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Govt. remains silent on Jagdeo’s benefits

June 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

By Abena Rockcliffe Questions as to the extent to which former President Bharrat Jagdeo has benefited from State resources have been

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

languishing on the National Assembly’s order paper since April, but government is yet to provide answers. Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman had cause yesterday to remind members of the House that all questions asked in the National Assembly must be answered in accordance with the Standing Orders. The Speaker said this as he urged the government to answer written questions posed by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament, Desmond Trotman. Trotman’s questions were directed to Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh and focused specifically on “the unlimited benefits being enjoyed by former President Jagdeo by the sweat of taxpayers”. The questions were published by the Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs since April 7, last. The answers were to be provided during the sitting prior to yesterday’s, but at that time, the House was told that the answers would be provided within 12 days. Trotman told the National Assembly yesterday that he did not receive the answers and that the 12- day extension previously sought had long elapsed. The Speaker agreed and told Isaacs to use his “good office” to “ensure that the Member’s questions are answered”. Minister Singh, who was present at the time, told the House nothing about why the questions weren’t answered. Trotman’s questions were along the line of the amount of monies paid so far for electricity for each month since Jagdeo demitted office in 2011 up to the end of February 2014. He also wants to know the total monthly health expenses/claims met for Jagdeo and his dependents during the aforementioned period. The Member of Parliament asked too about the cost of transportation (local and overseas) inclusive of cars bought, driver’s

APNU’s Desmond Trotman

APNU’s Desmond Trotman

salary, as well as air travel. The monthly cost for personal security and security for properties were also queried. Jagdeo is able to have all these benefits and more without any limitations based on an Act passed in 2009, during the life of the ninth Parliament. The Act ensured lifelong financial security for all former presidents. It has generated numerous debates and has been deemed “a robbery of the people of Guyana”. Parliament is now set to debate the Bill to remove those unlimited benefits even as the government has stated its objection. APNU Parliamentarian Carl Greenidge took a Bill to the House last year intituled Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Bill 2012 – Bill No. 29/2012. This Bill was passed by the majority, but President Donald Ramotar withheld his assent citing the Bill as unconstitutional. Greenidge’s contention which urged his piloting of the Bill was that the Act intituled Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act 2009 has given “unlimited” benefits to former Presidents while the resources of the State are unlimited. But government said this Bill was “extremely vindictive” and includes a level of small mindedness. Thus it was voted against. Assent to APNU’s Bill was a criterion for the passing of the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill. But President Ramotar has held out that he will not sign.

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