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Govt distributes 91 land titles in 1 week to Region 2 residents

President Dr. Irfaan Ali visited Region Two Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on an outreach last week and promised to have 80 titles distributed to persons who had been waiting for years. The President has not only kept his promise but has exceeded it.

Housing Minister Collin Croal and Minister within the Housing Ministry, Susan Rodrigues holding discussions with the residents of Region Two

On Wednesday, Housing Ministers Collin Croal and Susan Rodrigues traveled to the region and distributed 91 titles. Croal told the gathering at the distribution exercise that the current focus of the ministry is to provide efficient, timely, and sustainable housing solutions for all Guyanese, in keeping with the manifesto of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/c).

Meanwhile, Rodrigues urged the recipients to make the best of their allocations and said there is much more to come in the housing sector over the next five years.
The two ministers also facilitated a one-on-one session with residents, as well as a group session to answer queries and questions relating to housing issues.

During his visit to the RDC office in Anna Regina last week, President Ali had empathized with persons from the region who have been in the system for as much as seven years, awaiting titles for their land.

It turned out that Region Two has a myriad of issues, including with the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), as Ali had to call on the agency to address the issues residents in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) are having with their payments.
During the outreach, the Head of State heard multiple complaints about NIS at the RDC office. He then instructed NIS Head, Holly Greaves, who was among the high-level team that was at the public event, to β€œfix it now”.

The Head of State had posited that all Guyanese should be treated fairly and that all agencies and Government offices should be working to enhance the people’s lives and the services they provide.

In addition to NIS, representatives from the Office of the President, the Ministry of Housing and Water, the Central Housing and Planning Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Guyana Power and Light (GPL), National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), the Ministry of Health, the Guyana Police Force, and regional officials, among others, were with the President at the Regional Democratic Council in Region Two outreach to address concerns raised by residents.

At a similar outreach in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), issues relating to NIS had also taken center stage, and the Head of State had ordered that they be resolved. NIS, which is tasked with paying benefits and collecting contributions, is among the most problematic entities, with scores of persons always having issues with their pension payments and/or contributions.

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Allow me to make a comparison of progress vs failure. The preparation of the 2020 election took many months with court battles that dragged on. Here you have a new government in office for three months and his ministries are delivering his promises in one week.                       

Housing lots are the foundations for shelter for many Guyanese. A house over a family head means children can go to school and have a place to study and rest when they come home.

Look, I understand that some of you don't like what's happening in Guyana, but I also understand that anti-progressive activities some of you may be involved in are to see a government oppresses the people and bring the country down for personal gain. I can't think of any better reason why some of you are so bitter when I talk of progress. Division and conflicts are big business in government, even at the cost of people's lives. That's a shame.

@Mitwah posted:

This is good  news. They should do at least 20 per day. This will help eliminate the squatting problem.

What about the infrastructure?

If my memory serves me right, these are the same thing you were requesting in the past. Do you believe the PPP has a magic wand to make impossible dreams come thru? Is it your way of playing impossible with reality?

@Mitwah posted:

What about the roads, drainage and irrigation, electricity and other services?

Good question.  The construction company prepared the land for the housing.  Drainage and Irrigation come with land development. The government will provide electricity and other services that the homeowners will have to pay for. 

I am surprised at your question. 


The PPP has been crooked from the start and became worse under Jagdeo. This is what the government want the people to hear and the report comes from their rag : The Guyana Times.

Jagdeo freely giving  radio/TV bandwidth to his cronies just before losing the 2015 election, is an indication how crooked he has become.

Instead of the PPP sheep believing everything put out by the PPP government. Lets see this same land distribution report from independent neutral publication, where its verified. Until then, its a con job by the PPP government.   

@Ramakant-P posted:

Good question.  The construction company prepared the land for the housing.  Drainage and Irrigation come with land development. The government will provide electricity and other services that the homeowners will have to pay for.

I am surprised at your question.

Thanks. Why are you surprised?

Real Estate Development is the hub of any economy and is the largest contributor to GDP. No?

Last edited by Mitwah

No! it's not a con job. They promised to build 10,000 housing units per year for 5 years, and that's what they are doing. The independent newspapers can report their own news if they are capable so long as it is not fake.

Jagdeo gave radio/tv bandwidth to Guyanese who had the money to pay for them. He gave free computers to Guyanese of all races who had the technical know-how to operate them. He also gave free face masks to thousands of Guyanese of all races and paid for them out of his own pocket.

Tolabhai, you wouldn't know a con job even if you see one.

Have a nice day. Be safe.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It is not my place to do that.

Like it is not your place to make stories about things you are not sure about. In that case, I can now caution you to be more proper in your reporting the circumstances surrounding the issues.

You can start by looking into the PPP 2020 manifesto.

There is nothing on this forum posted by my self that are made up ,they are taken from News Media reporting from Guyana . Any contradictions are backed by facts.

You claimed there is a plan ,all asked is for you to present on the forum.

@Ramakant-P posted:

No! it's not a con job. They promised to build 10,000 housing units per year for 5 years, and that's what they are doing. The independent newspapers can report their own news if they are capable so long as it is not fake.

Jagdeo gave radio/tv bandwidth to Guyanese who had the money to pay for them. He gave free computers to Guyanese of all races who had the technical know-how to operate them. He also gave free face masks to thousands of Guyanese of all races and paid for them out of his own pocket.

Tolabhai, you wouldn't know a con job even if you see one.

Have a nice day. Be safe.

Rama, you rass is a conman just like Jagdeo and those in the PPP. Why are these housing reports only appearing in the PPP rag publication ? Also, why is Guyana Times given freely, because they cannot sell them ? 

Promises are NOT completion of projects.

How much did Jagdeo charge for the radio/TV bandwidths ?

Don't be dingbat like those in the PPP. A GNI poster was the distribution manager for Jagdeo's  computers under the puppet Ramotar government. How many computers were stolen and sold ?

@Tola posted:

Rama, you rass is a conman just like Jagdeo and those in the PPP. Why are these housing reports only appearing in the PPP rag publication ? Also, why is Guyana Times given freely, because they cannot sell them ?

Promises are NOT completion of projects.

How much did Jagdeo charge for the radio/TV bandwidths ?

Don't be dingbat like those in the PPP.

A GNI poster was the distribution manager for Jagdeo's  computers under the puppet Ramotar government.

How many computers were stolen and sold ?

Also how much wasn't working !!!


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