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Government-appointed GECOM commissioners suggested at a meeting of GECOM today that President David Granger and PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo meet on the way forward as the recount tabulation was “not acceptable”.

GECOM’s meeting which started at 11 am has now been adjourned to 2 pm today.

The move appears to be a further attempt to avoid the recount result which has been validated by the Caribbean Court of Justice and which shows a win for the PPP/C.

The proposal for the meeting was forwarded by Commissioner Charles Corbin and he told reporters that GECOM Chair Claudette Singh acceded to the request for the meeting.

Commissioner Vincent Alexander said that Singh has since spoken to both Granger and Jagdeo.

Corbin said that the motivator for the recount was an agreement between Granger and Jagdeo. He added that based on the “evidence” thrown up in the recount the use of the recount result could generate “a lot of ripples in the society”, notwithstanding that GECOM could make a decision on its own.

He said that what was proposed was that there be an engagement among the leaders in the same way to determine the way forward.


Corbin said that the Chair agreed to the suggestion after “some exchanges” and then spoke to both leaders.

While the Commissioners spoke, protesters in support of APNU+AFC could be heard in the background. They chanted “valid votes only”. The recount result has however been upheld by the courts as valid.

Beleaguered Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield was present at the meeting.

It is unclear why Chairman Singh did not designate today’s meeting as an opportunity to certify the results of March 2nd  general elections. She has been accused of facilitating dilatory tactics by APNU+AFC and as having been responsible for the chaos that followed the elections.
 Updates from GECOM meeting

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The Chair's attorney seems more assertive than the Chair. There is nothing to discuss with Granger. He just need to do what every other decent leader does when they lose an election. Leave peacefully. 

@Locutus posted:

Govt-appointed GECOM commissioners suggest that Granger, Jagdeo meet on way forward -as recount results `not acceptable'

Government-appointed GECOM commissioners suggested at a meeting of GECOM today that President David Granger and PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo meet on the way forward as the recount tabulation was “not acceptable”.

GECOM’s meeting which started at 11 am has now been adjourned to 2 pm today.

The move appears to be a further attempt to avoid the recount result which has been validated by the Caribbean Court of Justice and which shows a win for the PPP/C.

Posted by Stabroek News on Sunday, August 2, 2020

Process is ...

1. GECOM declare the results based on the Statement of Recounts - SORs.

2. Party/group candidate with the most votes becomes the president.

3. Rest of procedures to follow protocol.

@Former Member posted:

Process is ...

1. GECOM declare the results based on the Statement of Recounts - SORs.

2. Party/group candidate with the most votes becomes the president.

3. Rest of procedures to follow protocol.

The trouble is that the Chairperson isn't being assertive. She is looking weak in the eyes of the world.


Not really about the Chairman, there were issues which needed the Court's attention.

Now, the path is cleared and one needs to see how the Chairman will proceed starting from this meeting.

@Former Member posted:

Not really about the Chairman, there were issues which needed the Court's attention.

Now, the path is cleared and one needs to see how the Chairman will proceed starting from this meeting.

I don't agree that she agrees to have the leaders of the two major parties meet and talk. There is nothing to discuss between political leaders/surrogates. The voters have spoken and everyone including her is delaying their verdict. Delayed justice is denied justice. I think she needs to be more assertive.


The Constitution is pellucid on what GECOM’s role is and it is not to be a mediator. They need to deliver an elections result. Having said that, I assume the Chair is doing everything to minimize the “ripples in the society” which is a clear threat. You are going to have “ripples in the society” when you are irresponsible and lie to your supporters that they were cheated. Difficult to put that genie back in the bottle. Once again it is noteworthy that it is the PNC that is asking for the meeting. The King is in check. At this point Granger should probably use the meeting wisely and ask for an immunity agreement for Lowenfield and Mingo.


Hopefully this give her whatever further motivation/confirmation she needs to assert her authority.

Granger, Jagdeo will only meet after declaration of elections results


I do not believe they frustrated the system so far just to surrender now. They want something. They know they cannot carry on indefinitely with all this running around. 

