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Gov’t MPs bemoan opposition leadership as Linden protest spirals out of control


Georgetown, GINA, August 5, 2012 -- Source - GINA


Criminal activities are spiraling out of control in Linden as some protestors continue to hold ground and the apparent silence of opposition leaders about the reprehensible acts in a town that is now under siege is being questioned.

Political experts and newspaper columnists are of the opinion that opposition forces are using Lindeners as pawns in a plot to win mileage out of the volatile situation which started off as a peaceful protest three weeks ago against the proposed phased electricity tariff hike in the bauxite town.

“You have elements who I suspect are utilising the protest activity for their own benefit and their own gain… the question is what control the leadership still has in Linden,” Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Parliamentarian Joseph Hamilton said in a three-man panel discussion on the National Communications Network (NCN) on Saturday.

Police have arrested three persons in connection with robberies in the Rockstone area where motorists were ambushed after stopping at a section of a main road  that was purposely destroyed.

Yesterday vehicles transporting fuel and other supplies to frontier communities were vandalised in their attempts to pass the logs, and debris and other objects used by protestors to create blockades on the Linden thoroughfare.

Truck drivers and other motorists are reportedly being held at ransom while persons unknown to the town are being interrogated before passage is granted.

There has to date been no condemnation of the errant acts by any member of the opposition camp and Member of Parliament Manzoor Nadir who was part of the panel believes the opposition has an incumbent duty.

“The opposition parties have to come out and disassociate themselves now with what is happening on the ground in Linden. The extortion, the banditry, that is not the protest the good people of Linden had staged,” Nadir said.

Last week President Donald Ramotar, acting on the advice of Heads of the Joint Services postponed his announced visit to Linden after protestors resisted efforts by the security forces to clear the roads as instructed by the Commander- in -Chief of the Armed Forces.

Chairman of Region Ten Sharma Solomon, was reported in the media saying at a public rally on the eve of the President’s visit that neither the President nor his aides informed him of the visit though it was publicised.

The Chairman who recently took up the Region Ten post and has been integral in talks with the Government at the Office of the President has not convinced Hamilton that he can handle the current situation.

“The Chairman of the Region is a young politician who doesn’t have the experience. It is his first entrance into politics at this level and secondly he is asked to fetch this burden… to deal with a matter that is a crisis in the Region and therefore as I see it there needs to be more experienced heads involved in the activities and the discussion,” Hamilton said.

Solomon is backing the Linden protest action as justifiable.

He has been more vocal on the issue than the usual nitpicking politicians like recently elected leader of the People’s National Congress (PNC) David Granger who Hamilton believes is stymieing the opposition’s unanimous position on the issue.

“Mr. Granger is playing what they call ‘hold me lose me’ on this matter because at one time APNU and AFC are taking responsibility and there’s another time when, in engagement with the government they say you have to speak to the people of Region Ten and the Regional Administration."

The July 18 protest turned ugly when clashes between police and protestors led to three persons losing their lives and buildings razed by fire. Sections of civil society, perturbed by the situation made clarion calls for calm and President Donald Ramotar opened the door for talks with the leadership of the opposition political parties and the Region Ten administration to iron out differences.

The complement of Cuban and Chinese medical doctors who were supplementing the delivery of health care in the Region had to be safely evacuated as a result of the unrest and the quantity of pharmaceuticals are closely being monitored according to Hamilton.

The government offered to put on hold, the July 1 deadline to which the electricity tariff hike was scheduled to take effect in Linden, and has moved to establish a technical team, comprising representatives of both sides of the political divide, to review options to the electricity tariff system.

Whether the work of this panel would be successful given the call for a complete abolition of the new electricity tariff structure remains to be seen. Nadir doubts that any negotiation will gain positive ground under the current volatile situation.

Speaking from experience in negotiations as former Minister of Labour, Nadir said, “you can’t negotiate under duress.” 

A commission of inquiry  was also set up to investigate the circumstances leading to the death of the three persons during the protest in Linden.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is what the AFC has brought to Guyana.  Now, why the inciters and instigators in the AFC go up there are bring back a semblance of order.  BOSAI is already contemplating an exit plan and then what?  Will the opposition leaders get another operator?  The AFC has unleashed forces they themselves cannot control.  They acted in a callous and irresponsible manner.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Those like Strom who are welfare collectors are jealous of other's economic progress.

 Even if indeed I were on welfare per your truly stupid imagination, I would be on good moral footing than these thieves. Imagine that on their salaries alone they can build these homes since you are into imagination. Even in your wildest fantasy you cannot come up with a scenario where the above is from legit earnings.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What does the video show? It shows to the ordinary person houses being built. Since you know otherwise you may care to give us the inside scoop. 

