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Gov’t counting on youths to shape Guyana’s “final look” - President

Georgetown, GINA, October 14, 2011
Source - GINA

President Bharrat Jagdeo interacting with youths gathered for a sip and chat at Castellani House

The ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is counting on the nation’s youth as it strives to adapt for the challenges of maintaining the relevance to the changing realities of the world.

This was the message offered by President Bharrat Jagdeo as he made remarks at, “Sip and Chat” an event put together by the orgranisers of Impress last evening to promote a friendly environment for meaningful interaction among youths.

President Jagdeo and PPP/C Presidential candidate Donald Ramotar joined the event which had an objective of bringing together young professionals and young entrepreneurs to exchange ideas and opinions.

“You can help to shape the final look of this Guyana and we have made it clear what Guyana’s final look should be; a land united with all of its people comfortable, where people’s race or the colour of the skin or religion, age or gender don’t matter,” President Jagdeo said.

Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar in discussion with a group of females during a social evening at Castellani House

The vision for the ideal Guyana also includes one that values wealth creation and opens up a window of opportunity for the fulfillment of dreams without the need to have to travel abroad, according to President Jagdeo.

Youth participation has been an ongoing feature of the ruling party according to its Presidential Candidate who recalled the role former president Cheddi Jagan played at the age of 35, and President Jagdeo following in similar footsteps at the same age.

While speaking to the gathering of youths, President Jagdeo endorsed the role which Ramotar played as a patron to his early presidential years.

“Without any question he lent his support to me at that time and it shows that he believes in young people. If he was prepared to do that then, as President, young people will have great say and lots of opportunities in his government,” President Jagdeo said.

The presidential candidate endorsed the sentiments expressed by the President for youth activism in Guyana, noting that youths are the suitable stakeholders to adapt to the changing times.

Ramotar said youths have played a pivotal role in the party, dating back to the role of Dr. Jagan in forming the Political Affairs Committee (PAC), the forerunner to the PPP, at the young age.

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