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Former Member

Gov’t committed to Budget talks with Opposition; Opposition using meeting for political grandstanding -Finance Minister Singh


Minister of Finance Dr. Ashini Singh, said that while Government is and remains committed to having open discussions with the Parliamentary Opposition on the budget; the Opposition instead, seems to be more interested in derailing the talks and prejudicing the public perception about the tone of the meetings.


Minister Singh was referring to the position taken by the Opposition to make detailed and negative pronouncements about the ongoing 2013 Budget consultations with the Government, even before the conclusion of these talks.


Minister Singh said that this has been the behaviour of the Opposition since the beginning of such exercise in 2012. He said that such negative pronouncement in the media about the Budget talks does nothing to aid the process.


Speaking at a press conference held at the National Communications Network (NCN) studio on February 9, Minister Singh highlighted the Opposition’s negative comment.


“I have noted in particular, a story carried in Stabroek News today(February 9) on page 10 and it reminded me of a story carried in November (2012.) If I may go back, we had convened a meeting with Parliamentary Parties on November 22 and I said at the end of that meeting I was pleased with the tone of the engagement, I thought that I was speaking in an environment that is mutually respectful, where useful suggestions were made,  I think useful and informative responses were offered. I was careful at the time and the public records will reflect this, I was careful at the time not to run to the media and make any pronouncement, I do not believe anybody in government did, about that first meeting,” he said.


The Finance Minister said, “one week later, on the 29th November 2012, I saw an article carried in Stabroek News with the headline ‘Opposition making Budget proposal; doubtful about inclusion.” He said that this was puzzling that this headline came one week after a meeting that reflects a positive tone.


“At the last meeting yesterday (Friday)  I pointed out that such a pronouncement…pre-empting the outcome of the discussion, casting a negative shadow …such an approach is not helpful to the discussion,” he said. The Minister said in light of having pointed out to the Opposition how unhelpful such negativity in the media would be, he was astonished to pick up the Stabroek News and again read an article in the same tone. The article was headlined  ‘Opposition lukewarm on budget meeting with Government’ and cited A Partnership for Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP) Carl Greenidge as the source.


“I do not believe that such public pronouncement, trying to prejudice the public perception of the nature of the discussions; I do not believe that such an attempt by the Opposition is helpful to an open and frank discussion that is built around trust and mutual confidence,” Minister Singh said.


The Minister  said that such behaviour by the Opposition leads him inevitably to the conclusion that the Opposition is not really interested in a mutual engagement on issues of importance, but instead are interested in political gimmickry.


“If one was interested in an open and frank discussion then one will not attempt to prejudice the discussion by introducing such negativity. Instead what we see is the Opposition immediately after every meeting is political grandstanding with photo opportunities and an attempt to score cheap political points,” he said.


Minister Singh did however, reiterate Government’s commitment to engaging all stakeholders on the Budget. “I would say publicly now that the PPP Government…we are committed to being open-minded in these discussions. We are committed to listening to every suggestion made,” he said.


“We are under no illusion that we necessarily agree on every detail …but this government is willing to listen to every priority identified by the Opposition …notwithstanding the Opposition’s evident negativity about the discussions and their evident attempt to derail these discussions and to prejudice the public perception of the tome of the meeting,” he said.


Minister Singh said that he can hardly imagine why the Opposition are claiming that the Budget talk meetings are lukewarm when they were anxious to know when the next meeting will be and have asked several questions, which government has  undertook to reply. “This reeks of a lack of insincerity on the part of the opposition,” he said.


He also offered some idea of how the nature of the talks are proceeding.  He said that the Opposition made a lot of suggestions, some specific, some extremely vague. “We have said to them that we will require an opportunity to discuss each of those suggestions in details and if the discussions are to be useful, a willingness to add more details to some of the vague suggestions,” he said.


Minister Singh said that government has also been advising the Opposition, with the objective of ensuring that the country does not make any dramatic deviation from the fiscal path in 2013; that for every major initiative that they suggest or introduce, that they accompany these with some discourse on how the initiatives will be financed.


“It is easy to suggest all sorts of things that require additional expenditure…but when one has the responsibility of considering the overall macro implication, one has to be more creative and ensure that they are accompanied by measures that will make them practicable,” Minister Singh said.

Budget 2013 to reflect continuity

Meanwhile, Minister Singh disclosed that Budget 2013 will continue to see Government operating in an environment of policy continuity and predictability. He said that there will be no major shocks, dislocation or deviation in what is to be presented.


Minister Singh said that Budget 2013 will continue emphasis on the preservation of macro-economic stability, one that will see continued real growth in Real Domestic Product (RDP). There will also be containment of inflation within acceptable norms, continued stability in exchange and interest rate, continuity in keeping the country’s indebtedness within sustained levels and preservation of external balances.


The country will also witness continuing emphasis on investment in physical infrastructure, social services, education, health, water, sanitation, and institution reform, diversifying and modernising the economy and implementing initiatives aimed at improving the competitive business environment and Guyana’s attractiveness as a destination for investment.


“Taken together, we anticipate the Budget will see continued strength in the Guyanese economy, and continued gains as it relates to quality of lives,” Minister Singh added.

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Budget will not see any “dramatic” fiscal deviation - Focus is on macro-economic preservation, security revamp and addressing the constraints of the sugar industry


February 11, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh on Saturday, for the first time, made some extensive pronouncements on this year’s budget preparations, noting that it will confront the challenges in the sugar industry, address macro-economic stability and provide the revamp of the security sector among other things.

