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Govt. guilty of strangling sugar industry – AFC


The Alliance for Change (AFC) yesterday vehemently denied that the party ever proposed that the country’s sugar industry should close down and accused the government of strangling the industry.
Moses Nagamootoo said yesterday that government continues to peddle misinformation about the sugar industry when in fact the AFC wants and is calling for a transformation to ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry.
Nagamootoo said that there should be the complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons. He stressed that “there is the need for a commission of inquiry into the Skeldon Factory, where $44 billion of taxpayers’ money went into modernizing this ‘white elephant’”.
According to Nagamootoo, government continues to be hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure.  He said that after some 21 years in power, it is the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to its knees through mismanagement, cronyism and downright disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers.
Nagamootoo said that while government accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry, it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)’s neck by “continuing to place square pegs in round holes” to manage the industry.
“The government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around, but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy, while it allowed sugar to slide into further failures,” Nagamootoo asserted.
He said that the position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as ethanol production.
“At the end of the day, it is the livelihoods of thousands of ordinary workers that are being threatened as the government continues to fool around with the sugar industry” Nagamootoo said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nagamootoo and Ramjattan while in the PPP supported the assinine attitudes of the Jagans and later the cohorts of the mismanaged PPP. If the Progressive Peoples Party had no structure in its management, how one can expect them to manage a multi-million dollar establishment.


Listen Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, yuh two fellas are too late to uproot the corruption that is prevailing when you two gave it good manure.


Gwan from hey.


Let new ppl tek over.


Blasted traitors of the thousands of ordinary Guyanese. Men of no principles, you saw injustice and you all condoned it hoping to be rewarded with great corruptible benefits. It din work in yuh all favour.


Suh beat it.


Well what a LIE from the PPP?  BUSTED



APNU, AFC denying calling for closure of sugar industry

Posted By Staff Writer On March 14, 2014 @ 5:17 am In Local News | No Comments

APNU and the AFC yesterday denied calling for the closure of the sugar industry and flayed the government for what they said were years of failed policies, mismanagement and questionable deals which culminated in disastrous production and a `white elephant’ Skeldon factory.

Following A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) press conference on Tuesday in which it called for a revamping and diversification of the flailing industry, the government and the ruling party accused it and later the Alliance for Change of calling for the shutdown of the industry.

In separate statements yesterday, both groups denied this. APNU said it is calling for a restructuring of the Board of Directors and its filling with competent professionals as a first step in tackling the problems of the industry.

In addition, it wants GAWU and other unions in the industry and the workers they represent to demand urgent changes to GuySuCo’s management at all levels.

APNU called again yesterday for a Commission of Inquiry into the sugar industry and argued that there can be no cure for the severe problems of the industry without an expert analysis and diagnosis.

“APNU stands ready to contribute meaningfully to the search for a solution. The sugar industry is our national patrimony and must not be treated as the exclusive preserve or property of any political party”, the main opposition asserted.

It added that there is no dispute that over the past decade the industry has deteriorated calamitously and this seems beyond the capacity of its current “politically appointed Board of Directors” to reverse.


Life support

“It is enough to point to some glaring blunders: the awarding of the Skeldon Sugar factory to a Chinese contractor when an Indian or Brazilian contractor (sugar producing countries) could have done a better job at a much lower price; the failure of the PPP Administration to protect sugar workers’ interests through contractual arrangements regarding warranties and payment terms; the questionable arrangements surrounding this deal; other opaque deals including the Enmore packaging plant and supply of pumps involving Surendra Engineering, the Indian Company. The placing of political appointees to top positions and the loss of its once competent engineers and middle management have put GuySuCo on life support”, APNU charged.

APNU argued that a once vibrant and profitable industry was now “totally insolvent” with sugar workers and their families uncertain about their future.

“One restructuring plan after another by the PPP Administration have failed to generate increased production. In fact, almost every strategic plan was obsolete before the ink was dry. Successive Ministers of Agriculture have had their way with this corporation, with nothing but failure to show the people who toil all day in sun and rain for a livelihood.

“The square pegs in round holes currently in charge of GuySuco have no solution to its problems and there is no evidence that the Donald Ramotar Administration is capable of making the necessary changes. Only competent professionals can bring about a credible, strategic turnaround of the sugar industry”, APNU said.

The AFC in its statement said that it wished to categorically state that it never promoted a position to close the industry.

“This is downright political wickedness on the part of the tottering PPP/C Governemnt. The headline in the PPP controlled Guyana Chronicle of Thursday, March 13, 2014 is nothing but gross misrepresentation. This government is hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure. To make it clear, the AFC’s call for transformation would ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry based on complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons, a Commission of Inquiry into the Skeldon Factory where $44 billion of taxpayers money went into modernising this ‘white elephant’, diversification to include ethanol production and alcohol products and involve the Union in the management of the Corporation”, the AFC said. It charged that after some 21 years in power, it was the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to ruination through mismanagement, cronyism and disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers.

“While it accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around GuySuCo’s neck by continuing to place square pegs in round holes to manage the industry. The government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy while it allowed sugar to slide into further failures”, the AFC declared.

On Wednesday, the main sugar union GAWU called on the government to transfer to the industry all the monies that the EU had given to Guyana since 2007 to cushion the impact on the sugar industry here of reforms to the EU sugar regime.

“The position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol production”, the AFC argued.



KishanB, that transformation of the industry require the pleople that do not exist in Guyana. They should not appoint pple, they should apply for the postions of transformation.


Knowing Guyanese politicians, each party have their crony ready to plug.

