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Former Member

Govt attempting to divert attention from mega salary increases – Opposition

Pradoville probe…. – dismisses reports of recommended charges against former PPP/C Ministers

By Michael Younge


Several Executive Members of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Thursday dismissed reports that the

PPP/C MP Irfaan Ali

PPP/C MP Irfaan Ali

State Asset Recovery Unit had recommended that several former Government Ministers be charged for misconduct in public office as it continues to probe their acquisition of land via the Central Housing and Planning Authority at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara. On Wednesday, a report of an online news agency went viral after it claimed that it saw a report from the Agency requesting the current Attorney General Basil Williams to act and do all that is legally possible under the law to recoup the lands and commence a process to charge the former PPP/C Ministers. The online news agency claimed that the Asset Recovery Agency recommended charges against former PPP/C Ministers Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud, Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul, Clement Rohee and Dr Jenifer Westford for the acquisition, sale and transfer of lands that they got from the State. Surprisingly, the news agency also said that former President and current Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo was also one of the persons against whom charges were recommended by the Agency. Attempts by Guyana Times to contact the Agency Head Dr Clive Thomas proved futile. This newspaper was told that he was unavailable to clarify the issue despite us informing the person who answered his telephone of the substance of the matter on which we were seeking clarity. Calls to the mobile phones of Attorney General Basil Williams, State Minister Joseph Harmon, Finance Minister Carl Greenidge, President David Granger, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and other Government officials went unanswered. However, Junior Finance Minister Jaipaul Sharma, when contacted, declined to comment saying that he could not deny nor confirm the reports as he was totally in the dark about the entire incident. He said that he was not aware of any reports and pointed this newspaper in the direction of Professor Thomas who was unavailable. But former Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali dismissed the allegations of misconduct in office forthrightly. He said that the news article was “vexatious” and “lacking potency” as well as the underlying facts and was aimed at “creating a manufactured controversy which did not exist with the aim of diverting attention from the public outrage over the Government criminal and shameful decision to increase the pay of its Ministers by 50 per cent in a clandestine manner”. Ali said that the entire thrust of the article was not new and appeared to be the work of a spin doctor who was resurrecting old allegations made by the Government while in Opposition to shift public and regional attention from its spate of excesses. Similarly, PPP/C Member of Parliament and Attorney-at-Law Charles Ramson Junior said that the AG could not charge or institute charges against any former Government Minister and surely the Asset Recovery Unit must know this. “This Unit must also know that the AG cannot direct the DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] on any matter especially where it has to do with criminal or civil charges. The fact that such a recommendation could have been reportedly made according to this report brings into question the competency, capacity and scope of the Agency,” he told Guyana Times. He said that the report could have been deliberately leaked to create hysteria in the public for those who are unfamiliar with the law and the issue. Ramson Jr maintained that the report lacked creditability and was aimed at diverting attention from the Government’s decision to enrich its Ministers by increasing their pay. It appeared too that the public was now awaiting a response from the current Administration before taking a position on the recent disclosure by the news agency. Attempts by this newspaper to obtain a copy of the alleged report were stymied after the online news agency related that it was not allowed to save copies of the secret document which held the recommendations made to the AG office.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Call your family and friends in Guyana and ask about the salary increases for the big wigs. They gon tell ya "Dem promised 20% pay increase during the election campaign. Now they gave us 5% and they are giving themselves 100%."

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Call your family and friends in Guyana and ask about the salary increases for the big wigs. They gon tell ya "Dem promised 20% pay increase during the election campaign. Now they gave us 5% and they are giving themselves 100%."





Opposition attempting to divert attention from tiefin of state assets– Cain



Pradoville Two scandal…Jagdeo, former ministers face criminal charges


SARU: “There is a direct link between the misconduct and the abuse, of powers and duties of their position. The former cabinet members knew they were doing a wrong in transferring state lands into their names and that of their acquaintances for undervalued market prices for the land.”

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and several of his Cabinet Ministers who benefitted from the Pradoville Two housing scheme back in 2010 are likely to face criminal charges, following a damning report completed this week by the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU).


Quote Anil Nandalal“It is difficult for one to fathom how criminal charges can arise out of the transaction relating to the sales and purchase of the lands that are referred to as Pradoville 1 & 2,” adding, “There is no law that prohibits anyone from getting a deal or getting things that are, you know, lower than the market price, just assuming that is the situation. So in my humble view there is absolutely no violation of the criminal law and no offense known to the criminal law of Guyana has been committed.”

He reminded that Jagdeo, having served as president, was immune from prosecution for acts committed while he held the highest office in the land. “Secondly, let us take Jagdeo for example, he would have enjoyed immunity from prosecution from things done during his presidency so he would have signed an agreement during his presidency, he would have purchased the lands during his presidency…he would have been immunized from any criminal charges, assuming there is any criminal charges in any evident,” the former AG said.unquote

Last edited by Former Member

Nandlalla is being an ass.

