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Govt rethinks promised 13% hike

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Public servants salaries


…says any increase must be tied to productivity


Government seems more cautious about delivering the promised 13 per cent pay increase for public servants, saying now that any increase would have to be tied to productivity to stave off inflation.

However, it assured that the $2000 increase in Old Age Pension is almost certain and can be achieved in the 100-day plan the coalition had unveiled during the election campaign. The plan promised “significant pay increases for Government workers including: nurses, teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary education, security personnel and civil servants on the traditional payroll”.

According to a report by the Government Information Agency, Finance Minister Winston Jordan said as it relates to salary increases for public servants, Government would be “the first to admit that salaries are not where” they should be, but noted, “you have to have a plan about taking them where you want to be, it cannot be a one-shot thing”.

The Minister said that salaries should be a part of the compensation package, and that increases must also be premised on productivity increases otherwise “you are just going to a circle which is the easiest part, but then you thus encourage inflation, which will have an impact on competiveness and an overall impact on the country”.

Former Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

Former Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

He said that a salary increase is one of the issues on the Government’s front burner, but one that will be done in a sustainable manner. “I could give you 10 per cent today and by year-end, you probably give me back 11 per cent in taxes or more, so it has to be in a menu of measures that we have to look at to lift public servants who have stagnated over the years,” he said.

The Minister said that he knew for a fact the allowances for some public servants have not moved much in 20 years. “I understand people are getting $200 for meal allowance…” he noted.

In the lead-up to the May 11, 2015 elections, then Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh had warned that some of the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) promises were unrealistic, and had described them as “empty”. “This is nothing short of a blatant attempt to bribe voters and is a gross insult to the Guyanese people,” Dr Singh had said. What is worse, Dr Singh highlighted, is that the members of the APNU+AFC bloc have become notorious for inconsistency, offering a different set of “goodies” every time they speak.

In the lead-up to the 2011 General and Regional Elections, the AFC had promised a 20 per cent pay increase for public servants. Salaries and Old Age Pensions had seen steady and sustainable increases over the past 20 years under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration. In 1992, when the PPP/C took office, public servants were in receipt of $3137 as minimum wage. This increased to $23,204 by 2005. In 2009, there was a six per cent increase; 2010, five; 2011, eight, and in 2012 and 2013 respectively, five per cent. In 2014, workers earning below $50,000 were granted an eight per cent increase while those earning over that sum were granted five per cent.


Pension boost

However, Minister Jordan has assured that the pension boost that the APNU+AFC Government pledged during the election campaign as part of its 100-day plan will be delivered. The Government’s pledge was that pensioners will get $1968.25 or a 15 per cent hike in their pension, which currently stands at $13,125 per month. “We are going to make certain the pensioner gets at least what was in the 100-day agreement and I think it was $15,000. We are going to ensure that pensioners can get at least that,” the Finance Minister said.

He said too that his Ministry was also examining the other benefits that pensioners receive. “We won’t want to take away any benefit that pensioners have enjoyed over the past, but we want to look at the mechanisms; how it has been given out, because some people prefer to have the money in their hand and they make the choice.”

He added , “For example, if a subsidy for a pensioner on electricity works out to be about $1000 per month, and water, let us say is $500, some people would prefer you give the $1500 plus the regular pension and they’ll make the determination.”

He further explained “when you are putting a subsidy of let’s say $1000, you are assuming that for example the pensioner may burn one blub or two bulbs, have maybe a television of no more than so many wattages”.

He then raised the issue of the pensioner who did not have these. “Some people I know are happy to just have a radio, listen to a little death announcement and so on and then have their sleep. They prefer a different kind of leisure so they much prefer you give them the $1500,” he noted.

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Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Govt rethinks promised 13% hike

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Public servants salaries


…says any increase must be tied to productivity


Government seems more cautious about delivering the promised 13 per cent pay increase for public servants, saying now that any increase would have to be tied to productivity to stave off inflation.

However, it assured that the $2000 increase in Old Age Pension is almost certain and can be achieved in the 100-day plan the coalition had unveiled during the election campaign. The plan promised “significant pay increases for Government workers including: nurses, teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary education, security personnel and civil servants on the traditional payroll”.

According to a report by the Government Information Agency, Finance Minister Winston Jordan said as it relates to salary increases for public servants, Government would be “the first to admit that salaries are not where” they should be, but noted, “you have to have a plan about taking them where you want to be, it cannot be a one-shot thing”.

The Minister said that salaries should be a part of the compensation package, and that increases must also be premised on productivity increases otherwise “you are just going to a circle which is the easiest part, but then you thus encourage inflation, which will have an impact on competiveness and an overall impact on the country”.

Former Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

Former Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

He said that a salary increase is one of the issues on the Government’s front burner, but one that will be done in a sustainable manner. “I could give you 10 per cent today and by year-end, you probably give me back 11 per cent in taxes or more, so it has to be in a menu of measures that we have to look at to lift public servants who have stagnated over the years,” he said.

The Minister said that he knew for a fact the allowances for some public servants have not moved much in 20 years. “I understand people are getting $200 for meal allowance…” he noted.

In the lead-up to the May 11, 2015 elections, then Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh had warned that some of the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) promises were unrealistic, and had described them as “empty”. “This is nothing short of a blatant attempt to bribe voters and is a gross insult to the Guyanese people,” Dr Singh had said. What is worse, Dr Singh highlighted, is that the members of the APNU+AFC bloc have become notorious for inconsistency, offering a different set of “goodies” every time they speak.

