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Former Member

Govt. gives disrespectful foreigner seven days to leave Guyana

Illegal Concrete Factory…

– CHPA issues third Cease Order for construction

May 12, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ays-to-leave-guyana/ Austin Shamlin, one of the foreign Directors of Superior Concrete Inc. who was instructing Minister of Housing, Collin Croal and Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), Sherwyn Greaves to leave the premises.

Kaieteur News – The Government has instructed Ian Charles Jones, a Director of foreign-controlled company, Superior Concrete Inc., to leave these shores within seven days following his disrespectful actions towards enforcement officers of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA). The officers recently sought to issue an Order for his company to cease the illegal construction of a concrete factory at Houston Estates.

The destruction of the South Ruimveldt Gardens road leading to Houston Estates. The heavy-duty equipment used for the illegal operations contributed to this state of affairs.

Ian Charles Jones, the British Director of Superior Concrete Inc. who has one week to leave.

The unlawful operation was first reported by this news entity on Saturday last. Kaieteur News had exposed that the company was setting up the concrete batching facility at Houston Estates without any regulatory permissions. When CHPA officers issued the first Contravention Order for all works to come to a halt, Jones destroyed the document then discarded same in the presence of officers.

In a subsequent article published on Monday, Kaieteur News exposed that Jones, who was moving full speed ahead with the concrete factory, was the Project Manager for the construction of a high specification ExxonMobil headquarters in Guyana for the period November 2019 to September 2020.

Following the foregoing, Minister of Housing, Collin Croal, in the company of Sherwyn Greaves, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) and staff of the CHPA’s Enforcement Department visited the illegal operation with the intent of serving another cease order, but the team of Government officials and regulatory officers were treated with disrespect. This time, it was by Richard Austin Shamlin, another foreign Director of Superior Concrete Inc. Shamlin approached the team and told them to leave the premises as it is private property. He said too that he had no interest in engaging them on what they came for.

In spite of the gross disrespect, the Minister and his team followed through with their plan to issue the order. It was received by another Superior Concrete Inc. foreign Director, Maxwell Snow.

The site where the illegal operations was taking place.

Speaking to members of the media while at the site, the Housing Minister disclosed that he had received a number of complaints from residents of the area about the said operations and took the opportunity to see firsthand what was taking place. Croal was keen to note that he carried out his own investigations prior to the visit and those inquiries revealed that the company had made no application for the construction of the batching facility to CHPA. He said too that when the first Order was issued on May 5, last, by CHPA Officials, they met with a “very hostile environment.”

“In fact, the person (Ian Charles Jones) who collected it, (destroyed it and) threw it away in front of our enforcement team. So that was the first Order. A second one was served on them on May 8, last, but they (the enforcement officers) saw no one at the site and so they pasted it very visibly on the facility. But what concerns us is that there was an investment of this nature without first seeking approval. No application was done,” the Minister said.

Croal also expressed alarm that the Director treated a notice from one of the Government’s regulatory agencies as though it were a piece of garbage. The Government official said legal action would be considered for this sort of contempt for CHPA enforcement officers.

CHPA’s CEO, Sherwyn Greaves, also condemned the disrespectful actions of the British Director. He noted that none of the company officials would be addressed at this time as the illegal use of the land is engaging the attention of the court. That action was undertaken by other landowners in Houston Estates.

Greaves said, “Disrespect to staff I will not tolerate. There is a process that everyone has to follow and one of the key things in the process of seeking approval is the engagement of the residents. I am sure they are appalled this was taking place without their consent and we are angry with the actions of the Directors. We will follow up in the next few days to make sure that the Contravention Order is followed.”

In addition to there being no approval granted by CHPA, Greaves confirmed with the media that no green light was provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In fact, the agency was never even approached.

City Mayor, Ubraj Narine, also expressed his disgust with the illegal operations yesterday during a press conference as he confirmed that no approval was ever given by the Georgetown Mayor and City Council for the construction at Houston Estates. He disclosed that the Council will also file an injunction against Superior Concrete Inc. to cease its operations.

Last evening, Kaieteur News learned that Jones’ work permit – which allowed him to work in Guyana from January 17, 2020 to January 16, 2022 – was terminated with immediate effect. He has up to May 12, 2021, to depart Guyana. It is likely that Shamlin, the foreign director who disrespected the Minister and his team yesterday, may face similar action too.