Originally Posted by seignet:

KishanB, that transformation of the industry require the pleople that do not exist in Guyana. They should not appoint pple, they should apply for the postions of transformation.


Knowing Guyanese politicians, each party have their crony ready to plug.

Tell that to UNCLE RUMTAR.


He has now formally appointed the New Jersey joker as EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN and CEO of GUYSUCO.  He from OUTSIDE!  


I have read the AFC Action Plan and even have a copy and this is what the AFC is telling RUMTAR, but no, RUMTAR and Mr. NEW JERSEY know better.



Implement a National E10 (10% blend of ethanol with gasoline) mandate to create a captive market for domestic ethanol use. This policy will save the Demerara and West Berbice sugar estates FROM CLOSURE.




Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by seignet:

KishanB, that transformation of the industry require the pleople that do not exist in Guyana. They should not appoint pple, they should apply for the postions of transformation.


Knowing Guyanese politicians, each party have their crony ready to plug.

Tell that to UNCLE RUMTAR.


He has now formally appointed the New Jersey joker as EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN and CEO of GUYSUCO.  He from OUTSIDE!  

Apply not appoint.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by seignet:

KishanB, that transformation of the industry require the pleople that do not exist in Guyana. They should not appoint pple, they should apply for the postions of transformation.


Knowing Guyanese politicians, each party have their crony ready to plug.

Tell that to UNCLE RUMTAR.


He has now formally appointed the New Jersey joker as EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN and CEO of GUYSUCO.  He from OUTSIDE!  

Apply not appoint.

LOL, well Mr New Jersey is now the official BASS!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Well what a LIE from the PPP?  BUSTED



APNU, AFC denying calling for closure of sugar industry

Posted By Staff Writer On March 14, 2014 @ 5:17 am In Local News | No Comments

APNU and the AFC yesterday denied calling for the closure of the sugar industry and flayed the government for what they said were years of failed policies, mismanagement and questionable deals which culminated in disastrous production and a `white elephant’ Skeldon factory.

Following A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) press conference on Tuesday in which it called for a revamping and diversification of the flailing industry, the government and the ruling party accused it and later the Alliance for Change of calling for the shutdown of the industry.

In separate statements yesterday, both groups denied this. APNU said it is calling for a restructuring of the Board of Directors and its filling with competent professionals as a first step in tackling the problems of the industry.

In addition, it wants GAWU and other unions in the industry and the workers they represent to demand urgent changes to GuySuCo’s management at all levels.

APNU called again yesterday for a Commission of Inquiry into the sugar industry and argued that there can be no cure for the severe problems of the industry without an expert analysis and diagnosis.

“APNU stands ready to contribute meaningfully to the search for a solution. The sugar industry is our national patrimony and must not be treated as the exclusive preserve or property of any political party”, the main opposition asserted.

It added that there is no dispute that over the past decade the industry has deteriorated calamitously and this seems beyond the capacity of its current “politically appointed Board of Directors” to reverse.


Life support

“It is enough to point to some glaring blunders: the awarding of the Skeldon Sugar factory to a Chinese contractor when an Indian or Brazilian contractor (sugar producing countries) could have done a better job at a much lower price; the failure of the PPP Administration to protect sugar workers’ interests through contractual arrangements regarding warranties and payment terms; the questionable arrangements surrounding this deal; other opaque deals including the Enmore packaging plant and supply of pumps involving Surendra Engineering, the Indian Company. The placing of political appointees to top positions and the loss of its once competent engineers and middle management have put GuySuCo on life support”, APNU charged.

APNU argued that a once vibrant and profitable industry was now “totally insolvent” with sugar workers and their families uncertain about their future.

“One restructuring plan after another by the PPP Administration have failed to generate increased production. In fact, almost every strategic plan was obsolete before the ink was dry. Successive Ministers of Agriculture have had their way with this corporation, with nothing but failure to show the people who toil all day in sun and rain for a livelihood.

“The square pegs in round holes currently in charge of GuySuco have no solution to its problems and there is no evidence that the Donald Ramotar Administration is capable of making the necessary changes. Only competent professionals can bring about a credible, strategic turnaround of the sugar industry”, APNU said.

The AFC in its statement said that it wished to categorically state that it never promoted a position to close the industry.

“This is downright political wickedness on the part of the tottering PPP/C Governemnt. The headline in the PPP controlled Guyana Chronicle of Thursday, March 13, 2014 is nothing but gross misrepresentation. This government is hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure. To make it clear, the AFC’s call for transformation would ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry based on complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons, a Commission of Inquiry into the Skeldon Factory where $44 billion of taxpayers money went into modernising this ‘white elephant’, diversification to include ethanol production and alcohol products and involve the Union in the management of the Corporation”, the AFC said. It charged that after some 21 years in power, it was the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to ruination through mismanagement, cronyism and disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers.

“While it accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around GuySuCo’s neck by continuing to place square pegs in round holes to manage the industry. The government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy while it allowed sugar to slide into further failures”, the AFC declared.

On Wednesday, the main sugar union GAWU called on the government to transfer to the industry all the monies that the EU had given to Guyana since 2007 to cushion the impact on the sugar industry here of reforms to the EU sugar regime.

“The position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol production”, the AFC argued.


The PPP destroyed the sugar industry and now they're trying to deflect the blame onto someone else. It's not going to work since the Guyanese people realize that they are the biggest conmen and liars in Guyana.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The PPP really look like a set of donkeys now.





 I like those little fellows! And to think that Skeldon ape is ruining their reputation by trying to imitate them!


I  am keeping them as my screen saver to remind me that real asses are not as pretty.

Last edited by Former Member

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