It is not about the ordinary persons houses being built; you missed the deeper message. View again.



This is what the PNC and AFC will do to incite hate towards progressive Indo Guyanese. So that they can once again burn and destroy.


They are now trying to ignite the dictatorship era of Burnham once again but making Indo Guyanese the boogie man.


I have a word of advice for you, take a trip to Schenectady, New York and see poverty beyond your wildest imagination. 


Governmant can only do so much. It is up to people to create wealth and better economic opportunities. In any society, you will find rich, poor and middle class. Guyana is no exception.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The only people talking race hate are from the PPP. It is quite clear that the Linden murders were the sart to ethic cleansing by the PPP.


According to media reports some of the shots came from the crowd. We will eventually find out. So please do not get too excited here.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The only people talking race hate are from the PPP. It is quite clear that the Linden murders were the sart to ethic cleansing by the PPP.

A PIG like you need a good clean out, maybe you should go to Linden!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The only people talking race hate are from the PPP. It is quite clear that the Linden murders were the sart to ethic cleansing by the PPP.

A PIG like you need a good clean out, maybe you should go to Linden!!!


Nehru Bhai, calling him a Pig is a compliment.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The only people talking race hate are from the PPP. It is quite clear that the Linden murders were the sart to ethic cleansing by the PPP.

A PIG like you need a good clean out, maybe you should go to Linden!!!

Bai I was born in the hospital there.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
According to media reports some of the shots came from the crowd. We will eventually find out. So please do not get too excited here.

Patience and time for the issues to onfold.

Originally Posted by baseman:

This is what the AFC has brought to Guyana.  Now, why the inciters and instigators in the AFC go up there are bring back a semblance of order.  BOSAI is already contemplating an exit plan and then what?  Will the opposition leaders get another operator?  The AFC has unleashed forces they themselves cannot control.  They acted in a callous and irresponsible manner.

If BOSAI leaves, and they say they have no plans to, it will reflect their lack of confidence that the govt of Guyana can resolve the situation.


The PPP remains unable to negotiate with those who they dont this is a PPP problem.  The PPP treats AfroGuyanese as hostiles and then wonder why they are then viewed as the enemy.  And I mean the poorer segments of the community, not the politifcal elites of APNU who cut their own deals and who couldnt care less about these people.


To fool yourself that the puny AFC has the power to unleash forces is NONSENSE.  In the last elections even FEWER people voted AFC than voted PPP so where do they get this power from?  So if LIndeners thought so little of them why will they jeopardize their lives at the behest of Ramjattan and others?  This is the same AFC which wa srejected as being even less useful to Linden than was the PPP.


The issue is that large segments of Lindeners have been frustrated for years at the broken promises and the continued deteriortaion of employment opportunities.  Rather than viewing black people as puppets who are manipulate dby others, view them as their own agents of change.  Reality is that the tail is wagging the dog and if APNU continues to ignore them than APNU will be sent a message next time as they were in 2006, and APNU knows this.


So its time that the govt finds out who are the true organizers and sit down and talk to them.


A disproportionate amount of the National Lotto funds go into the Linden. The electricity rate outside of the Linden is 400% higher. A State of the Art hospital has been constructed in the mining town along with many homes for the staff. Linden has gotten more than its fair share of the national budget for anyone for cry injustice. The opposition in Guyana has failed many times in the past to win the support of the people at the polls or on the streets. The latest events in Linden was orchestrated by the opposition to create a atmosphere of fear and hostility in our country. They know that the PPP does not benefit from violence nor does it have the means to deal with violence.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
According to media reports some of the shots came from the crowd. We will eventually find out. So please do not get too excited here.

Patience and time for the issues to onfold.

Which media reports? NCN?  You cant prove a thing.  If there were shots being fired the police would have bene in full riot gear, prtotecting themslves with shields, etc.  Instead most stood by looking quite relaxed when tear gas was fired at the crowd.



This is exactly why we have a problem, because rather thanadmitting that a mistake was made, and attempting to talk to the protestors you all want to portray them as savages as part of your agenda of stigmatizing the ENTIRE AfroGuyanese population because they refuse to support the PPP.