The illegal operation that was being led by Snow, Jones and Shamlin was taking place on land adjacent to South Ruimveldt. Kaieteur News was able to obtain a copy of the transport for the plot in use and observed that it is partly owned by Michael Vieira, who is the Chairman of Houston Estates. KN understands that Vieira has no part of the illegal operation but had leased the lands to Andrew Mekdeci.

Vieira has indicated to concerned landowners that he does not know the owners of Superior Concrete Inc. and he has no arrangement with them. He has also stated that his lease to Mekdeci specifies that the land is to be used only for legal and lawful purposes.

In a statement to the press last night, Mekdeci denied having any involvement in this illegal operation, stating that “I will not flout the laws of Guyana.” He admitted however that his company was contracted to provide equipment and construction materials to the foreign controlled company while adding – it was observed by this publication during a site visit that machinery operating on the site is branded MMC, a company owned and controlled by Andrew and Marise Mekdeci.

In light of this declaration, Kaieteur News sent an email last night, asking Andrew Mekdeci to answer the following questions: “1. Please state whether or not you or any company or person associated directly or indirectly with you has leased or licenced the lands in question to Superior Concrete; 2. Please state if that lease or licence is current; 3. Please state whether or not you have either (a) given Superior Concrete permission to install a cement batching plant or (b) informed Superior Concrete that the subject lands have a restriction prohibiting industrial use; 4. Since you have become aware of the cease work orders being issued by CHPA and the M&CC, have you either (a) written to Superior Concrete to terminate the lease or licence or (b) written them to stop the use of and remove the concrete plant.”

Up to press time, no response was provided to these questions, which were emailed to Ajay Baksh of Perception Inc., a Public Relations and Advertising firm that sent the statement on Mekdeci’s behalf.

Kaieteur News will continue to follow this story.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

Govt. gives disrespectful foreigner seven days to leave Guyana

Illegal Concrete Factory…

– CHPA issues third Cease Order for construction

May 12, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ays-to-leave-guyana/

Kaieteur News –

Ian Charles Jones, the British Director of Superior Concrete Inc. who has one week to leave.

The unlawful operation was first reported by this news entity on Saturday last. Kaieteur News had exposed that the company was setting up the concrete batching facility at Houston Estates without any regulatory permissions. When CHPA officers issued the first Contravention Order for all works to come to a halt, Jones destroyed the document then discarded same in the presence of officers.

In a subsequent article published on Monday, Kaieteur News exposed that Jones, who was moving full speed ahead with the concrete factory, was the Project Manager for the construction of a high specification ExxonMobil headquarters in Guyana for the period November 2019 to September 2020.

Following the foregoing, Minister of Housing, Collin Croal, in the company of Sherwyn Greaves, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) and staff of the CHPA’s Enforcement Department visited the illegal operation with the intent of serving another cease order, but the team of Government officials and regulatory officers were treated with disrespect. This time, it was by Richard Austin Shamlin, another foreign Director of Superior Concrete Inc. Shamlin approached the team and told them to leave the premises as it is private property. He said too that he had no interest in engaging them on what they came for.

In spite of the gross disrespect, the Minister and his team followed through with their plan to issue the order. It was received by another Superior Concrete Inc. foreign Director, Maxwell Snow.

Perhaps these foreign personnel are of the view that they make laws and rule Guyana.

Interesting times ahead.

Last edited by Former Member

That looks like a sublease. A relative of mine once got conned into buying a sub lease from another Guyanese. The person sold my relative the sublease like if he was selling him a piece of land.


Well, President Ali keep saying how much business there is. The government has nothing to direct investors.

These investors should sue the goverment for hundreds a millions of dollar just to teach these idiots a lesson.

@Former Member posted:

Perhaps these foreign personnel are of the view that they make laws and rule Guyana.

Interesting times ahead.

Exxon Mobil is in charge.  Jagdeo and Ali are beholden to it.  Pompeo arranged the deal. 


These upstarts seem ignorant of the fact that Exxon now OWNS them! How else could the limey 'insult' them? The nerve of these Guyanese!

Last edited by Former Member

They will find out eventually.

Those ill informed PPPites Jagdeo and Ali will find out how business is really conducted by White people. They get their way, which is good for Guyana. Dem indoes who boasts of running cake shops will find out oil industries operate diffferenly.

