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Three years after he was tortured while in police custody, government has paid the $6.5 million awarded by the High Court to the teen whose genitals were set alight at the Leonora Police Station during a murder investigation.


The tortured teen [second, left) with a sheet wrapped around his waist being escorted into the West Demerara Regional Hospital by a policeman. (Stabroek News file photo)

The tortured teen (second, left) with a sheet wrapped around his waist being escorted into the West Demerara Regional Hospital by a policeman. (Stabroek News file photo)


“A couple of months ago, we finally got payment,” the teen’s attorney Khemraj Ramjattan told Stabroek News yesterday adding that this was sometime in December. He said that government also withdrew the appeal filed in the matter.


Ramjattan said that he was pushing for the appeal to be heard as soon as possible and the record was about to be filed when he was contacted, asked if he still represented the teen and was then asked to go to the Attorney General’s chambers. There he was informed that government would pay the sum awarded and the appeal would be withdrawn, he said.

Ramjattan on behalf of the teen had filed a $40 million lawsuit against the then Attorney General, the Commissioner of Police and the two ranks accused of torturing the boy, seeking $40M incompensation. In June 2011, Justice Roxane George, after describing the case as constituting torture, awarded the teenager $6.5M in damages, while explaining that there had been a violation of his fundamental human rights. The government subsequently appealed the ruling.


The boy had been held for questioning in connection with the murder of retired Region Three vice-chairman Ramenaught Bisram, who was found dead at his home on October 26, 2009 with several stab wounds. While being interrogated by police officers at the Leonora Police Station, the boy, then 15, was allegedly doused with methylated spirits and set alight.

Two policemen, Mohanram Dolai and Narine Lall, were later charged for causing grievous bodily harm to the teen but the charges were later dismissed in the Magistrate’s Court after the teen and others failed to show up at the trial to give evidence. The duo was also charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounding Nouravie Wilfred. The duo along with Corporal Oswald Foo were also charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounding Deonarine  Rafick, with intent to maim, disfigure, disable or cause him grievous bodily harm. Wilfred and Rafick were arrested along with the teen in connection with the murder of Bisram.


Guyana recently appeared before the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva, Switzerland where the country’s periodic reports on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child were presented.


Among the issues raised  were the torture case and government in its response said that a full investigation into how security officers were allowed to “blatantly flout national and international legislation was launched and two officers attached to Criminal Investigations Department of the Guyana Police force were arrested on the use of excessive force.” In its response, the government said that the case was later dismissed for want of prosecution as the victim and his family failed to show up for sessions to give evidence on 17 consecutive occasions.


“On 17 June 2011, as a result of a civic action filed in February 2010, GYD6.5 M was awarded to the tortured teenager by the High Court which stated that, pursuant to Articles 139 and 141 of the Guyana Constitution, his fundamental constitutional rights were violated by the police officers as well as other members of the Guyana Police Force. In addition to the judgment for GYD6.5 million, the teenager was also awarded court costs in the sum of GYD175,000 and has since  received compensation as awarded by the court,” the government said in its response.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

How much did Ramjattan pocket from this deal? I understand his fees may be in the excess of 60%. Meanwhile the family of Ramenaught Bisram have no justice as Ramjattan and his cronies continue to defend criminals. 


This kid is of amerind heritage. He is a non person to those brutes who set him on fire. His nonentity status was further reinforced by the failure of the judicial system and the lack of any internal security force investigation to sanction the horrible creatures in their ranks.


Unfortunately, our inhumanity to others is slowly poisoning the culture. I saw a picture of a kid that went AWOL in a prison cell, naked and on the cold floor. He was there according to his family accounts many days and the cruel personnel in charge never blinked an eye to this cravenly barbaric state of affairs.


It is therefore on no surprise that a kid, perfectly healthy, can be arrested and come out of the hands of his arresting officers dead, with open gashes in his head, signs of egregious brutality on his body and again no one blinks an eye. What a culture we are cultivating!


