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Govt pays AFC financier $170M annually to store condoms – Jagdeo

… spends less than half on healthcare delivery for entire region

The controversial contract between the Public Health Ministry and Alliance For Change financier, Larry Singh’s Linden Holding Inc, on Friday for the second day running, attracted the attention of the National Assembly and the nation heard that Government is in fact spending more on that contract in one year than it spends for the entire budget for healthcare services in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica).

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo dropped the bombshell announcement – an announcement that was not formally challenged by Government speakers – that while Government has inked a contract to pay Linden Holdings Inc, the 2017 Budget has in its allocations $88 million for healthcare delivery services for Region Four.

According to Jagdeo, Government has in fact opted to spend twice as much to

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo as he addressed the National Assembly
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo as he addressed the National Assembly

store condoms in the Sussex Street, Georgetown facility owned by Singh.

He told the House that a perusal of the estimates revealed too that the entire Budget for education delivery in Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) is set at a meagre $97 million as against the $170 million Government has earmarked to pay Singh for the storage of materials at the substandard Sussex Street property.

Jagdeo recalled that Government had defended the decision to secure the bond by handpicking Singh through the sole sourcing method by pointing to the emergency demands at the time, saying it was urgently needed.

According to Jagdeo, in one year, Government is paying close to $170 million for effectively a bottom house, saying, “remember they say we could not wait, had to get it done immediately because the drugs spoiling, the condoms spoiling.”

“We are spending $170 million to this individual,” Jagdeo said as he juxtaposed that with the healthcare delivery service Capital Budget for Region Four being only $88.8 million.

“You are spending twice as much on a bond to store condoms than that of entire health services budget for Region Four,” he reiterated.

The Opposition Leader noted too that, “We are spending almost as much on this bond as the entire Capital Budget for Region Eight [Potaro-Siparuni],” which he

Public Health Minister, Dr George Norton along with other parliamentarians inspecting contents at the Sussex Street Bond
Public Health Minister, Dr George Norton along with other parliamentarians inspecting contents at the Sussex Street Bond

outlined is budgeted at $206 million. “Is that not shameful.”

Jagdeo said the same scenario also obtains in the allocations of monies across other regions such as Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) where the entire capital projects are budgeted at $228 million.

“The fiscal space was all eaten up on greed and falsehood and lack of transparency in procurement,” according to Jagdeo, as he responded to Government’s claims that finances are scare.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is there so many pricks and pimps in the APNU/AFC so that it seems they are now storing condoms?

“We are spending $170 million to this individual,” Jagdeo said as he juxtaposed that with the healthcare delivery service Capital Budget for Region Four being only $88.8 million.

“You are spending twice as much on a bond to store condoms than that of entire health services budget for Region Four,” he reiterated.


The pnc boys needs lots of condoms if they catch a thing while sporting and backballing .  What a disgrace, the voices of django, gilly, mitty,  caribj,d2, krishanb, django stay silent on this matter. No picture lakka picture to illustrate this incompetence.  Maybe if Jalil was still with us he would have relented and came up with some pictures. 

Drugb posted:

The pnc boys needs lots of condoms if they catch a thing while sporting and backballing .  What a disgrace, the voices of django, gilly, mitty,  caribj,d2, krishanb, django stay silent on this matter. No picture lakka picture to illustrate this incompetence.  Maybe if Jalil was still with us he would have relented and came up with some pictures. 

Django, conveniently knows what to post.. this shameful prick .

This dude an his GNI acolytes stays silent on all the corruption and wasteful spending by this no good government. 

In his own words... he claim he has businesses in Guyana... fly in and out in one day... a Granger piss he drinking and pick up his cheque.. 


Coming to think of it.  This might not be a bad economic strategy.  Pay 14 million to rent the bond.  Load up the bond with condoms.  Then charge a VAT when people buy the condoms.  With economic strategy like this, who needs oil money.  I am starting to see why the PNC boys gave themselves 50% raise.  Even Einstein couldn't think of that.