Is good if the Blackman and Indians get sidelined and the Whites dominate the scene. Hope the Putagees doan get in the thick of things, but they will, dey are whites teaming up with whites.

Sorry for blackman and cooolies, dem skont too stupid. More like IGNORANT.

@seignet posted:

They will find out eventually.

Those ill informed PPPites Jagdeo and Ali will find out how business is really conducted by White people. They get their way, which is good for Guyana. Dem indoes who boasts of running cake shops will find out oil industries operate diffferenly.

Is good if the Blackman and Indians get sidelined and the Whites dominate the scene. Hope the Putagees doan get in the thick of things, but they will, dey are whites teaming up with whites.

Sorry for blackman and cooolies, dem skont too stupid. More like IGNORANT.

So! Who and what are you?

@Ramakant-P posted:

So! Who and what are you?

Eurocentric, I am in their world eating, sleeping and leisuring peaceful and content. Imagine the stresses of doing anything and everyting in Guyana. Backward fooking cooolies running a country and blacks only existence is to replace backward cooolies as the government.

Neither has progress as a plan.

@Ramakant-P posted:

So! Who and what are you?

Don’t bother with the messenger, figure out his message - PPP already spend 5 years in the doldrums when Priya Manichand mess with that US ambassador. Power to the PPP coolies mek dem think they are gods.....

@seignet posted:

Eurocentric, I am in their world eating, sleeping and leisuring peaceful and content. Imagine the stresses of doing anything and everyting in Guyana. Backward fooking cooolies running a country and blacks only existence is to replace backward cooolies as the government.

Neither has progress as a plan.

The PPP has a plan. It is called the Manifesto, and they are implementing them one by one, step by step. If you read your own posting you will find that you are the only backward person who comes out of Guyana.

You are more stupid than GNI's two backward coolies, Kakawah and Kakaram. They are followers of the PPP. They are a couple of leeches who hates the President because he is of a different religion.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

You are more stupid than GNI's two backward coolies, Kakawah and Kakaram. They are followers of the PPP. They are a couple of leeches who hates the President because he is of a different religion.

You should really take your time posting. In your rush to defend your PPP heroes it makes you post nonsense. You mention two persons who are PPP followers that hate those in the PPP because of their religion. Sheer BS!

@sachin_05 posted:

Don’t bother with the messenger, figure out his message - PPP already spend 5 years in the doldrums when Priya Manichand mess with that US ambassador. Power to the PPP coolies mek dem think they are gods.....

I understand both his message and yours! You would rather give up trying to live on your f ing feet and crawl on your f ing bellies! As usual! It's what you have grown accustomed to! Sorry, jango! No, I don't give a flying fart!


You two don't understand the reasons the Euros and their American controllers have for world domination, and it's all because of their acceptance of the Jewish Pentateuch as the Old Testament of their Bible, while the New Testament from Acts to John 2 is also of the Jews, thanks to Paul who never met Jesus anywhere, and the 4 Gospels were partly corrupted! Go read and think about Revelations 2: 2 and 9, and 3: 9! THINK!

You, either forget or don't know, the Jews are the 'chosen' people of their 'god', an alien, not of this earth, maybe! Where do you think all the tech has developed from since 1947?

Now, you may laugh and mock! It may be your last f ING chance!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

You should really take your time posting. In your rush to defend your PPP heroes it makes you post nonsense. You mention two persons who are PPP followers that hate those in the PPP because of their religion. Sheer BS!

Go back and read what I post. They hate only the President and VP, not the PPP because they think that they are better than them.  They are also prejudiced and against Muslims. Why do you hate Indians?

@seignet posted:

Both Ali and Jagdeo has a Bihari background-shithole mentality-mentally lazy.

Manifesto-more like infestation of idiocy.

You don't know what you are saying.  You are not fit to wipe their shoes.

@Former Member posted:

Well, seiggy, I can't figure out if you are a Guyanese patriot or fellatrice of white penises! So, help me decide please!

At my age, being a Guyanese patriot wanes. The country is a backward place ehanced in backwardness, daily by the mentally lazy electorate. They send non progresssive Presidents to govern-visionless.

Oil makes them like African countries-more poverty because prices will rise beyond the poor.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You don't know what you are saying.  You are not fit to wipe their shoes.