What happens when people use their power to profit themselves and to defraud the people of Guyana.

Why was this property not on the open market, as others in Guyana ? 


Letter to the Editor: Dr. Gopaul challenges accuracy of Recovery Unit report, condemns ‘damage to character of former ministers’

October 15, 2015 4:34 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

Dear Editor,

Former Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul.

Former Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul.

[] – The media houses today reported that Dr. Nanda K. Gopaul, a former Minister of Labour, along with other colleagues should be held liable and charged criminally over “Pradoville 2” sale of lands.

I wish to state categorically that I am not the holder of any plot of land at that location nor did I play any role in the allocation of land at that location.  Further, I played no role in the decision making process involving the sale of those house lots.  I was not a Minister of the Government when those lots were allocated and I view with grave concern the attempt by the State Asset Recovery Unit or any other agency of Government to malign my name and impugn my character, as being part of some alleged illegal activity, by naming me.  It is clear that there was haphazard work done by the Government agency and appears clear that the current Government is attempting to embarrass former Government officials.

I see nothing wrong or illegal in the development of any housing project by the Government of Guyana under the PPP Government. (Pradoville 2 included)

This attempt by arms of the current Government to seek to sensationalize issue and damage the character of former Government officials must be condemned and highlighted as a bad omen which will create further division in our Society.

I take serious view of the SARU report, if it is correct, and the follow up reporting by the media houses of same.  I therefore seek a complete retraction and an appropriate apology with equal prominence over this misinformation, which has done irreparable harm to my integrity and character.

Dr.  Nanda K. Gopaul

Originally Posted by Tola:

Nandlalla is being an ass.

What happens when people use their power to profit themselves and to defraud the people of Guyana.

Why was this property not on the open market, as others in Guyana ? 

Jagdeo evil ketching up wid him

October 15, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Jail watching nuff people who think that dem coulda do wha dem want fuh as long as dem want. Jagdeo like nuff people don’t like see land suh when he tun president he decide to grab land like when dog grabbing fowl or like when hawk grabbing chicken. Dem boys seh that he grab till he now grab de jail door. And he got nuff of dem wid him because thief man don’t like going to jail alone. When de news buss out, he run out de house. Dem boys see he running and de security running behind him. He didn’t know wheh he going and de security didn’t even know wheh he going. In de end he end up at Babbie. When he meet deh, he wasn’t alone. He see Priya, de Westford gyal, and Rob de Earth. All of dem was complaining how Babbie mislead dem. When dem see de land and dem decide to tek it, dem ask Babbie if it was thiefing and he tell dem no. All of dem want to know if dem going to jail. Donald hear de conversation from outside de window. He was there digging up some of de money that hide up there. He tell dem that de only way dem can avoid jail is if dem go backtrack to Suriname. De Chat-3 know that people can go to jail suh he try to spin de issue. He claim how de people who want to charge Jagdeo trying to dodge de pay increase. He ain’t telling people that he is de man who cause de increase in de first place. He is de man who mek Sam Blinds pay jump three times as high and people didn’t know. De truth is that moon does run till day ketch am. When Jagdeo build de mansion he think that he woulda enjoy causing people who he don’t like to suffer. He don’t like de Waterfalls boss man suh he get people to trump up charges. Maurice Arjoon didn’t support de Berbice Bridge suh he get people to trump up charges against him. Well dem boys seh that he day come. Is charge upon charge fuh he tail. Talk half and listen out fuh de wailing and bawling.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting propaganda from KN is like scraping filth from the bottom a barrel.  What are you trying to say anyway???

You think the shit from Guyana Times that asj posted is any better?

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting propaganda from KN is like scraping filth from the bottom a barrel.  What are you trying to say anyway???

Dem seh dat dem find you at de bottom of de barrel.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting propaganda from KN is like scraping filth from the bottom a barrel.  What are you trying to say anyway???

Dem seh dat dem find you at de bottom of de barrel.

Honourable Gentleman Mits, please be chivalrous to Lady Haniffa.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting propaganda from KN is like scraping filth from the bottom a barrel.  What are you trying to say anyway???

Dem seh dat dem find you at de bottom of de barrel.

hey drunkie, When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee?

Why did Moses get a nervous breakdown and was sent on Leave?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting propaganda from KN is like scraping filth from the bottom a barrel.  What are you trying to say anyway???

Dem seh dat dem find you at de bottom of de barrel.

hey drunkie, When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee?

Why did Moses get a nervous breakdown and was sent on Leave?

Money and More Money driving him mad.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting propaganda from KN is like scraping filth from the bottom a barrel.  What are you trying to say anyway???

Dem seh dat dem find you at de bottom of de barrel.

hey drunkie, When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee?

Why did Moses get a nervous breakdown and was sent on Leave?

Money and More Money driving him mad.

I heard that it's more than money.  he has domestic problems and trying to put up a good show with his wife in Public.


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