the commercial court came up for public perusal. I have visited that court with a matter through a P.A status, over a three year period. One Judge, hundreds of contentions, one cannot ask more of court [8]. There is no intention of the State to positively affect our standard of living , even the right to parliamentary representation is offensive to this Government. The last and biggest close of year scam perpetrated against the people of the capital was the Clean up Georgetown swindle, which in its completion leaves main alleyways untouched, drainage remain clogged, and the floods commence after the shortest spats of heavy rain,  as before.  An analogy was made in reference to the usages of time, to measure gainfully engaged citizens. Well, recently, a poverty release $10.000 was given to parents through the Ministry of Education. Parents, mainly women, stood quietly in those lines, for hours outside the Western Union host businesses. Had they other engagements, with other days to cash these vouchers, there would have been less stoic lines. Of the Regent street locations I witnessed, I was assured that it was the same elsewhere, living in Guyana has become stressful through hopelessness. Our final conclusion is; that we have experienced, through the PPP, all that Governance should not be. It must be noted that there are people locked in that political group who know better, but fear the isolation many of us outside are enduring. However, it’s time for this PPP, in this dispensation, to say goodbye, forever. Barrington Braithwaite

We see this here daily, Anus will cut and paste a rate table and declare it as progress while the project is 51 Million USD spent and dead like ramotar's dick.


We see him posting pictures of buildings in GY all in need of a life raft.


Dum dum ramotar even declared that the lack of bicycles on the streets of GY is a sign of Pragaress what a dunce ***** this man really is eh.


Dum dum ramotar also claimed that all the Garbage being seen around Guyana is a sign of pragaresses....what an idiot.


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