Bro, I am a Christian Brahmin, not an Untouchable. But humility in the belief would require me to clean shit, even from shithole characters. Gandhi cleaned shit too at one time just to show humility.

@seignet posted:

At my age, being a Guyanese patriot wanes. The country is a backward place ehanced in backwardness, daily by the mentally lazy electorate. They send non progresssive Presidents to govern-visionless.

Oil makes them like African countries-more poverty because prices will rise beyond the poor.

You are lying. Oil and gas make them richer.  The People are better off with the PPP/C governing the country.  Over 20,000 jobs were created. They are investing in the People by creating 20,000 online students.

You are visionless, you can't see past your nose.  The PNC left the country in a backward state and the PPP is rebuilding what the PNC have broken and that is the infrastructure.

APNU/AFC had a great infrastructure in 2015 but they didn't know what to do with the country. They stole all the money and bankrupted the country.

@seignet posted:

Bro, I am a Christian Brahmin, not an Untouchable. But humility in the belief would require me to clean shit, even from shithole characters. Gandhi cleaned shit too at one time just to show humility.

Now you are talking shit.


Go read "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler, a descendant of the Khazars who adopted Judaism rather than Christianity or Islam, both of which would have required subservience to either the Christian emperor or the Caliph of Islam! They chose Judaism instead, which made them free of any overlord! Now you might.understand Revelations 2: 9 and 3: 9l Koestler himself was a Khazar descendant! They also adopted the alien 'god' and is preparing the way for him! They also have control of familiar spirits and that's how they know the war plans of the Arabs before they are implemented!

@seignet posted:

Bro, I am a Christian Brahmin, not an Untouchable. But humility in the belief would require me to clean shit, even from shithole characters. Gandhi cleaned shit too at one time just to show humility.

There's the source of your trouble- for Christian read Jewish fk head! Like Keith! Spewing of what he has no idea!

@seignet posted:

At my age, being a Guyanese patriot wanes. The country is a backward place ehanced in backwardness, daily by the mentally lazy electorate. They send non progresssive Presidents to govern-visionless.

Oil makes them like African countries-more poverty because prices will rise beyond the poor.

Because of a lack of funds! The people are concerned with the survival of themselves and family day-to-day and will vote for whoever promises them a better life! The governments did not explore for, find or exploit the oil and the best it can do is bluff for better terms! No armed forces like Venezuela and if even it had, how would that help? It doesn't help them! That's why I advocated building our own refinery for which oil could still be bought for our industries, whenever Guyana's oil is depleted, and concentrating on agriculture, with a strong sea defence! Only the cost of a refinery now worries me!

Last edited by Django

I ask again, what is the colour of brain? You think the 'white' man is your superior, when he only has better coordination, better use of manpower and the thinking of a minority of its people! They are as brilliant, as stupid, as everything else as anyone of other 'races'! China is again on the ascendant! You all seem to either forget or don't know gunpowder was a Chinese invention, though they didn't use it for killing! When people realize that 'the grave is the end' is Jewish nonsense and aren't afraid to go through the experience, the world will then have long-sought for peace! ALL is experience! So, try to frighten me!


We don't necessarily need to build our own refinery! Trinidad has a refinery(IES)! Both Trinidad and Guyana are CARICOM countries. All CARICOM countries could pay Trinidad for shares in a refinery so they could buy their refined oil products there at lower prices! Or Guyana and Surinam, even Cayenne could share in the cost of a new refinery! While the US talks about wind farms, it is still refining oil. They have contributed to climate change far more than any of these 'backward' countries ever could! We want to develop our countries, why shouldn't we? The alternative sources won't be available any time soon! Oil is a weapon in both times of peace and war! It seems to me the developed countries want cheap labour and markets for their exports! We want living wages for our people and markets for our exports! Though I believe workers in the colder climates need to be paid more because of heating costs, etc., why should our people be paid less than a living wage because of this? I don''t have all the answers nor do I consider myself infallible (that's the first step in failing)! So much is made of the economists' predictions, yet they are always finding explanations for why their recommendations failed! It's your fault, never theirs! I look at the picture simply, because I'm a simpleton, I suppose! More demand than supply, prices rise! Less demand than supply, prices fall! Covid good if it is really decreasing the world population to a level suitable to available supplies. I suspect, though, it is being used to frighten people into taking vaccines of which they don't really know their content! It seems to me that all deaths are now being reported as Covid-caused and the media is playing a great part in this deception!