I am glad the Govt gave a FAIR Settlement. I understand the problem this Kid will have in the future but I know 6.5 million will help him to cope a little better. Shame on the Police Officers who committed this CRIME!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

How much did Ramjattan pocket from this deal? I understand his fees may be in the excess of 60%. Meanwhile the family of Ramenaught Bisram have no justice as Ramjattan and his cronies continue to defend criminals. 

So its OK for a teen, who was innocent, to be tortured? I hope this happens to one of your family members and lets see how you like it. You really do post stupid things just for the sake of posting stupid things.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

How much did Ramjattan pocket from this deal? I understand his fees may be in the excess of 60%. Meanwhile the family of Ramenaught Bisram have no justice as Ramjattan and his cronies continue to defend criminals. 

So its OK for a teen, who was innocent, to be tortured? I hope this happens to one of your family members and lets see how you like it. You really do post stupid things just for the sake of posting stupid things.

I wouldn't bring his family into this, I would say however, Yes goadie bhim does make stupid posts just for the sake of posting shit.

I believe he's now the the Board's idiot goad mascot.

Originally Posted by alena06:

6.5m is nothing compared to the emotional scars that this kid will endure for the rest of his life. 

The death of Ramenaught Bisram, who this "kid" set up, will go unpunished as the focus has been shifted to the torture. I see none of you people showing any empathy for the dead man's wife and children while this "kid" and Ramjattan rolling in 6.5M. 

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

So its OK for a teen, who was innocent, to be tortured? I hope this happens to one of your family members and lets see how you like it. You really do post stupid things just for the sake of posting stupid things.

He deserved the same fate that he bestowed on the real victim: Ramenaught Bisram. None of you people seem the least bit concerned about Bisram and the loss to this wife and kids. 


Read the name of this thread Bimbo, "Gov't pays tortured boy $6.5m RE: ......


Do you see any other names up there Mr Bimbo?


Are you or anyone else wondering about Sat Shaw's family? You know the one I talkin about,hmmm??? The one some butthead in the PPP knew who the killer was and did nothing about it, that's the one I talkin about.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by alena06:

6.5m is nothing compared to the emotional scars that this kid will endure for the rest of his life. 

The death of Ramenaught Bisram, who this "kid" set up, will go unpunished as the focus has been shifted to the torture. I see none of you people showing any empathy for the dead man's wife and children while this "kid" and Ramjattan rolling in 6.5M. 

 It will go unpunished not account of the kid if he is the killer but on account of sloppy police work. There is no option to torture as cruelly as these beasts did. That they remain unsanctioned is even worse than the unsolved murder.

Originally Posted by cain:

Read the name of this thread Bimbo, "Gov't pays tortured boy $6.5m RE: ......


Do you see any other names up there Mr Bimbo?


Are you or anyone else wondering about Sat Shaw's family? You know the one I talkin about,hmmm??? The one some butthead in the PPP knew who the killer was and did nothing about it, that's the one I talkin about.

You are back to the name calling I see. Should I make a name for you too? 


As they say, read the fine print. Ramjattan is the lawyer, he has to get his cut, 60% plus. The young killer will blow out that money in a month while the forgotten family of Ramenaught Bisram loss is forever. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by alena06:

6.5m is nothing compared to the emotional scars that this kid will endure for the rest of his life. 

The death of Ramenaught Bisram, who this "kid" set up, will go unpunished as the focus has been shifted to the torture. I see none of you people showing any empathy for the dead man's wife and children while this "kid" and Ramjattan rolling in 6.5M. 

 It will go unpunished not account of the kid if he is the killer but on account of sloppy police work. There is no option to torture as cruelly as these beasts did. That they remain unsanctioned is even worse than the unsolved murder.

We all find ways of justifying evil, you have used the torture and hatred for the PPP to justify the death of Ramenaught Bisram. All the emphasis was shifted to the teen and Ramenaught Bisram has been forgotten. Such is life. 