We getting down to the wire. Dey going tell us what they expect.

@Former Member posted:

I don't agree that she agrees to have the leaders of the two major parties meet and talk.

There is nothing to discuss between political leaders/surrogates. The voters have spoken and everyone including her is delaying their verdict. Delayed justice is denied justice. I think she needs to be more assertive.

Discussion issues must relate to the declaration of the election results and the path forward.

Items such as forming a national government etc., are unrelated and of no consequence.

Election laws are explicitly clear; political groups must be officially formed as a unit/group, registered as such and then contest the elections.


BREAKING: Granger appears to have conceded; says will file elections petition

, Source - News Room -

Please see below a statement from Ministry of the Presidency:

President David Granger, this morning, received a call from the Chairman of the Elections Commission, Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh who invited him to a conversation with Opposition Leader Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo to discuss the way forward.

The President explained that he had no objection to speaking with Mr. Jagdeo but as far as a proposed declaration is concerned, he recognised that the Commission has a legal obligation as a result of the recent ruling of the Court of Appeal, to proceed with a declaration.

President Granger said that notwithstanding that declaration, the APNU+ AFC coalition maintains that the anomalies and irregularities which have been uncovered during the recount process cannot be accepted and will form the grounds for an election petition. David Granger


Update: Lowenfield was instructed to provide elections report by 10am today

, Source - News Room -

Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Justice (rt’d) Claudette Singh had written the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield on July 30 immediately after the Court of Appeal ruling to submit his elections report to the Commission by 10 am Sunday using the figures from the national vote recount which shows a victory for the Opposition People’s Progressive Party.

But Lowenfield has again disobeyed the clear instructions of the GECOM Chair and showed up at Sunday’s meeting without the report.

It is not clear what reason he gave the Chairman for not submitting the report.

Singh is meeting with the Government and Opposition nominated GECOM Commissioners to discuss the way forward following the Court of Appeal ruling which on Thursday last upheld the decision of Chief Justice Roxane George that the national vote recount is valid and that the Chief Elections Officer, as an employee of GECOM, must do as he is told.

The appeal was dismissed as being frivolous and vexatious and further abuse of the Court.

This would be the fourth time that Lowenfield is disregarding the instructions of the Chairman.

The GECOM Chairman had decided that if Lowenfield failed to present his report in accordance with her directions, she would hand the responsibility to Roxanne Myers, the deputy Chief Elections Officer.

There have been calls by political parties and the Organisation of American States (OAS) for Lowenfield to be removed and have no further involvement in this or any future elections. Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield and Chairman of GECOM Justice (Rtd) Claudette Singh

@Former Member posted:

Update: Lowenfield was instructed to provide elections report by 10am today

, Source - News Room -

But Lowenfield has again disobeyed the clear instructions of the GECOM Chair and showed up at Sunday’s meeting without the report.

It is not clear what reason he gave the Chairman for not submitting the report.

Continuation of the process ....

1. Lowenfield to submit the Statement of Recounts - SORs results.

2. Should Lowenfield refusal be officially recognized, then the Chairman will request the Deputy Chief Elections Officer to present the SORs.

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo must not meet with Granger until AFTER and declaration as ruled by the courts. Fraudette is playing games and attempting to give PNC a lifeline. GECOM will have no choice but to declare as ordered by the courts.

That wicked SOB Granger thinks that he is a smart man.

PPP and Jagdeo have his balls in a vice. Crush it !


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

GOOD! No Jagdeo-Granger talks until after GECOM declaration. Jagdeo has his head on the ball.

Now the talks will begin. Jagdeo said no talks until declarations. Another can of worms.


Bai, you have been barking up the wrong tree. Jagdeo's position is correct, you don't negotiate until the winner is declared. Winners don't need to negotiate as to the results of an election.

Now that Ali has been declared winner and will be sworn in tonight, talks on matters on national importance can begin after that process.

Granger tired to pull off a last minute trick and Jagdeo responded appropriately. Kudos to PPP and Jagdeo.



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