Last edited by Former Member

Second disrespectful foreigner given 24hrs to leave Guyana

Illegal concrete factory…

May 13, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...hrs-to-leave-guyana/

Kaieteur News – Richard Austin Shamlin, a foreign Director of Superior Concrete Inc, has one day to leave Guyana or face deportation. This action that was handed down by government authorities comes in wake of Shamlin’s company being exposed by the media for illegally setting up a concrete factory at Houston Estates.

Ian Charles Jones, the British Director of Superior Concrete Inc. who has one week to leave.

Kaieteur News would have reported yesterday that Shamlin had disrespected Housing Minister, Collin Croal, in the company of other officials on Tuesday during a visit to the rogue operations.

Subsequent checks by local authorities yesterday found that Shamlin was granted a working permit which had a one month lifespan but it was not renewed. As a result of overstaying his time, he was instructed by Immigration Services to leave these shores today or be deported.

Richard Austin Shamlin, Director of Superior Concrete Inc.

The government has also instructed Shamlin’s colleague, Ian Charles Jones, who also serves as a Director of the foreign-controlled company, Superior Concrete Inc., to leave these shores within seven days following his disrespectful actions towards enforcement officers of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA). The officers recently sought to issue an Order for the company to cease the illegal construction of the factory. Instead of respecting the Order, Jones destroyed it and threw it away in the presence of the CH&PA officers.

The unlawful operation was first reported by this news entity on Saturday last. Kaieteur News had exposed that the company was setting up the concrete batching facility at Houston Estates without any regulatory permissions. In a subsequent article published on Monday, Kaieteur News exposed that Jones, who was moving full speed ahead with the concrete factory, was the Project Manager for the construction of a high specification ExxonMobil headquarters in Guyana for the period November 2019 to September 2020.

Following the foregoing, Croal, the Minister of Housing, in the company of Sherwyn Greaves, Chief Executive Officer of the CH&PA and staff of the CH&PA’s Enforcement Department visited the illegal operation with the intent of serving another cease order, but the team of government officials and regulatory officers were treated with disrespect. Shamlin had approached the team and told them to leave the premises as it is private property. He said too that he had no interest in engaging them on what they came for.

In spite of the gross disrespect, the Minister and his team followed through with their plan to issue the order. It was received by another Superior Concrete Inc. foreign Director, Maxwell Snow.

The illegal operation that was being led by Snow, Jones and Shamlin was taking place on land adjacent to South Ruimveldt. Kaieteur News was able to obtain a copy of the transport for the plot in use and observed that it is partly owned by Michael Vieira, who is the Chairman of Houston Estates. Kaieteur News understands that Vieira has no part of the illegal operation but had leased the lands to Andrew Mekdeci.

Vieira has indicated to concerned landowners that he does not know the owners of Superior Concrete Inc. and he has no arrangement with them. He has also stated that his lease to Mekdeci specifies that the land is to be used only for legal and lawful purposes.

In a statement to the Press on Tuesday night, Mekdeci denied having any involvement in this illegal operation, stating that “I will not flout the laws of Guyana.” He admitted however that his company was contracted to provide equipment and construction materials to the foreign controlled company while adding – it was observed by this publication during a site visit that machinery operating on the site is branded MMC, a company owned and controlled by Andrew and Marise Mekdeci.

In light of this declaration, Kaieteur News had sent an email on Tuesday night asking Andrew Mekdeci to answer the following questions: “1. Please state whether or not you or any company or person associated directly or indirectly with you has leased or licensed the lands in question to Superior Concrete; 2. Please state if that lease or licence is current; 3. Please state whether or not you have either (a) given Superior Concrete permission to install a cement batching plant or (b) informed Superior Concrete that the subject lands have a restriction prohibiting industrial use; 4. Since you have become aware of the cease work orders being issued by CHPA and the M&CC, have you either (a) written to Superior Concrete to terminate the lease or licence or (b) written them to stop the use of and remove the concrete plant?”

Up to Press time, no response was provided to these questions, which were emailed to Ajay Baksh of Perception Inc., a Public Relations and Advertising firm that sent the statement on Mekdeci’s behalf.
Kaieteur News will continue to follow this story.