BGurd, show us the proof that the kid was the killer. I am not defending the kid and I'm not saying he's not, but for you to make the accusation, you need to show proof. Fact being the kid is out in the street, after being tortured, shows that hew didn't do anything. It is definitely grevious that Bisram is not alive to enjoy his loving family but you need proof to say for sure that the kid is the killer.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

BGurd, show us the proof that the kid was the killer. I am not defending the kid and I'm not saying he's not, but for you to make the accusation, you need to show proof. Fact being the kid is out in the street, after being tortured, shows that hew didn't do anything. It is definitely grevious that Bisram is not alive to enjoy his loving family but you need proof to say for sure that the kid is the killer.

After the police torture got blown up, the witnesses scattered. This kid was involved in the killing, he didn't do it himself. But the aFC boys made sure that him and his associates walked free. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

Read the name of this thread Bimbo, "Gov't pays tortured boy $6.5m RE: ......


Do you see any other names up there Mr Bimbo?


Are you or anyone else wondering about Sat Shaw's family? You know the one I talkin about,hmmm??? The one some butthead in the PPP knew who the killer was and did nothing about it, that's the one I talkin about.

You are back to the name calling I see. Should I make a name for you too? 


As they say, read the fine print. Ramjattan is the lawyer, he has to get his cut, 60% plus. The young killer will blow out that money in a month while the forgotten family of Ramenaught Bisram loss is forever. 

Dumb jackass why don't you show the proof that the tortured teen was the killer. Your bloody mouth is like an anus so you come on here and spew your poop. Get a life.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Dumb jackass why don't you show the proof that the tortured teen was the killer. Your bloody mouth is like an anus so you come on here and spew your poop. Get a life.

You are the dumb jackass as you used dem bai seh as your source of information. 

Go around and ask the residents of Canal who killed Ramenaught Bisram and they will enlighten you. You fools in the AFC/PNC have a history of supporting killers, rioters and rapers who help to destabilize the nation. Remember what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC/PNC.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by alena06:

6.5m is nothing compared to the emotional scars that this kid will endure for the rest of his life. 

The death of Ramenaught Bisram, who this "kid" set up, will go unpunished as the focus has been shifted to the torture. I see none of you people showing any empathy for the dead man's wife and children while this "kid" and Ramjattan rolling in 6.5M. 

 It will go unpunished not account of the kid if he is the killer but on account of sloppy police work. There is no option to torture as cruelly as these beasts did. That they remain unsanctioned is even worse than the unsolved murder.

We all find ways of justifying evil, you have used the torture and hatred for the PPP to justify the death of Ramenaught Bisram. All the emphasis was shifted to the teen and Ramenaught Bisram has been forgotten. Such is life. 

You may be in the business of justifying evil but not me. I do not hate the PPP. I detest evil in general and they are evil made manifest. I do not even know on what level of certainty were there evidence that this child knew of or participated in the death of anyone.


I do know however the rules in such instances in civilized societies is to presume the individual innocent and do due diligence to confirm the legal assumptions.


No where in that process is there accommodation for the kinds of barbarism these police inflicted on this child. They should never be released on any account. If they are still on the force, that is an abomination.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You may be in the business of justifying evil but not me. I do not hate the PPP. I detest evil in general and they are evil made manifest. I do not even know on what level of certainty were there evidence that this child knew of or participated in the death of anyone.


I do know however the rules in such instances in civilized societies is to presume the individual innocent and do due diligence to confirm the legal assumptions.


No where in that process is there accommodation for the kinds of barbarism these police inflicted on this child. They should never be released on any account. If they are still on the force, that is an abomination.

You are evil in that you ignore the death of Ramenaught Bisram and take up the cause of a murderer.  The killing of Ramenaught Bisram was more barbaric than the  torture endure by the young killer. We all chose our demons, you have chosen yours. 


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