During a press conference held on Saturday last at the National Communication Network, Singh expressed disappointment in the opposition’s public utterances on budget talks.


Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh


According to the Minister, the Opposition is seeking to cast a negative cloud upon budget talks by forecasting a negative outcome, while the government doesn’t believe in making premature comments on the engagement.

Dr. Singh opined that the opposition’s preempting of the outcome of the discussion means that “they” are trying to “prejudice public opinion, which is not helpful at all.”

“If two groups meet to address a matter of public interest then both parties should have an open mind,” Singh said.

He noted that the government is committed to being open-minded although it is under no illusion that “we” might necessarily agree on every detail.

“We are willing to listen to every priority brought forward by the opposition… and not only the parliamentary opposition but other stakeholders countrywide.”

Dr. Singh told media operatives that at the last budgetary engagement held on Friday last, the opposition made a number of suggestions.

He said that some suggestions were very specific while others were quite vague. As such, Dr. Singh said, the government will require an opportunity to examine and consider each suggestion and to add detail to some of the more vague or general suggestions.

The Minister proceeded to inform that the technical work, which is a prerequisite to the conclusion of the budget, started several months ago.
He said that the budget will not witness any “dramatic” economic deviation from previous budgetary paths.

One of the priorities of the government that is to be reflected in this year’s budget, as stated by Singh, is the continued emphasis on the preservation of macro-economic stability.

According to Dr. Singh, Guyana has been recognized regionally and globally for the magnitude of accomplishments as it relates to sustained economic growth in “an extremely hostile external environment.”

He said that for the country to continue that trend, a certain amount of macro-economic development is required to be in place.

Further, the Minister disclosed that the budget will also focus on continued stability in Guyana’s exchange rates and interest rates.

He added that “continued” efforts will be made to manage indebtedness so as to ensure preservation of external balances to sustain the external economic activities.

Emphasis will be placed, he said, on investments in physical infrastructure, social services, education, health, housing, water and sanitation.

Dr. Singh noted that the sugar and rice industries will be modernized and the budget will seek to maintain competitiveness within the business environment.

Singh said that the sugar sector remains a key element in sustaining the economy, notwithstanding progress in diversification.

He admitted that the industry is experiencing a number of challenges and those are expected to be confronted through this year’s budget.

He said that for the sugar industry to play the role it is expected to and ensure a profitable industry, long term modernization is needed.

The budget will also provide for a security sector revamp, accelerated investments in other agriculture projects, investment in the social sector, labour market, skills and training programmes and the education sector with an online delivery of university programmes.


There are certain issues the Opposition will not back down on; defunding NCN and GINA to the point that they do indeed have to be reconstituted as civic reporting entities not administration controlled propaganda entities. Any government news agency must be  answerable to the administration and the legislature and opposition must be given equal time. No reporter there should be contract workers.


They should not back down on defunding the Marriott and if it's funding is to be reconstituted it must be with a civic commission oversight with no political cronies being enabled as leeches. The investors must be real with real money to invest and shares in proportion to the cost


NIS should be  outside party control. Its funds should not be used by cronies to fund pet projects.  It is a not an investment fund for indiscriminate raiding by party hacks.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There are certain issues the Opposition will not back down on; defunding NCN and GINA to the point that they do indeed have to be reconstituted as civic reporting entities not administration controlled propaganda entities. Any government news agency must be  answerable to the administration and the legislature and opposition must be given equal time. No reporter there should be contract workers.


They should not back down on defending the Marriott and if it's funding is to be reconstituted it must be with a civic commission oversight.


NIS should be  outside party control. Its funds should not be used by cronies to fund pet projects.  It is a not an investment fund for indiscriminate raiding by party hacks.


Bro, Marriott will be in business and NCN and GINA will still survive while the opposition still bickering. If their intention is to stall the 2013 budget, I urge the government to thief and pay for their programs.  

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There are certain issues the Opposition will not back down on; defunding NCN and GINA to the point that they do indeed have to be reconstituted as civic reporting entities not administration controlled propaganda entities. Any government news agency must be  answerable to the administration and the legislature and opposition must be given equal time. No reporter there should be contract workers.


They should not back down on defending the Marriott and if it's funding is to be reconstituted it must be with a civic commission oversight.


NIS should be  outside party control. Its funds should not be used by cronies to fund pet projects.  It is a not an investment fund for indiscriminate raiding by party hacks.


Bro, Marriott will be in business and NCN and GINA will still survive while the opposition still bickering. If their intention is to stall the 2013 budget, I urge the government to thief and pay for their programs.  

 The Marriott may be the means to but brassington in jail if he and his clan are part of the "funding".

NCN an GINA cannot survive as is. I also have a feeling Brassington is putting those into his derivative machine and turning them over to private hands and it is something we have to make sure that is not the case. These entities can be looted from the inside and sold as mere shells to some political crony as a "divestment" scheme no less than we see in the washing of some of our prized assets into private possessions of the PPP kith and kin. The opposition has to do their jobs.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gos Bless the opposition to do their Job. We have a GREAT Democracy and the Opposition has a Role, Consultation is required as per the Constitution.

 We have a screwed up democracy that allows Ashni to go against objection of the legislature to fund projects it has defunded. Hopefully they will pass legislation to prohibit that and we will see what Jabba the Hut Ramotar will do when it is presented to him.


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