Bibi Haniffa
Imran posted:
Drugb posted:

The pnc boys needs lots of condoms if they catch a thing while sporting and backballing .  What a disgrace, the voices of django, gilly, mitty,  caribj,d2, krishanb, django stay silent on this matter. No picture lakka picture to illustrate this incompetence.  Maybe if Jalil was still with us he would have relented and came up with some pictures. 

Django, conveniently knows what to post.. this shameful prick .

This dude an his GNI acolytes stays silent on all the corruption and wasteful spending by this no good government. 

In his own words... he claim he has businesses in Guyana... fly in and out in one day... a Granger piss he drinking and pick up his cheque.. 

Dude,where did I stated having business in Guyana currently,I have a small business here in the ole USA,I had a business when i was residing there,shut shop when i migrated.

That one day fly in and fly out was for a funeral,I can do that any time I man got class.

The shameful pricks are the "ETHNOCENTRIC INDIVIDUALS" who are tugging on the coat tail of the thieving PPP.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.


So then you should go and start a condom business in Guyana.  And it wasn't only condoms stored in the bond.  They were storing lubricants too. Sound like business doing good.  I don't see how you will lose here. 

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Imran posted:
Drugb posted:

The pnc boys needs lots of condoms if they catch a thing while sporting and backballing .  What a disgrace, the voices of django, gilly, mitty,  caribj,d2, krishanb, django stay silent on this matter. No picture lakka picture to illustrate this incompetence.  Maybe if Jalil was still with us he would have relented and came up with some pictures. 

Django, conveniently knows what to post.. this shameful prick .

This dude an his GNI acolytes stays silent on all the corruption and wasteful spending by this no good government. 

In his own words... he claim he has businesses in Guyana... fly in and out in one day... a Granger piss he drinking and pick up his cheque.. 

Dude,where did I stated having business in Guyana currently,I have a small business here in the ole USA,I had a business when i was residing there,shut shop when i migrated.

That one day fly in and fly out was for a funeral,I can do that any time I man got class.

The shameful pricks are the "ETHNOCENTRIC INDIVIDUALS" who are tugging on the coat tail of the thieving PPP.

Banna, you say Funeral, I don't know .

Note!!! You did not condemn the current regime... but attacking the PPP..." them a watch yo " 

Like how you been watching Freedom House from Mohammed Electronics...

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Watch it deh.  Jagdeo is a young parliamentarian. He don't need nothing like catheter or nothing like that.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Watch it deh.  Jagdeo is a young parliamentarian. He don't need nothing like catheter or nothing like that.  

Looks that chap younger than Irfann and Priya.

Mitwah posted:

Because of the threat of the sexual transfer of the Zika virus, the Govt should give out condoms for free but not before assessing one's size.

They should also assess the VAT on condoms based on size.   Some people will get discount on the VAT.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

Because of the threat of the sexual transfer of the Zika virus, the Govt should give out condoms for free but not before assessing one's size.

They should also assess the VAT on condoms based on size.   Some people will get discount on the VAT.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

But the Namakaram Crabdaag promised change.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So then you should go and start a condom business in Guyana.  And it wasn't only condoms stored in the bond.  They were storing lubricants too. Sound like business doing good.  I don't see how you will lose here. 

Maybe the condoms and lubricants are specifically to use on those gullible supporters when they visit Guyana. No wonder they support the PNC, they getting a free clean out when they visit. 

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Django, like you happy the man mentioned "Incontinence". Looks like you know a thing or two about it. Would you like to explain your experience and why you happy?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Django, like you happy the man mentioned "Incontinence". Looks like you know a thing or two about it. Would you like to explain your experience and why you happy?

More than half of the American population suffers from incontinence. If you are about 50, watch out for the dripping.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Django, like you happy the man mentioned "Incontinence". Looks like you know a thing or two about it. Would you like to explain your experience and why you happy?

Ha Ha 

Come in Django 

Imran posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Coming to think of it.  

Suppose these are condom catheter. Incontinence is a major problem for women and men in Guyana. Look how many  old men in parliament on both sides of the houses.

Django, like you happy the man mentioned "Incontinence". Looks like you know a thing or two about it. Would you like to explain your experience and why you happy?

Ha Ha 

Come in Django 

Don't wet yuh self now.


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