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Govt creating over 100 jobs in Albouystown – Edghill

The Government will employ over 100 persons in Albouystown as it embarks on a major exercise to clear drains in the South Georgetown ward.
Public Works Minister Juan Edghill made this disclosure on Friday when he traveled to several sections of the city to check on the progress of works.

“This is a work I want to start immediately. I have spoken to my technical people and the work will be done in these 13 alleys and 15 blocks by the community people themselves. So, the community leaders are going to be organized and they will be able to get this done early in the new week,” he told the Department of Public Information.

Minister Juan Edghill

Edghill said he visited the community to get a first-hand look at the condition of drains there as citizens had complained that they were derelict.

The Minister said he was displeased about the conduct of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council, which is responsible for desilting works.

“People are putting politics over people’s welfare. This is a disaster. This is a recipe for the outbreak of a disease. This is a health hazard for the people in Albouystown,” he said.
Urgent action is needed to remedy this situation, he added.

“We can’t sit by and allow the people and the residents of Albouystown to suffer. Dr. Irfaan Ali Administration has pledged to the people of Guyana that development will come to all the people and Albouystown is a part of the city and we will take care of the residents of Albouystown in ensuring that we get this drainage and irrigation done,” Minister Edghill said.

One of the concrete drains in Albouystown, Georgetown that is overgrown with vegetation

The works will be financed under the Ministry’s Urban Roads and Drainage program.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The fake bishop is not creating any jobs.  What he doing is paying some people to weed grass for a little while.  After the grass is cleared there will be no more work.  Is jes a lil frek fo them people.


Exactly. A temporary solution to the drain clogging. What happens when the drains clog again? No strategic plan for anything. Just pick something and shoot at it from the hip. Call it progress. Ignar supporters scream and holler joyously. Idiots.

@Tola posted:

The PPP is good at photo op and front page news. But little is known about a project completion.

The PPP projects which numbered about 100 to date, will take 3 to 5 years to complete.  Some of them will take longer than 5 years. That is why they will have to be re-elected again in 2025 and 2030. 

@Former Member posted:

Exactly. A temporary solution to the drain clogging. What happens when the drains clog again? No strategic plan for anything. Just pick something and shoot at it from the hip. Call it progress. Ignar supporters scream and holler joyously. Idiots.

As Regional Officer, the agriculture minister did this all the time with farmers in Berbice. Even though crops were  destroyed.   

@Django posted:

Isn't that area under Georgetown Public Works Dept ?

Looks as though they are being kept up well...Guyanese style, all that's missing are a couple rows of coconut trees. I left that place as a youngster in ,'73 and it looks the same, what a dam pity.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP projects which numbered about 100 to date, will take 3 to 5 years to complete.  Some of them will take longer than 5 years. That is why they will have to be re-elected again in 2025 and 2030.

Yeh, after clearing those drains they wouldn't be done for another ten years, no wonder that place floods after rainfall.

@cain posted:

Yeh, after clearing those drains they wouldn't be done for another ten years, no wonder that place floods after rainfall.

What drains are you talking about? The drains that the city council failed to clean?

It looks like some of you are rooting for failure. You guys should be more positive. Let's face the fact the PNC is in a disarray. They don't have good Leadership.  The AFC is dead and its Leader is grasping at straws.

@Prashad posted:

Prashad would like to see this job creation happen in Tiger bay.  That is Bharrat Town.

Georgetown city council has ownership. If the Mayor cannot do his job them the PPP must recall him and hold new elections.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What drains are you talking about? The drains that the city council failed to clean?

It looks like some of you are rooting for failure. You guys should be more positive. Let's face the fact the PNC is in a disarray. They don't have good Leadership.  The AFC is dead and its Leader is grasping at real upkeep

Yes those drains. I ain't rooting for failure, I am saying one day someone do lil cleaning,take a couple pictures, then another ten years it might get lil touch upkeep

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Yes those drains. I ain't rooting for failure, I am saying one day someone do lil cleaning,take a couple pictures, then another ten years it might get lil touch upkeep

The upkeep is the work of the city council. They have the tax payer's money to do the job.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Georgetown city council has ownership. If the Mayor cannot do his job them the PPP must recall him and hold new elections.

Rama kant is acting like a genuine Jaganite Koolie crabdog fight up of other koolies.  Attacking the mayor because he is East Indian.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The upkeep is the work of the city council. They have the tax payer's money to do the job.

So who holds the Mayor and the city council accountable? And if the mayor and city council are responsible, why is a high ranking PPPite minister grandstanding over lil weeding and then disappearing into the sunset?

This is what I'm talking about. There is no strategic plan for anything, nor is there any accountability. Georgetown is a mess, where is the plan to clean it up and get its finances back in order? there is NONE, just as there is NONE for national development.

And the head of state Ali claims to be a Project Management Professional (PMP)!!!!!!! The LEAST he can do is have a sensible plan instead of kicking of miscellaneous shit that never comes together.


It is his job to investigate. When he receives complaints about the ineptness of the city council, that is what he has to do.

@Prashad posted:

Rama kant is acting like a genuine Jaganite Koolie crabdog fight up of other koolies.  Attacking the mayor because he is East Indian.

I am not attacking the mayor because he is an East Indian, I chide him for being lazy despite his qualifications.


Every time the President gets up in the morning, he announced the creation of jobs.  They all add up to thousands.

Cleaning drains is the job of city and village councils, not the central government.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Cleaning drains is the job of city and village councils, not the central government.

Then why is a central government minister leading a weeding gang into Albouystown? As minister of public works wouldn't his time be better spent coming up with a public works plan for the NATION, which will not  only clean the drains in GT (a  one time thing) but to lay out a plan and the means to KEEP the drains clean in GT and around the nation.

The seawall is crumbling. Isn't it higher priority to take a look at what needs to be done there? The drain is what gets his attention? These people are grossly INEPT.

He grabs a hundred desperate people to clean a drain and then will walk away. And you, Rama the idiot, claps loudly.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Then why is a central government minister leading a weeding gang into Albouystown? As minister of public works wouldn't his time be better spent coming up with a public works plan for the NATION, which will not  only clean the drains in GT (a  one time thing) but to lay out a plan and the means to KEEP the drains clean in GT and around the nation.

The seawall is crumbling. Isn't it higher priority to take a look at what needs to be done there? The drain is what gets his attention? These people are grossly INEPT.

He grabs a hundred desperate people to clean a drain and then will walk away. And you, Rama the idiot, claps loudly.

He already looked at the seawall and plans are underway to fix it.  Get with the program.  Don't speak about things you don't know. There are three levels of Government in the country. The opposition already complained about the Central Government interfering with the administration of the city council. The Token Indians jumped down the throat of the President and vice-president about their interference.

What more do you want them to do.

Just because you don't agree with me, you are going to bring yourself down to the level of immaturity.

@Ramakant-P posted:

He already looked at the seawall and plans are underway to fix it.  Get with the program.  Don't speak about things you don't know. There are three levels of Government in the country. The opposition already complained about the Central Government interfering with the administration of the city council. The Token Indians jumped down the throat of the President and vice-president about their interference.

What more do you want them to do.

Just because you don't agree with me, you are going to bring yourself down to the level of immaturity.

So in less than 3 months they know how to fix the seawall? Which group of international repute did they consult with? Where is the scope of work and estimated costs and many other details?

banna, sit yuh dumb ass down. Yuh getting annoying now.

Last edited by Former Member

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