In the lead-up to the 2011 General and Regional Elections, the AFC had promised a 20 per cent pay increase for public servants. Salaries and Old Age Pensions had seen steady and sustainable increases over the past 20 years under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration. In 1992, when the PPP/C took office, public servants were in receipt of $3137 as minimum wage. This increased to $23,204 by 2005. In 2009, there was a six per cent increase; 2010, five; 2011, eight, and in 2012 and 2013 respectively, five per cent. In 2014, workers earning below $50,000 were granted an eight per cent increase while those earning over that sum were granted five per cent.


Pension boost

However, Minister Jordan has assured that the pension boost that the APNU+AFC Government pledged during the election campaign as part of its 100-day plan will be delivered. The Government’s pledge was that pensioners will get $1968.25 or a 15 per cent hike in their pension, which currently stands at $13,125 per month. “We are going to make certain the pensioner gets at least what was in the 100-day agreement and I think it was $15,000. We are going to ensure that pensioners can get at least that,” the Finance Minister said.

He said too that his Ministry was also examining the other benefits that pensioners receive. “We won’t want to take away any benefit that pensioners have enjoyed over the past, but we want to look at the mechanisms; how it has been given out, because some people prefer to have the money in their hand and they make the choice.”

He added , “For example, if a subsidy for a pensioner on electricity works out to be about $1000 per month, and water, let us say is $500, some people would prefer you give the $1500 plus the regular pension and they’ll make the determination.”

He further explained “when you are putting a subsidy of let’s say $1000, you are assuming that for example the pensioner may burn one blub or two bulbs, have maybe a television of no more than so many wattages”.

He then raised the issue of the pensioner who did not have these. “Some people I know are happy to just have a radio, listen to a little death announcement and so on and then have their sleep. They prefer a different kind of leisure so they much prefer you give them the $1500,” he noted.

This was published in the Guyana Times owned by Jags and Bobby.


Not seen in any other newspapers.


Need verification first before any further comment.


Cannot trust the Guyana Times.  Guyana Times = Mirror Newspaper = PPP spin.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

How come in 1992 they were MO Fiah Slo Fiah and the Govt was forced to pay 300 PERCENT????????????????????????

Bai, dem people goa learn soon, brukking up and bunning down is easier then building and sustaining economic growth.


Is natt datt smartman flour bai seh "lil uptick" in inflation when I said it could be disruptive?


The Govt has to set economically sound targets and not run based on "marketing headlines".  The PNC will soon find they cannot make major overnight changes.  Let's wait and see how much and quickly they reduce the Bbce bridge tolls.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

How come in 1992 they were MO Fiah Slo Fiah and the Govt was forced to pay 300 PERCENT????????????????????????

Bai, dem people goa learn soon, brukking up and bunning down is easier then building and sustaining economic growth.


Is natt datt smartman flour bai seh "lil uptick" in inflation when I said it could be disruptive?


The Govt has to set economically sound targets and not run based on "marketing headlines".  The PNC will soon find they cannot make major overnight changes.  Let's wait and see how much and quickly they reduce the Bbce bridge tolls.

Talk is CHEAP and many FOOLS here on GNI fell for cheap talk.  What a Bunch of MORONS!!!!


The current Govt never anticipated that $Billions would be unaccounted for/stolen/wasted by the PPP Govt.


$Millions in GuySuCo debt

$325 wasted for Rodney Inquiries

$Millions wasted and unaccounted for cleanup

$Millions to reschedule CXC Exams

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gupta:

The current Govt never anticipated that $Billions would be unaccounted for/stolen/wasted by the PPP Govt.


$Millions in GuySuCo debt

$325 wasted for Rodney Inquiries

$Millions wasted and unaccounted for cleanup

$Millions to reschedule CXC Exams

What was their basis for the promised increase?

Originally Posted by Gupta:

The current Govt never anticipated that $Billions would be unaccounted for/stolen/wasted by the PPP Govt.


$Millions in GuySuCo debt

$325 wasted for Rodney Inquiries

$Millions wasted and unaccounted for cleanup

$Millions to reschedule CXC Exams

You need a brain to anticipate!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Govt promised 10%.  They better keep their promise.  No excuses.


Don't say things you don't mean.


Vote them in, vote them out.


It's a credibility issue.

Well, if they don't play ball with the PPP, the will have really tough time.  Looks like the Venezs will cause major delays in oil extraction.


Up to now I have not seen this article in the Kaiteur News or SN. Thus I cannot believe it since it came from the PPP Ragsheet.


But the Minista needs to set the record straight or else PPP thugs like Baseman "SWISS Police for him" will spin it out of control.


The Government cannot fulfill their promises.  They now learn that you cannot give increase without a tax hike or build industries.  They will have to create an atmosphere of trust before they can get people to invest in Guyana.  Remember criminals don't change..

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The Government cannot fulfill their promises.  They now learn that you cannot give increase without a tax hike or build industries.  They will have to create an atmosphere of trust before they can get people to invest in Guyana.  Remember criminals don't change..

What do difficult to do.  Pass the blasted budget, issue the instructions and print the checks.



The Governor of the Bank of Guyana will have to watch the money supply and its impact on inflation and so advise his Minister.


But make note, not only money supply influence inflation.


Plus, we have to cut back on the fiscal side but that comes with own set of troubles.


I sorry for this New Minista, Ashni left him with a basket and the new Government asking him for water.


What budget?  Their 100 days plan is a fake.  Their promises are empty. Their actions are threatening and that's what they best.   The PNC still has to give back or pay the PPP for the books they stole from Michael Forde bookshop.



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