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Former Member

Government working with all social groups for country’s advancement – President


PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar in a frank and candid discourse televised on the state National Communication Network (NCN) on Friday gave his views on the very topical issue of the formation of a National Alliance, stating that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is reported to be exploring at the moment with like-minded stakeholders.He said that his party is on record of having continuously fought for national unity, but that central to such an initiative has to be the building of trust. In what was a clear reference to the combined Opposition parties’ anti-national course of actions on Budget 2014, he questioned their reasons for cutting allocations to key areas such as the Amerindian Development Fund and the University of Guyana Student Loan Facility, reminding of the serious consequences had his administration not taken steps to restore funding.
The President highlighted actions, by the two Opposition parties on pivotal development projects, that were clearly not consensual, such as the stymieing of the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project that are a critical requirement for cheap energy, and which would make Guyana more competitive, and more attractive for investment.
Branding the Alliance For Change’s statement that it would ban log exports if the party gets into power as “idle talk,” President Ramotar said that such can only occur if there is cheap energy, reminding that such a decision will “put pressure on poor people.”
The President also referred to the constant attacks on the Chinese, whom he emphasised have not broken any of the country’s laws. He denounced these attacks as “vile” in terms of their constancy, and questioned the Opposition’s views on a national Government, against such a background.
As further support to his views on trust, he asked the reason for the anti-money laundering bill not being legislated, emphasising that: “You need to build trust with these things to actually work,” pointing out that these are areas on which both sides should have common positions.”
He said that consensus building does not only take place between political parties and though his government is continuously working towards that, it is also seeking to work with other social forces such as labour, the private sector and professional groups for a better understanding of individual positions, so that the country can advance.


Guyana Chronicle

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The President highlighted actions, by the two Opposition parties on pivotal development projects, that were clearly not consensual, such as the stymieing of the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project that are a critical requirement for cheap energy, and which would make Guyana more competitive, and more attractive for investment.


In time and especially after the next election, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Power project will be constructed to benefit the country.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

PPP working with the CIOG, Hindu Dharmic Sabha and GAWU on a national front government?


What the hell is new about them, they have always been the three PPP stooges.

How can this be a new alliance?


Where are the new faces??




PPP you lie!

Last edited by Former Member

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