@Former Member posted:

I understand both his message and yours! You would rather give up trying to live on your f ing feet and crawl on your f ing bellies! As usual! It's what you have grown accustomed to! Sorry, jango! No, I don't give a flying fart!

Like the PPP you need to learn who to pick your fight with, you don’t pick fight you can’t win. By your own admission your resistance to fall in line got you crawling on all four from daily dose of radiation, literally begging the Zionist to put you out of your misery... hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]


Your maniacal laughter ls fitting, asswipe! You haven't the faintest idea of what you can only fantasize from your prone, slavish position of abject fear! My paternal ancestors were only the only ones lauded for their bravery by the Raj, you quivering canine!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I'm sure Exxon wouldn't like the embarrassment! They have other ways!

Another set of white men will come in and pick up from where the last group left off. These people are powerful, they get their way in the end.

Even I can tell the PPP are not business oriented muchless savvy white ppl businessmen.

There are tremendous opportunities in the country. The PPP wants to crawl whilst others want to gallop.

As the whites have done for centuries, they move in and tek over. Guyana's 750,000 people will be managed by Exxon's 25 executives.

Backward African style Country Guyana with a useless Indian dominated government.

Jagdeo no match for Exxon.

Dharmal may have his visa revoked without explanation.

This is like Manichand cursing out the US Ambassdor.


Bullshit!  Their Headoffice will be in the middle of the Atlantic.  They will govern over sharks and Africans.

@sachin_05 posted:

Like the PPP you need to learn who to pick your fight with, you don’t pick fight you can’t win. By your own admission your resistance to fall in line got you crawling on all four from daily dose of radiation, literally begging the Zionist to put you out of your misery... hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Sallyv is not a PPP supporter and he is not Indian.

@seignet posted:

Another set of white men will come in and pick up from where the last group left off. These people are powerful, they get their way in the end.

Even I can tell the PPP are not business oriented muchless savvy white ppl businessmen.

There are tremendous opportunities in the country. The PPP wants to crawl whilst others want to gallop.

As the whites have done for centuries, they move in and tek over. Guyana's 750,000 people will be managed by Exxon's 25 executives.

Backward African style Country Guyana with a useless Indian dominated government.

Jagdeo no match for Exxon.

Dharmal may have his visa revoked without explanation.

This is like Manichand cursing out the US Ambassdor.

Why do you think that you are inferior to whites?  It looks like you still have a slave mentality.

The Coolie man is running things now. They chased out all the whites from the country. Next, we are going to get rid of people like you who are unpatriotic.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Bullshit!  Their Headoffice will be in the middle of the Atlantic.  They will govern over sharks and Africans.

Sallyv is not a PPP supporter and he is not Indian.

Why do you think that you are inferior to whites?  It looks like you still have a slave mentality.

The Coolie man is running things now. They chased out all the whites from the country. Next, we are going to get rid of people like you who are unpatriotic.

Really, watch and see what Exxon will do to Jagdeo. Doan tink for a moment dem white ppl will stop at Jagdeo from making the almighty dollar.

Guyanese will be workers meking the yankie dollar. The ministers will be stoogies.

@seignet posted:

Really, watch and see what Exxon will do to Jagdeo. Doan tink for a moment dem white ppl will stop at Jagdeo from making the almighty dollar.

Guyanese will be workers meking the yankie dollar. The ministers will be stoogies.

Don't be silly.  You have a weird sense of humor.  It looks like you are already crawling.

@seignet posted:

Really, watch and see what Exxon will do to Jagdeo. Doan tink for a moment dem white ppl will stop at Jagdeo from making the almighty dollar.

Guyanese will be workers meking the yankie dollar. The ministers will be stoogies.

Not if we look at the oil income as an unexpected windfall, build a strong sea defense (consulting the expert Dutch), concentrate on food, build a refinery in cooperation with CARICOM or the other Guianas! We have lots of wood for shelter, or even build houses of earth, synthetics can be created from the oil by our own industries, have our own food, can trade with CARICOM and other countries, what would we want from the US? Hollywood movies of violence? China and India now have excellent movies! There's even good movies coming out of an early African movie industry! The world is changing! All we have to fear is the US destroying our food with high altitude bombing with chemicals! As they have done to other countries! And with the Covid 'virus' and others in the works!

Let Jagdeo renege on the promise he made to Exxon to buy their gas!

I ask again, what colour is brain?

Last edited by Former Member

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