Clearly you dont want a resolution, so continue adding gas to the flames.  I hope when what you wish for happens you can deal with it, because no other country is going to intervene to protect anyone in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A disproportionate amount of the National Lotto funds go into the Linden. The electricity rate outside of the Linden is 400% higher. A State of the Art hospital has been constructed in the mining town along with many homes for the staff. Linden has gotten more than its fair share of the national budget for anyone for cry injustice. The opposition in Guyana has failed many times in the past to win the support of the people at the polls or on the streets. The latest events in Linden was orchestrated by the opposition to create a atmosphere of fear and hostility in our country. They know that the PPP does not benefit from violence nor does it have the means to deal with violence.

yes continue to demonise Linden.  Clearly you wish that tensions to escalate with God knows what consequences.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


This is what the PNC and AFC will do to incite hate towards progressive Indo Guyanese. So that they can once again burn and destroy.


Curious.  How come there are Indians among the protesters and they have not come to any harm?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


This is what the PNC and AFC will do to incite hate towards progressive Indo Guyanese. So that they can once again burn and destroy.


Curious.  How come there are Indians among the protesters and they have not come to any harm?

Because unlike you, they are NOt PIGS.

Originally Posted by caribny:
How come there are Indians among the protesters and they have not come to any harm?

In any setting, Guyanese of various ethnic groups are together.


For example, in the PNC, there are/were "Cammie" Ramsaroop, Neville Bissember, Raphael Trotman, etc., etc., etc..

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its time the opposition led protesters cleared the road, enough is enough

Who told you that if Granger showed up and tells them, to do this whether they wouldnt chase him off.


It might do you good to understand that this is a consummation of a problem that has been 30 years in the making, and the PNC isnt so clean in this to have indefinite credibility with the crowds.

Originally Posted by caribny:
It might do you good to understand that this is a consummation of a problem that has been 30 years in the making, and the PNC isnt so clean in this to have indefinite credibility with the crowds.

30 years ago .. PNC was in the Government.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
How come there are Indians among the protesters and they have not come to any harm?

In any setting, Guyanese of various ethnic groups are together.


For example, in the PNC, there are/were "Cammie" Ramsaroop, Neville Bissember, Raphael Trotman, etc., etc., etc..

So clearly this issue is not an issue of genocidal attacks on Indians as your fellow black hating PPPites are screaming about.  Or else why will those Indians feel comfortable to be in this highly irate crowd...irate because three of their number were shot in cold blood, and many others were injured by the policfe attack.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
It might do you good to understand that this is a consummation of a problem that has been 30 years in the making, and the PNC isnt so clean in this to have indefinite credibility with the crowds.

30 years ago .. PNC was in the Government.

Did you not note when i said that the PNC isnt so clean and so do not have loads of credibility with the crowds?


So next time you all fool yourselves into thinking that you can blame the opposition and that the oippositoin can end this just remember that.  This problem extends way beyond the parliamentary battles in G/twn.

Originally Posted by caribny:
So clearly this issue is not an issue of genocidal attacks on Indians as your fellow black hating PPPites are screaming about.

Non-use of these expressions would be a starting point.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
So clearly this issue is not an issue of genocidal attacks on Indians as your fellow black hating PPPites are screaming about.

Non-use of these expressions would be a starting point.

And why should I not tell the truth?  Is it OK for people to demonize AfroGuyanese and for the rest of us to remain silent.  NO!!!!


You dont condemn them when they do so, only I when I call them out on it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
So clearly this issue is not an issue of genocidal attacks on Indians as your fellow black hating PPPites are screaming about.

Non-use of these expressions would be a starting point.

And why should I not tell the truth?  Is it OK for people to demonize AfroGuyanese and for the rest of us to remain silent.  NO!!!!


You dont condemn them when they do so, only I when I call them out on it.

You are a known racist, look how you and D2 tell Blacks that their are entitled to free electricity while the indigenous people in St Ignatious have to pay the full rate. Your section 8 status is conducive to a mindset that promotes dependency on entitlement. You once stated that Indians owe Blacks reparations for slavery, you wicked man. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You are a known racist, look how you and D2 tell Blacks that their are entitled to free electricity while the indigenous people in St Ignatious have to pay the full rate. Your section 8 status is conducive to a mindset that promotes dependency on entitlement. You once stated that Indians owe Blacks reparations for slavery, you wicked man. 

Here is another person who hates blacks.  yes the same man who calls blacks lazy criminals who deserve to be shot down without due process which is what the Phantoms did.


Then who goes on to claim that I stated that Indos owe reparation.  You see to racists like druggie if blacks demand fair treatment in Guyana that is the same as demonding reparations because to him blacks are a second class group whose sould function is to be aid by wealthy Indians to be their mercenaries....i.e to receive milk.


Druggie is appalled that this "inferior" species of humanity just doesnt accept what ever treatment they get from racists like him.


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